You read that right.
I’m going to share the secrets to my success …
… and you also read those words in the parenthesis right too. My success secrets will be accompanied by pictures of my make-shift Spring “fantel” (a term I shamelessly ‘borrowed’ from this fabulous blogger).
So, about headline topic #1 …
Making money blogging is one of the most sought after topics in the blog world. The elusive topic. A closely guarded secret. Taboo, even, in some circles.
But as of yesterday, I can confidently say that I’ve made money blogging …
Yup, those ads on my sidebar have earned me some hard, cold cash …
… and my Pay Pal account no longer sports a zero balance …
… nope, it’s been fattened up a bit.
You see, yesterday as I was blogging and facebooking and emailing …
… I received an email message from Pay Pal telling me Lijit Media has deposited $26.66 into my account.
Uh huh. Double digits. And some change. I’m gonna get rich I tell ya!
But it gets even better …
… or perhaps I should say it gets even richer …
… because a few hours later I hear from Pay Pal again.
This time Rivit Media has deposited a whopping $6.24 into my account …
… and did I just hear a collective gasp of disbelief?
… some squeals of amazement?
… some cheering and whooping?
… and perhaps a few curses and damnation’s of green-eyed envy?
Update: I posted a part 2 on ‘how to make money blogging’ with specific deets and links here …
P.S. I shouldn’t have told this blogger about my windfall because now she expects me to buy her dinner at the Haven blogger conference in June …
… have I mentioned that I’m planning on attending? No? Well I’ll be there … Um, update, I won’t be there. Why, you ask? Because I’m the dummy who didn’t buy her ticket quickly enough and now the whole conference is sold out. Completely sold out.
P.P.S. Have you heard about the Mission: Possible challenge link parties? Here’s the year-long calendar …
… and here’s our second party linking up on May 29. This time we’re taking it outside. Click here or on the button below for more …

P.P.P.S. You can find out how I made those faux metal letters here …
… and now I’m linking up my Fantel here at my new blog friend’s Mantel parties …
… and at The DIY Showoff, A Bowl Full of Lemons, The Rooster & The Hen, Tatertots & Jello, Under the Table & Dreaming, Home Stories A to Z, Today’s Creative Blog, Between Naps on the Porch, Savvy Southern Style
… and you may also find me at some of these fabulous Blogger’s link parties found here …
Yay for double digits …I had a check from Google this week and lets just say it was MORE than healthy …and all from Google Ads, they seem to really work for me.
As a new blogger with zero ads and a zero balance at PayPal, I’d love your insights on how you got going. Any amount would be awesome for me! 🙂
applestonedrive at live dot com
Hahaha! Just imagine the kind of money you’d be making if you had thought of Kari’s dust bunny idea!! Congrats though, double digits is superb!
And great fantel…you sure know how to whip up something pretty!
Two thumbs up Miss Linda, i go back and forth thinking about monetizing! Although i’m not blogging much lately, writers block i think. Or maybe it’s more like selling your house stress! 🙁
Lets see, for some that $33 bucks would pay a water bill or part of it….. maybe buy some baby diapers….. for some a dinner out your treat at Haven…. and then of course $33 can go a long way at a garage sale! Right now for me the info I need is where does everyone get stencils from? I couldn’t find any big ones at Michaels, or Joann Fabrics and we don’t have Hobby Lobby here (at least I don’t think we do, I better check).
So how did you do it??? Please…share! 🙂
I love your happy little fantel! I hope you’re not thinking of taking all that cash and turning into a MANTEL. In other words, please don’t let the money change who you are.
Why didn’t you say you were buying dinner – that might just get me to go to Haven!
For 3 of us, I think you could take us to a number of swanky places (Wendy’s, McDonalds …)!
I just hope you earn more, because I will be at Haven too! Congrats on the money! Rarely do bloggers discuss dollar amounts =) I’ve always wanted to know!
