It’s time to come clean. To fess up. To admit to an embarrassing truth.
I have 41,272 emails saved in my inbox.
Scary, right? And the idea of cleaning it up is daunting.
Honestly, I’ve been worried that Yahoo is going to cut me off. Suspend my account. Wipe it clean as if it never existed.
And then …
A maintenance mode screen popped up when I was checking mail. Something about settings. And letting me know how much space my 41,000+ emails was occupying. With a warning about how many emails I have left to receive.
54 million.
Yes, you read that right. I have room in my inbox for 54 million more emails. 54 MILLION!
And now cleaning up my inbox has become a very low priority item on my priority list. 😉
Which leaves with even more free time to surf the Internets for inspiration. Like this gorgeous bedroom …
I think my daughter and I have finally found the inspiration for her bedroom makeover (take 2). We both fell in love with the colors and the bed and just about everything in the guest room at The Picket Fence Projects (click here).
And speaking of inspirational kids rooms, I love the explorer themed space Carrie at Lovely Etc. created for her little guy (click here).
Finally, Ashley at Bigger Than The Three of Us has a genius idea for creating a rolling plant stand from a tree stump (click here).
The next time a tree falls on one of our cars (yes, that really did happen), I’ll ask the city’s clean up crew for a few slices. 🙂
Happy Sunday!
And feel free to send me an email. I have room left for 54 million and counting …
That’s how I got one of my tree tables and my stepping “stones’ in my garden. Just be sure to give them a tip. I love that attic bedroom too! I have that ceiling in my master except it isn’t exposed yet. I WANT IT!!!!
And I thought my 9000+ emails were embarrassing. I am a piker compared to you!
Good Morning! I found you by way of one of Karianne’s old post. I am looking at bloggers I love to see what cameras they have. The black rod iron bed is the same as my daughter’s. I bought it for $5 at an auction whne I was in college. We just renovated Amy’s bedroom using white and grey. She even got a windowseat. Her friends said it was pinterest-y.
Good luck wiht all those emails. Linda