I need your help.
Serious help.
Can someone please tell me why I walked out of the thrift store …
I wasn’t looking for fish on sticks when I entered. It most certainly wasn’t on the list. But I threw that list to the wind and scooped up two of the world’s ugliest fish …
It’s not like I’m some fish fan.
Quite the opposite.
First, there’s the master bedroom redesign pressure. It needs to move forward. And it needs some “stuff” … you know, accessory “stuff” …
Though you can be sure they WILL NOT be placed on the beside table. I mean, who wants to roll over and open their eyes in the morning to see this …
… staring back at them.
You see, the Mission Possible gals and I have our next link party on July 31. And this month’s theme is “Crazy for Color” …
A color that would be a fun ‘pop’ in my planned blue-and-brown room design …
Red? Lime green? Bright orange?
… in the end I may just throw those two fish on sticks back into the fish stick sea.
P.S. The fish on sticks are creeping the kids out too … and I have to say, I can’t blame them.
I saw who brought those in to the thrift place. It was the Gorton’s guy. He came in with Mrs. T., who brought her pierogies on a stick. Sorry you missed those; they were scoffed right up.
oh i think they are fun! on a summer mantle they would be perfect and you can paint htem a solid color so the faces don’t scare you with their fish eyes.
How funny! Wish I had a dime for every time I walked out of the thrift store with something crazy! I would be tempted to paint them orange…ombre style!
I passed up on a thrifted fish yesterday. It was one of those plastic ones that springs off the wall and talks to you. Your fish aren’t nearly as classy.
No seriously–they will be awesome painted a bright glossy color!
Oooh I like them Linda – but I would paint them charcoal or even brown first then a coat of white and distress them down the the grey or brown…..Or teal or turquoise……Good luck xxx Nat
So this is not a tale of the one that got away. I rather like them, so I vote bright orange. Or maybe you can remove them from their sticks and dip them in ketchup. I see possibilities.
Hmmm…slightly creepy, but I say red…we all know I like RED!
Yes it is now clearly evident I spent far too many of my young adult formative years as a preschool teacher… all I think of is ….. One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish! i know, i know….
And I can see that Amy-while wearing heels and I share the same sense of humor… (read head down, shaking from side to side…)
I think they are kinda cute! Although I’m not sure I’d turn my back on them for any length of time. Maybe after you paint them a solid color you could do a “Herringbone” design?
Hmmm…I’m thinking the problem is the sticks. Sticks and fish were just never meant to be together. The sticks are all modern-minimalist and the fish themselves are all rustic cabin. Maybe they just need to be released from the sticks?
I like them the way they are! But then again, I live in the Adirondacks of New York, and the “rustic chic” look gets pushed around here. I can’t wait to see what you do with your fish sticks!
I LOVE them and I don’t have a single “fishy” thing in my home but I may have grabbed them as well. I wouldn’t paint them — they go perfectly with MY living room so if you change your mind, let me know! LOL
I agree with Jennifer, they are nice just the way they are except I agree with Rita that the sticks need to go. What about attaching a piece of fish net to them and hang them on the wall? I bought a striped wooden cat once that was black and a golden color and my family thought I was nuts but the quirkyness of it apealed to me.—– Shannon
I think they are AWESOME! Just live with them for awhile as they are. What to do to them will come to you over time. What a great conversation piece!
It must be the ex-teacher in me, but I can see the sticks gone and fish hanging from the classroom ceiling, swimming (or a least swinging) merrily about.
Oh the night mares… I’ve had a few of those myself..with FISH. Even.
YOU SAID: If my fish sticks haven’t fully creeped you out, let’s keep in touch …
this is me…keeping in touch. Helping a girl out. letting you know you’re not alone in your crazy fish stories!
…living with the fishy- Pat
Gotta love it. I once heard everything is better on a stick, but they may have been talking about fair food. So I guess it doesn’t count.
I’ll bet you can make them fun!
I used to have a fish bathroom when I was in college! I can send you some fish vinyl, fish towels, fish soap…for the kids bathroom
I am sure a little paint can do miracle!
If you want to get rid of the fish….I want them!!!! I love the fish. Seriously, can I have them?
Ditto what everyone else said. I like ’em!
Linda I love those fish! I always say that I think I was a fish in a past life. Something about the shape of a fish intrigues me… I love all kinds of fish and I love yours!
Oh, my hilarious! These will be great conversation pieces for years to come!
I love those fish just the way they are!!! They are ADORABLE! I want to know what thrift store you go to.
i think you should finish them so they look like FISH STICKS. kids might get a kick out of them then.
I wouldn’t let them be…they need paint! I would go with a bright color of turquoise. I do like them but wouldn’t want to awake up next to them. Set them across the room.
I happen to like your fish sticks Linda! But since you’re going to paint them over I would vote for the lime green or orange.
Keep! AS IS! They are awesome!
I would have snapped those up myself for my sun porch table centerpiece!
You bought them to remind you to “just keep swimming”!!!
These turned out great! the color is awesome~
keep in touch
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Um I actually like them as is… don’t have a clue what I’d do with them. Why don’t you try them in your porch? on the floor maybe. in a corner. out of sight… j/k! No I do like them!
Lol! Great post! I’m a big Mahi Mahi fan, too, and for the same reason.
I think these fish have a lot of design potential. If you’re trying to make them more sleek and sophisticated to go with the green and brown bedroom, I’d suggest the lime green pop of color you mentioned.
Another option would be to get really funky with them. You could glue rhinestones or jewels on them, for example. I’ve seen some interesting ones where people wrap them in slightly creased/wrinkled tinfoil which gives a cool effect. If you wanted to be cheeky, you could get a picture of farmland and decoupage it onto the fish (get it? Fish on a farm or in a field? Ironic, yes?).
Either way, excited to see what you come up with! Following back from the blog hop.
I DO like them, but my suggestion isn’t much help for the Crazy Color party – I’d do metallic gold or distressed white.
Hahaha… I happen to like your fish on sticks! As they are!
I love these fish sticks! Do you think anyone has EVER gone to the thrift store looking for fish on sticks? And if you did, the chances of you finding them would be NIL. But I’m glad you did, and I LOVE the idea to paint them something fun and bright!
Hmmm, I happen to love these fish! Great find
I’d leave them as is… and find a perfect spot in my fun eclectic house. Wanna send them over?!?!?
Oh they are way too cute for real! At least if you put them on your nightstand you could wake up to those smiles every morning;) What a way to start the day. They really are cute and I tend to stay on the safe side so I would suggest blue or silver rub&buff but I also think the lime green would look great too. I can’t wait to see what you do with them:)
I’m with Natalie @ NorthShoreDays… charcoal, a coat of white and distressing them down would be awesome, but for that pop of colour you mentioned, turquoise came to my mind, too. Even a cobalt blue with metallic accents… I’m late to this post, so maybe you’ve already sent the fish swimming back up stream!