Painted Texas Bluebonnet Mason Jar Craft – Mason Jar Craft Ideas.
Some random ramblings on a sunny Friday that have absolutely nothing to do with this painted Texas bluebonnet mason jar project …
1. I’ve developed a bit of an age-inappropriate crush on MSNBC’s Christopher Hayes. I can’t quite put my finger on why? I mean, he’s not a hunk or anything (sorry Chris, but it’s true). He’s more like a smart nerd with those big horn-rimmed glasses (again, sorry Chris, but it’s true).
2. There are some words that I cannot for the life of me ever … ever … remember how to spell correctly. Which is not a problem when I use my phone or laptop (thank you autocorrect and but does pose a problem when I go old school …
you know, pen to paper old school.
Biggest offender is vacuum. I want to spell is v-a-c-c-u-m. And when I write my ‘to do’ list I always spell it wrong.
Each. And. Every. Time.
So I’ve taken to spelling it really messy on those ‘to do’ lists hoping no one (read: my grammar and spelling nazi husband) will notice my misspelling. 😉
As an aside, can we talk about the word autocorrect? Because autocorrect is telling me I’m spelling it wrong. Per autocorrect, it should be should be two words. Or a hyphenated version. Both of which look wrong to me.
3. I keep buying those cute tops with the shoulder cut-outs online, but when they arrive I don’t like how they look on me.
Which is confusing.
Because I seriously rocked the off-the-shoulder “Let’s Get Physical” Olivia Newton John/FlashDance look back in the 80’s. No sweatshirt was safe from my scissors …
and I figured these shoulder cut-out shirts were just the new millennium’s version of that “Let’s Get Physical/Flashdance look. But after the second shirt arrived … and I tried it on … and hated I how it looked … I realized the problem. I don’t like my 2017 upper arms …
and those cut-outs are all about showing off the upper arm.
4. My Texas bluebonnet mason jar (which, let’s face it, is a loose interpretation of a bluebonnet) didn’t start out this way. On the first (disastrous) try I attempted to paint a blue hyacinth. On the second (disastrous) try I opted for the bluebonnet but added way too much green foliage. On the third (successful) try, I painted this version. And here’s how I did it …
Painted Texas Bluebonnet Mason Jar DIY
Rustoleum Chalked Paint in Linen White (or white acrylic craft paint)
Pint Mason Jars, Regular Mouth
Quart Mason Jars, Regular Mouth
Clear Coat Sealant, Matte Finish
Paint Brushes
*includes affiliate links.
I started with two coats of white paint. Let dry completely between coats (I typically give it overnight). You can also use matte finish acrylic craft paint for the base.
Distress along the top threads, raised letters and other raised parts on jar with 80 grit sandpaper.
Using a fine-tipped brush, add stems.
Using a medium tipped brush, add blue flower “dots” along stem.
While blue is still wet, using a fine tipped brush, mix blue with white and add highlights to petals.
Add some leaves to bottom of stems (using medium tipped brush).
Mix green with some white and add highlights to stems.
Once completely dry (I let my jars dry overnight), finish with a coat of clear coat sealant in matte finish. This is my preferred brand (click here to find on Amazon; you may also find it at Michael’s, but I’m not sure if it varies store-to-store).
P.S. I can now add the word “disastrous” to the list of words I have trouble spelling correctly without the help of autocorrect …
or is it auto correct …
or auto-correct. 🙂
I’ve also stocked this set at the Etsy shop. Just click here …
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How To Paint & Distress Mason Jars
Lavender Flower Painted Mason Jars
Sharing: Between Naps on the Porch | Savvy Southern Style |
Christopher Hayes? LOL The man speaks WAY too fast for me to even be able to follow him. LOL Guess I’m too old.
Well, I’m originally from the East Coast so I’m a fast talker (and, I suppose, a fast listener too!). I actually really enjoy his Twitter feed more than watching him on TV. I’m not much of a cable news junkie. More of a print girl … 🙂
Hi Linda,
I just returned a cold shoulder top last week. It looked so cute online. It looked really cute in the box when it arrived. It looked even cuter when I hung it up, yet it looked ridiculous when I put it on to show my husband. I felt silly for even buying it. I’m feeling much better knowing it’s not just ME! Thanks for sharing.
The jar is adorable!!
“Cold shoulder top” – I love that phrase! And that’s exactly what I’ve done to those unflattering tops … given them the cold shoulder! Ha! I even tried to pawn them off on my teenage daughter to no avail! I probably should have consulted her first before buying them! 🙂
Hi Linda, been long time, hope you and yours are all doing very well.
Gee now I know what advantage I have with Mr. who can’t spell worth a darn and grammar even worse, lol. I try hard not to correct him but do slip once in awhile, shame on me. He comes to me often to ask how to spell words, where he gets his version is anybody’s guess, poor guy.
Love your Texas blue bonnet jar, good job painting. Can’t say I’ll try to emulate yours but did print out the how-to, just in case.. Love how yours looks. Obviously didn’t inherit my Dad’s painting skills.
He was pretty good amateur oil painter.
Happy weekend