The chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream fell out of the freezer and landed at my feet.
I think it misses me.
Admittedly (with a few pats on my back) I haven’t visited that shelf in the freezer for weeks. Twelve pounds ago, to be exact.
Turns out, my plan to make some changes are finally taking hold. Starting with my physical form.
And those changes are still being made. But 12 pounds is a good start …
You may have noticed a few changes around the blog too. Since dropping those 12 pounds, I thought it might be time to update my blog ‘wardrobe’ as well …
The biggest changes, though, will be taking place around the house. The injured finger is on the mend. Not perfect. But functional. So I’m ready to wield my nail gun once again … and get that living room remodel completed. Because I’m already plotting out the family room redesign …
But not all changes need to be complicated. Or involve power tools. Take this easy colorful centerpiece idea …
It’s so super easy that my supply list only includes three items:
1. Food coloring
2. Vases (I used stem-less wine glasses from my china cabinet)
3. Flowers
That’s it.
Just add the food coloring to water. I used a measuring cup to mix it up first …
There’s no dye-to-water formula to follow. Start with one drop of food coloring. Mix it up. Add more water and/or food coloring until you get the hue you desire …
Then pour the food-colored water into your vases … in my case, wine glasses … and add flowers.
Voila …
… you’ve created a super easy colorful centerpiece to adorn your table! In fact, this project is so easy you can even enlist the kids to help out.
Oh, and I’m curious to know what you think about my new look …
* This project first appeared on i heart naptime *
Is this healthy for the flowers??
Well, the flowers are already dead since they’ve been cut so I’m not sure what is unhealthy for them at that point! It can dye them (and the florists do this all the time).