I was never an inspirational poster kind of gal.
You know the ones? The ones filling the pages of Skylink magazine? The ones with a guy standing on top of a mountain surrounded by snow capped peaks with the words “Achievement: It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Or the gorgeous shot of a lake. Reflected in it’s cool, crystal clear surface is the sky and the clouds and a mountain range. Greatness. And it tells us that “Great work is done by people who are not afraid to be great.”
But then this non-inspirational poster gal discovered the Ryan Gosling “Hey girl” posters. They’re all over Pinterest. And they speak directly to my diy-loving heart …
And in case you were ever wavering about that chalkboard wall …
So when a few of my favorite bloggers announced a “Hey girl” link party in celebration of Valentine’s Day, I couldn’t resist getting in on the act.
You see, we’re all “outing” our significant others. Or pets. Or maybe both. Though, mine has already been “outed” on the blog. In fact, he’s a frequent contributor …
But I figured we’re going to clean up at that there linky party. You see, my significant other is a ringer for a young Ryan Gosling …
Well, he was back in 1976.
Though, I think he looked better than Mr. Gosling. And so does this blogger. And clearly my husband thinks so too …
So I thought I’d come up with a few inspirational posters featuring my very own Ryan Gosling-looks-better-than-alike man. You know, to boost my diy-ing spirits …
And support my dining room and living room remodeling plans …
And for Valentine’s Day, he can forget the flowers and candy …
Get it all started with paint delivered to your email inbox:

Linking up:
* Bliss Ranch * View Along the Way * Decor and the Dog *
LOL, can I help you caulk! awesome!
Linda, you are too, too funny! Love those posters, both the actual Ryan Gosling and the look-alikes! 🙂
Oh. Em. Gee. Those are great! (ANd he was a cutie.) You should see mine. Are we supposed to put them up now? I have it ready.
YESSS!! I laughed out at the chalkboard tags. HI-larious! Now I am SO pumped and excited for Thursday!
LOL Linda so cute!
hahahahahahaha sooooo funny! I love it! (the “can I help you caulk” is the best one)
Happy Saturday!
hahaha Oh, Linda, you’re the best!
Hahaha! Yes this is amazing! That hubs of yours sure was handsome! 😉
These are great! I wholeheartedly agree the last one is the best! 🙂
So funny! I love these Hey Girls what a great idea for a link up!
such a cute post, linda!
Holy hottness! That’s all I can say girl!
Lol — I think the last one is my favorite. Handsome fella!
xo Heidi
🙂 LOVE it! Especially that last one heehee! I just know my hubby is gonna be delighted to sit for a photo shoot for me but I really wanna do this too – I’m thinking along these lines – Hey girl, now that I think about it, that cupboard would look lovely painted white! LOL!
Love this! I’ve had a hey girl Pinterest page for a while now (entitled Blog Girl’s Dream). Your husband sure is a cutie!
Hahahahaha! I LOVE this! I thought it was a young Ryan Gosling….you are extraordinarily blessed!
Have a great day rock star!
🙂 me
Those are flippin’ hysterical! I really need to do a few of my husband and post them around my craft room (my man is AWESOME, but he doesn’t really do compliments).
So funny! He does look just like him!
OMG, he really does look similar to RyanG.
I love the caulk one 🙂
I’m glad someone appreciates chalk board tags. 😛 Too funny. Thanks for joining the link party!
‘can i help you caulk’ HAHAHAHA, and he really is a dead ringer!!!
A hahahaha. You are so funny. He definitely looks way better than Ryan G. Score, girl!
Awesome!!! I love them! And you’re right, he’s much cuter than Ryan!
Having a blast checking out all the shares at this party!
Debbie 🙂
True love is caulking together!
Very good looking guy you have there!!! MUCH better looking than Ryan…too tell the truth, Ryan is a little to scraggly for my taste in men. Thanks for sharing your funny memes at the par=tay!
Hey Girl he’s cuter than Ryan 🙂 and anyone that offers to caulk is a keeper!
Hey girl – so enjoyed this round-up of posters!
Lol, can I help you caulk…love it! And your right, your hubby was a total stud…and so supportive!
Thanks for linking up!
I love it. What a cutie!
the caulk one made me crack up- my husband and i always make raunchy jokes when we are caulking. the fun just never ends when you diy it, does it?
Yours are so, so cute! 😀 I love the one about the owl….that’s hysterical. I hadn’t seen that one. And the caulk gun rings true around here!
Linking from Bliss Ranch,
Ricki Jill
Gotta love a man that wants to help you caulk! lol
OK – can I help you caulk is the best on yet lmao!!!
Great post!
This is one of the best parties I’ve ever participated in!
Have a wonderful weekend ( with your wonderful man)
These are awesome! Your hubs looks like Zac Efron back in the day! Too funny! xo Kristin
these are so good. love them. ~ tammy
your one lucky woman!!! 🙂
Ok, I think this is one of the best “Hey Girl” that I have seen yet. You havevRyan Gosling beat hands down.