Sometimes I wonder what Martha Stewarts’s basement looks like …
Well, not present-day Martha with the empire and the Macy’s ads and the magazine and television shows. I’m pretty sure present-day empire Martha has the world’s most fabulous basement. With everything perfectly – and prettily – organized and labeled and tucked away out of sight. And I’m pretty sure her basement has a screening room and a game room and maybe even her very own Starbucks, just like Tommy Lee …
I’m talking about the basement of the Martha before the empire. When she was still starting out … building her brand … one craft at a time. I can’t help but wonder if that Martha … pre-empire-Martha … had a slightly disorganized basement space filled with seasonal craft projects.
Say, for example, I wonder if you visited pre-empire-Martha’s basement you would’ve stumbled across some fake roses that had been spray painted …
Spray painted flowers in Krylon’s metallic black in celebration of Halloween …
Spay painted with three-to-four coats of black metallic so they would become a permanent Halloween decoration …
… so she would never, ever be tempted to put them in a vase and display them on her coffee table.
After close to a year of blogging and crafting … and blogging about what I’m crafting … I’m beginning to gain a better understanding of what pre-empire-Martha’s basement may have looked like …
Filled with all her decorating faux pas desperately trying to get a new life with some spray paint… and maybe some glitter glue …
Now if I can just build my own empire so I can relegate all my crafts to a well-organized warehouse …
… after which I will begin drawing up plans for my very own basement Starbucks.
If you want even more basement-busting easy peasy craft ideas, some of my friends are sharing their projects here too …
… just click on the pictures for more.
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Can’t believe it’s time for cinchy again!
I love the It’s a Cinch posts! Oh, Martha would surely cringe at my mismatched corner in the garage, but I love it. I can get paint on the floor, glue on my desk, and glitter all over the rug, and nobody cares.
Love the roses and tin vases…so spooky and Halloweeny!
Love these roses…they are so very Elvira!!!….
these really are the perfect halloween flower …and what about the pre-basement Martha?
I have spray paint on my list, and I don’t even know what color or what I’m making. Or when I’m gonna have time. But gosh darn it, I bet in the depths of my basement helll there is something that can be revitalized with spray paint a’la Martha.
You did Martha proud!
AWESOME!!!!! Perfect bouquet for Morticia!!!! : ) If Gomez had spray paint he might have actually left the flower on the thorn branch : ) You have created the perfect Halloween decoration…this praise has been brought to you by the Addams…HUG!!!! ps…Martha WHO???
Fun and spooky with some elegance tossed in. Love it,
I once had such roses myself, the year my daughter was a dead bride for Halloween. Love the wonders of spray paint! 🙂
I’ve never heard of black metallic spray paint! (but I have heard of spray chalkboard paint, so I’m one up on K!!) Cool look!
I HAVE! I got my paint too… I just need a willing victim now 😉
Awesome post and great crafty cinchy idea.
That’s quite a bouquet of flowers. I would not have thought to spray paint my flowers black before. I have some fake flowers and all they are coated with is dust :).
Ok..this might not be appropriate but somehow I misread the beginning of your post and I thought it said “have you ever wondered what Martha’s boobs look like?” I thought…what is Linda up to now??!! It’s been a long day 🙂
Those flowers look amazing! I’ve been wanting to do something similar but wasn’t sure what kind of spray paint to use. You’re not a mind reader are you? Because you have just answered all my questions and everything I ever wanted to know about black roses….Krylon metallic black you say. I’m going to be all over this tomorrow! Thanks for the great post!!
I never thought to spray paint old silk flowers – that’s a great idea! I was going to ship all mine off to the Salvation Army, but maybe I’ll hang onto a few of them and give the spray painting thing a whirl 🙂
This is such a great idea. I’ll never look at ugly mauve silk roses at yard sales the same way again!
Of course — spray paint fake roses!! I’m all in for a basement Starbucks… shoot, I’d probably never leave home again!
xo Heidi
Such a cute idea! I wish I had some fake flowers left. I got rid of them in a fit of cleaning out my craft supplies next year. Ugh, I hate when I clean out, then one year later have an idea of something for something I got rid of!!!
That looks great! I will have to try this 🙂
Love the roses! Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse