I’m so excited!
I’ve made a decision. A BIG decision that feels like I’ve lifted giant boulder off my shoulders.
A BIG decision that is so freeing, so invigorating …
so …
so …
exciting, for want of a better word.
I came to this decision on Friday. In truth, it’s been mulling around in my head for awhile now. I just wasn’t sure if I could make it happen. Because there is risk involved. Letting go of security for a bit of the unknown. But that unknown definitely has potential.
A foundation has been built. Doors have started to open. And now is the time for me to get off the sidelines and get my head in the game.
Now, I couldn’t make this decision on my own. It definitely impacts the entire family. So I discussed it with Mike on Friday night and he 100% supports me.
And when he said that … well, that’s when the weight of the world dissipated. My spirit soared. My heart filled.
And here’s where I leave you hanging. Because I’m not ready to share the details of this exciting decision with you.
But I will. Oh yeah. I will. I’ll share the whole story. In fact, I’ll make you a promise here: I’ll overshare …
So instead of discussing my new “makeover,” I’ll leave you with some awesome lamp and light makeovers. Using paint. Starting with my third time’s a charm’ lamp makeover …
But the lamp makeover up there wasn’t my first time at the rodeo. I also made over a ceiling fan without even taking it down …
And then, of course, there are hundreds of ideas all over the internet. Here are a few I’ve rounded up in one place (and to find out more about each project, just click on the blog name under the picture) …
I hope you have an exciting weekend too!
Thanks for including my Ikea pendant update with all these great lighting ideas, Linda!
ok that’s just mean. spill.
LOL! I know, I know. But plans need to created. Phone calls need to be made. But I can’t even express how freeing this decision has been. I can feel my creativity flowing again. Words are just spilling out of me again … I can’t wait! 🙂
Great collection of inspiration! Thanks so much for the feature, Linda! xo
Fun to look fwd to exciting news! I hope you continue to be inspired and excited about whatever is next! It will be a fun read and of course we hope it comes with fun explanations, lots of tangents, and is wrapped up in the process that brought it about! 🙂
Linda, thank you for including my repurposed lamps. I appreciate it.
Playing catch up. You better have that announcement in the next post or I’m gonna come calling.