I’ve never been to a real, live, growing pumpkin patch …
my pumpkin patch experience is limited to a Peanut’s cartoon.
Sad, right? And I was going to throw out the whole ‘I live in the city’ card as my excuse …
That is until my neighbor told me they’ve been growing a pumpkin patch in their postage-sized back yard. It’s wasn’t intentional. It was a humor-the-kids-and-plant-the-pumpkin-seeds-in-the-garden thing …
turns out, the joke was on the humor-the-kids-parents.
And now I’m toying with the idea of planting pumpkin seeds in my very own postage-sized back yard to see what happens.
Hmmm …
Until then, I have to settle for fluffy pom pom pumpkins. Made with yarn and felt and sticks from the yard …
… and inspired by this blog post from 2009 here …
Oh, and they’re seedless. You can’t just grow them out back. You actually need to make them …
How To Make Pom Pom Pumpkins
Step 1: Make the Pom Poms
I start with a piece of cardboard. Okay, mine is actually the holder for a gift card to Marshall Fields (now Macy’s) that my husband received at Christmas … oh, maybe five or six or so years ago. Back when Marshall Fields on State Street was still Marshall Fields. Not Macy’s …
I wrap the yarn around 50 times or so …
Then I carefully remove …
and take a foot long piece of yard and tie it up in the middle.
Pull tight.
Until it looks like a pumpkin.
Then cut the loops.
Cut, cut cut all the way around.
Until you end up with this.
A mess.
Now it’s time to trim.
There may be some sneezing involved as the fluff flies …
Step 2: Make the Leaves
Green felt. A scissor. Cut.
Enough said.
Step 3: Make the Stems
Sticks from yard. Cut.
Enough said.
Step 4: Make the Pom Pom Pumpkins
Glue gun.
Glue gun.
Enough said.
And now that I have my very own Pom Pom Pumpkin Patch, I have plans for those adorable little fluffy wool-and-felt-and-sticks-from-the-yard pumpkins.
Plans that do not include me waiting for the Great Pumpkin to rise out of the pumpkin patch and fly through the air to bring toys to all the good little children everywhere …
P.S. If you aren’t fully and completely sick of me yet, then click here and visit Worthing Court. The amazing Suzy is featuring a tour of my home today …
P.P.S. Check back next week to see what I created with my pom pom pumpkin patch …
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Directions for making the Pumpkin Pom Poms,please.
Many thanks,