It was two years ago this week that I started blogging.
On one hand, it feels like time has flown by. And on the other …?
On the other it feels like I’ve been blogging forever …
and ever.
The funny thing is that so much has changed since then. While other things have … well … simply stood still.
Like my master bedroom redesign …
You see, in those early days of blogging I was invited by an amazing group of bloggers (many of whom were new to blogging, just like me) to participated in an Imagine the Impossibilities Challenge. Some of you may remember …
The idea was to tackle something that you feared. That you avoided. That left you paralyzed.
So I chose painting the vaulted ceiling in my master bedroom …
A project I absolutely viewed as an impossibility. A project in which I had no confidence. A project I was convinced needed a professional. And a project I put on the backburner because hiring a professional painter wasn’t in the immediate – or long term — budget.
But I threw down the gauntlet. And decided to give it the old college try …
So me and my pole painted that vaulted ceiling. It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t pleasant. But I did it!
And somewhere along the way I decided I wouldn’t take that blue paint down to the baseboards. That I would create some type of interesting wall treatment – board and batten or beadboard wallpaper – along the bottom of the walls.
And that’s where things in the master bedroom came to a screeching halt …
a screeching half that has lasted for close to two years!
It’s time to rectify this embarrassing situation.
I have the paint. I have most of the fabric. My new rug was delivered a few weeks ago …
and I have a self-imposed deadline.
This impossibility will become a bona fide finished possibility before November ends …
pinky swear!
Yahoo!! So glad I was able to get onto your blog! Can’t wait to see your re-do!
I remember the imagine the impossibilities challenge!! Can’t wait to see how the master bedroom turns out … two years in the making it is bound to be fabulous!!