I’m throwing down the gauntlet.
Yes, you read that right … the gauntlet …
… and inviting … well, considering the whole gauntlet thing, more like challenging … you, my dear readers … to join us in our “Imagine the Impossibilities” challenge …
And what is it, you may ask?
At it’s core is the concept of starting off the new year by tackling the challenge that challenges you the most …
You know, the one that’s been holding you back from moving forward …. that thing there in the back of your head … nagging, nagging, nagging …
… the one that you may think you need to call in the big guns – the professionals – but in truth, you can really do it all by yourself …
Because, really, if you can kick off the first month of this brand new year by tackling — and conquering — the project you fear the most, then the rest of 2012 should be a piece of cake ….
… it eventually would all come down to a question of time .. and finances .., and fear …
Yes. You read that right … fear …
… and this project …
… elicits the greatest fear. Bone chilling, spine tingling fear …
And in my mind’s eye, this project …
… painting the master bedroom. Or — more specifically — the vaulted ceiling in the master bedroom was going to be pushed back to 2013 at the earliest. And maybe even 2014?
It’s been holding me back from redecorating our master bedroom for years …four full years, to be more precise …
But no longer will I succumb to fear …
I’m throwing down the gauntlet … I’m going to “Imagine the Impossibilities” … and I’m going to paint that vaulted ceiling. All by myself. No professional help needed …
Though, I could use your help. And support. And (did I mention that whole gauntlet thing?) I’m challenging you, dear reader, to join me and my fellow blog friends to ….

… “Imagine the Impossibilities” with us …
Here’s what you need to do …
(1) Post your “Impossible” in the comments section.
(2) Grab an “Impossible” button from the sidebar.
(3) Follow along each week as we all post about our progress and feature some “Impossible projects.”
(4) Join us on January 31, for a giant linky party at all six blogs so we can all share our “Impossibles.”
I will be posting my “Impossible” along with my blog support group:
like in this post here …
…and lessons learned …
And go ahead and grab the button …

And make sure to click here for updates on my progress and features on those who have joined in on the fun!

I’ve linked up:
I can’t wait to see how your vaulted ceiling comes out. I am so looking forward to getting started on my gallery wall. What a great idea and fun challenge!
Hi Linda- My impossible is to build the chunky mantel that is in the Pottery Barn catalog. I made a smaller version and well it is too small.
Dusting off the power tools and moving the reindeer and snowman out of the way! Great idea! laura@imnotatrophywife.com
Hi Linda- is there a code to post the challenge button? laura@imnotatrophywife.com
That vaulted ceiling looks tough! But, I’m sure you can do it! I’ll be linking to your party….I just need to figure out WHICH impossible project I’ll be tackling!
I want lots of pictures of you swinging from a chandelier while you are trying to reach the uppermost corners of that room! You can do it!
my impossible has been on my to do list for awhile. It’s just to do something with the extra entertainment center we have. I see all these cute projects and think mine will NEVER be that cute. So I don’t try. But…I think I will. 🙂
That seems like a fabulous way to start off the new year – good luck!
wow my friend! that is some feat! can’t wait to see the final results! how exciting! you know i will be watching for the BIG REVEAL!!!! sending tons of supportive hugs!!!!
Cool idea. Bust out those long poles and get that ceiling gussied up. I have a long list of my own…now I just need to do it.
Thanks for visiting my blog and telling me about the party. I’ll be there or be square… I know, corny but I couldn’t help it.
I am trying to make letters for my kitchen that read ‘gather’ out of rusted metal banding. It is beautiful and the letters will look amazing, but it is proving to be very difficult to work with!
Catherine, please email me at itallstartedpaint@gmail.com so we can put you on our reminder list.
And so that I can have my blog friends stop by…
So happy you are participating!
I too have the same no paint master bedroom for 10 years! My husband has been bugging me to paint it, but I just haven’t been to find the right color and if I do, will I love it or hate it?!?!? Plus our master also has a vaulted ceilings, should those be painted too? I can’t wait to see your reveal! Lots of luck and hugs 🙂
Linda, my first impossibility is painting my kitchen cabinets white, and my second is painting my master bath, bedroom, and sitting area. The bedroom is vaulted just like yours and I don’t even have a ladder tall enough to get up there yet!
Right now, my plan includes a really, really long extension pole! I forgot to mention that I’m afraid of heights!!!!!
Wow, what a great challenge! Count me in! My impossibility is building our fireplace. First goal was to have it done for Xmas, my husband had to have surgery in November though so it was put on hold…. for years 6 to be exact money was the hold up…not knowing how to tackle the project as a DIY…. my husband wanted to hire someone, I know we would spend a ton more if we did that. Anyhow I bought the firebox in the fall.. its still wrapped in plastic in my living room! Got my husband on board, bought lumber to frame up the wall yesterday! Hoping to actually start it this week!