I’m going to Haven, too! I’ll take a Happy Meal if you’re giving them out 🙂
You know, I really wish bloggers would talk money in specifics. I’d like to learn what’s possible, what’s probable, and how to start. We’re not even close to thinking about this yet, but (speaking of growing blogs) it would help us set some goals (and craft an action plan) if we knew what was possible and what it takes to get to possible.
So: I really appreciate you giving us some cold, hard numbers! Thanks!
Well with that kind of dough rolling in I think you need to spring for dinner at Haven for Vanessa and me as well…just tell us where you made reservations and we’ll be there….it is a place the requires reservations..right? 😉
WOO HOO! Congratulations, big timer!
So happy for you! I hope my “blogging 401K” starts to kick in pretty soon! Here’s to you and your cool blog!
Good for you Linda! However, I cannot see any ads at your sidebar. Did you check everything ok?
This post is hilarious. Love it.
Tip for you! I just went to Google AdSense one-on-one conference which was awesome because they went through my site and gave me tips.
I’m so not one of those bloggers who won’t share. Here is the biggest tip I can tell you: use all 3 ads allowed per page.
AdSense will allow 3 ads total, recommended spots: Leaderboard under your header. Square just under your about me (as far up as you can get it in the upper right hand corner) and one more in between content.
My guy said it caused one site a 40% increase. Hope that helps (: Kelli
Love the fantel and funny post!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower! 🙂
Wow congrats! Just came across your blog for the first time and am a new follower! Thanks for the tips! Can’t wait til that day comes for me, lol! 🙂
I love your fantel display. I have several unfinished birdhouses that you’ve inspired me to fix up, maybe with my Elmer’s glue crackle paint in white over grey? Love the sweet display you’ve done. As for money for blogging, I’ve found that good content and being very active on parties and comments brings back ad revenue. At this point, two years in, with a year blasted by breast cancer and chemo, I am getting my blog energy back and earning a bit over a dollar a day from my blog. Reliable income and growing monthly. Not earthshattering but getting better every month!
Good on you! That is really good to hear. I’ve had nothing yet from Lijit but I should probably go and check my account now you have reminded me!
Best wishes and happy blogging!
Natasha In Oz
Well, everyone has to start somewhere and at least you’ve started! I just put up my advertise page yesterday. I’m going to make the big jump and try to earn a little pocket change, too!
Congratulations! Now ai have to ask…. How do you start getting people to advertise on your blog? How do you find them? How do you know how much to charge them? by the month? I’m thinking that I might like to start….
LOL! I totally understand the thrill! I too received an email from Rivit letting me know I am now a professional blogger. $12.81 allows me to take a trip to the thrift store 🙂 Congrats on your fortune 🙂
Hooray for dirty money! 😉
You go girl! I’m rooting for you!
So how did you do it? I have adsense set up but no ads….what am I doing wrong?
Congrats on your earnings. I can see a nice family dinner from the $1 menu in store. You had me giggling while reading this post!
Congratulations on your new cash flow. I would love to add these to my blog. Where do you get the ads?
Your spring fantel is so cute.
Love your birdhouse vignette! I can see you have a wicked sense of humor too! Hey with your paypal windfall you could always buy a few things from Home Goods, Marshalls or T.J.Max to create some cute little vignettes for blog postings. I’m going to take a look around your blog because I like what I see a whole lot!
I love your fantel…I always love everything you do!
Love the fantal and congrats on making the moolah :)!
I hear the “money” song $$$ playing. lol
Thanks a bunch for linking up your fantel.
The birdhouses, flowers and the little burlap roses.
So Spring.
Beautiful mantel/fantel. Love the birdhouses. Stopping by from Fox Hollow Cottage’s Spring Mantel party.
I love the monochromatic color scheme of your mantel. The whites are so warm and the daisies add just the perfect spot of color. And the soft blues/grays blend seamlessly with the whites.
Sharon @ mrs. hines class