That ‘how to style a cabinet top’ headline makes me sound like I know what I’m doing. Like I’m an authority on the subject …
like I will impart some pithy advice.
The real title of this post should be ‘I-don’t-know-what-in-the-world-to-put-on-top-of-the-armoire-in-my-living-room-so-here’s-what-I-did-to-try-and-figure-it-out ..’
Yes, that title is way too long. Even though it’s true …
because that is exactly what this post is about.
I have tremendous admiration for people who can just whip up a stunning and effortless vignette. On a side table. On a kitchen counter. On the top of an armoire or cabinet …
but that is not me.
Would you believe me if I told you it took me a full week to figure out what to put atop my armoire?
One. Full. Week.
Thankfully there is Google Image Search. And Pinterest …
Where I pinned ideas for how to dress up the top of my armoire. Like this one …
And this one …
Oh, and the clearly-in-the-end-I-shamelessly-tried-to-recreate this one …
from Betsy Speert. Who is AWESOME!
She’s actually a real, live, credentialed designer.
So you can’t really blame me me for trying to recreate her amazing creation?
Thanks Betsy Speert!
I’m loving the top of my armoire …
You can find more of my navy and white living room remodel here …
and here ….
P.S. I’m giving away a $100 Amazon Gift Card. Just click here to enter …
I had to laugh at this because this is SO ME TOOOO!!! I can’t create a vignette to save my life! Plus, I have a problem just buying “stuff” to have “stuff” somewhere…. :o/
Beautiful! I am recuperating after back surgery with nothing much else to do than watch TV and learn how to use the iPad my Mom gave me. Lying flat on my back is so boring, but it has given me chance to learn how to better navigate Pinterest. Really glad because I am finding lots of creative, fun stuff. I love the way you decorated the top of your armoire! Very pretty AND practical. I’m looking forward to getting out of this bed soon so I can play with the tops of a couple of my armoires using your guidance!
Happy New Year to you and yours!
I hope you feel better soon! I couldn’t imagine having to lie there and do nothing! But thank you for your lovely comment. And here’s hoping your up and at it soon so you can get thos tops of armoires all pretty and decorated! 🙂 Linda
Sometimes less is more also
My problem is that the entire top of my cabinet is curved, not just the front trim. Any ideas?