I LOVE this idea!!! Count me in for sure!! Maybe I need to start a blog so that I will get more of my projects completed…. I have a never ending list but one at a time I always tell myself. I love hosting parties….it MAKES me get my projects done so I can show them off. I will say MY IMPOSSIBILITIES are to paint a few furniture pieces….And to learn how to bake bread and cinnamon rolls like my mother in law. I can’t wait to see how everyone does!!!
What a fun idea. I am finally (FINALLY) going to get pictures/art and knick knacks framed and winnow my “empty frame” collection down to 5 or fewer frames. OH and (overachiever who accomplishes nothing…I know) I am going to sew something for goodness sakes. On my sewing machine.
Bernadette @ http://www.b3hd.blogspot.com
OK, My foyer…impossibly high ceilings and walls… bare walls in dire need of family photos…ugly staircase railing…front doors need painting…yep I’m gonna do it!
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Love this idea! I’m tackling my laundry area which is functional,but has been decoratively neglected. It’s just too easy to close the door and put off any beautification. Can’t wait to get started!
Wait a minute, this actually requires planning doesn’t it…I’m in trouble. Actually, now that I think about it my backyard is a bit overwhelming. I’m having troubles committing to it, but it’s got to be done. Once the weather warms up, I’m on it. Thanks for the kick in the butt!
Oh I definitely want to join up! Thanks for visiting my blog and inviting me! I have 2 giant projects this year–a very outdated family bathroom that needs a complete overhaul…and a 1960’s kitchen with a dollop of ’70’s and 80’s thrown in, that is getting completely redone this summer. To keep my sanity I’ll focus on the bathroom first. I need to survive THAT before I begin the kitchen nightmare.
I’d love to join the party! I have a very brown dining room I’m tackling this month, it’s just the motivation I need. I’m hoping to paint and we’ll see what else I come up with! Thanks!
Ok Ok, twist my arm. I have a guest room that is drab. Needs furniture spruce up, wall paint or molding, bedding, curtains, whole nine yards. I’ve ignored it far too long. You think I have enough time? Hehe.
I’m making over my kitchen pantry. I had already planned to organize it, but your challenge has inspired me to not only organize it, but make it the pantry I’ve always wanted! Excited to see how everyone does!
~Jess @ makingoverthemartins.blogspot.com
Thank you so much for the challenge. I had to sleep in it to decide what my impossibility would be. I am going to build something useful. I got a Kregg Jig for my birthday, in July and it’s still in the box. I want to build something from start to finish without help from my husband. I’m thinking a sofa table….
I want to learn to knit with beading!! I am so excited about watching and commiting to this challenge! Glad to have found you and I’ll be following along! blessings ~ tanna
Hands down that is a project. But I think your right tackle that and the rest is a piece of cake.
Oh my goodness!!! I would be frightened to death to paint something like that. I do NOT like heights!!! Good luck on doing it, I will throw my support behind you. As they used to say “You go girl!”
Hugs, Cindy
This really gives me no excuse not to at least try to recover the glider in our nursery. I’ve never done anything like that before but I did get a sewing machine for my birthday last year and this would be a great way to learn how to use it!! I’ll be following along.
And, FWIW, I totally think painting your bedroom is do-able, although I know exactly what you mean – we had cathedral ceilings in our old living room and I put off painting it the entire time we lived there!
Hi Linda ~
Sounds like a GREAT
challenge! I have a
looong list for 2012,
too, so it shouldn’t
be hard for me to
link up a few…..
I also want to paint
the vaulted ceiling in
our MBR, but I’m going
to let YOU do it, first!
xx Suzanne
Ok, that ceiling is seriously intimidating! Safety first…I am thinking bike helmet, knee pads and some rappelling equipment!
The project I thought I would do really pales in comparison, but I will come up with something for this fabulous party. Meanwhile, I wish you good luck!
I’m all in! And this is my challenge: http://apartmentthriftychic.blogspot.com/2012/01/imagine-impossibilities-challenge.html
I love this, thanks for hosting!
Hi Linda, Thank you so much for inviting me to your challenge! I will be making a dress… a garment that I will actually put on my body!! Can’t wait to see what everyone does. I love that palette wall! Cheers! Anna http://awarmhome.blogspot.com/2012/01/imagine-impossibilities.html
Ok I have had a long think, and I’m finally going to take up the challenge. I’ve just posted about it @justpaintitwhite.blogspot.com
You Go, Ladies! I am going to try to get through menopause alive.
Im in! My impossible will be painting our kitchen cabinets! Ill be getting started this weekend!
Update on my impossibility! It’s in progress!
What a great challenge! My first project for the year is our master bedroom and because I broke my leg just before Christmas, we are having to hire out the painting of the room. To offset that expense, my impossible project is going to be painting the nighstands/chests…not a difficult thing really, but certainly a challenge on one leg!
O.K. I finally decided what my impossibilities project will be…I’ll be tackling a board and batten project on my own. 🙂
I look forward to seeing the end result! I have 2 challenges this year. One is to re-paint my kitchen table (which isn’t a super hard task, but I am going out of my comfort zone with color and going to try making my own chalk paint) the other is to paint our kitchen cabinets (before I do this, I need to convince my landlord that it is a great idea though).
Hi Linda! I’m so excited about this challenge, what a great idea! That vaulted ceiling sure looks high, but I know it’ll turn out great 🙂 Can’t wait to see the progress each week!
Katie, the vaulted ceiling is all I see each and every time I walk in that room. If something was on the floor in front of me, I would trip right over it!
So glad you’re in on the fun. If you’ve posted a post about it, send me the link so I can feature you this weekend.
Hi Linda,
My impossible is to revamp my 1948 laundry room!
What a fun challenge to get everyone into gear!
@ Creatively Living
Amy, excellent! So happy to have you on board!
Thanks for inviting to the ‘challenge’! I believe I will post about my craft room and getting it organized. It will be much easier than that vaulted ceiling of yours, although I have several of those in my house as well! Blessings from Bama!
I’m linking my homeless home office. It’s almost done!
I just might make the “deadline” for my guest room. Maybe, just maybe. I’ll post the challenge on my sidebar. I think I can, I think I can….:)
I just completed (maybe not complete yet, still have some tweeks!) my challenge and really want to boast about it! What a great place to show off!
thanks so much.
I just completed my challenge this afternoon. Starting Jan 1, I purged, organized, and deep cleaned my entire house. I am talking attic, garage, and all closets! All while planning and executing my 4 year old’s birthday party. This afternoon I painstakingly went through the house and touched up scuffs, cracks, and spots with paint. I am exhausted! Thank you for hosting the challenge, what a good idea!
Linda, I am responding to your commented on my blog about this great project. Thx for making me aware of it. WOW, is all I can say about tackling your bedroom and it’s vaulted ceiling. As I mentioned in my post, my daunting project is completing my 3rd floor bedroom/office by January 28th for company….too much to do but hoping to get it done. I’ve linked up your button in the post. Heather
PS. Your newest follower. Thx for being mine!!!
Changed my mind about the guest room. I’m at a loss but decided to complete my guest room. It’s been a long time coming but we are almost there. You motivated me to sew table skirts and organize the mess. Now to find fabric for a valance…….thanks for the kick in the pants. 🙂
Ok, I totally did it! My dining room blah-chandy that was hung at hillbilly height was taunting me- day in and day out. “Look at me! I’m icky and all wrong for you!” It was like a college date flashback! I was fearing the electrical aspect of changing it so I faced the music…called in a pal to help me and we swapped ugly for fabulous! See you at the par-taay!
Kerry at HouseTalkN
Hey Linda…Thanks for the invite to your link party! I am having a hard time deciding between my master bedroom makeover or laundry closet makeover. Either way they are a task I am anxious to finish! See you next week at the party!
Check out my “impossible” here http://www.413sparrowlane.com/2012/01/accountability-people.html I am excited to join in, because it is exactly what I need! Some motivation!
Follow Me!
OK here was my impossible, http://theshabbychick.blogspot.com/2012/01/my-new-laundry-room-reveal.html I sure hope AI am doing this right. Thanks for hosting this great link party…Have a great week
Thanks for the invite Linda, I can’t wait to see how your ceiling turns out! I’ve had a hard time trying to figure out my “impossible” but I think this is the perfect excuse to finally unpack everything in our house (living here almost 5 months) doing a deep clean, organize everything, and finally get pictures up on the walls. And depending on how adventurous I get, I might even paint my rug that’s been nagging me everytime I walk into my living room. Anyways, you can read all about it here.
Thanks for the invite!
I resisted at first, but I’m giving in and taking up the challenge. I’m tackling my living room at long last which means I am picking a direction for my whole house remodel. Seriously a big step for me.
Thanks for the deadline. I needed it.
Eldarose from http://re-inventedstyle.blogspot.com
Woohoo! I just recently finished one of my impossible tasks, faux painting a hideous floor. http://postcardsfromtheridge-angela.blogspot.com/2012/01/diy-faux-painted-tile-floor-aka-just.html I’ll link up on the 31st. Thanks for hosting the party. I just found your blog and am now following.
Hi Linda from another Linda,
My impossibility was to repair drip irrigation tubing. I thought you had to have a license or a degree to do that. Not as daunting as a vaulted ceiling (are you using scaffolding?? the longest extension poles in the world??). Check out my progress at http://fingersindirt.blogspot.com/2012/01/mission-accomplished.html I’m so happy to be connecting with you and the other blog support team.
I’ve added another item to my “3rd Floor Bedroom/Office makeover”. Come over and take a look….