Shhh …
Don’t tell the other handmade Christmas ornaments, but this one might be my favorite.
Maybe it’s the fabric. Maybe it’s the cute little bows. Maybe it’s the stuffing …
… one thing I DO know, it’s not the easy-to-make factor.
Turning it from right sides together to right side out once sewn proved challenging. And tested my patience.
But you know what they say, love doesn’t always come easy …
I started with a candy cane pattern I found here. I copied it into a Word document and then enlarged it so it fit within snuggly within the 8 1/2″ x 11″ borders.
Per the pattern’s instructions, I placed it on the edge of a fold in the fabric.
Then I cut it out, pinned right sides together …
and sewed along a 1/8″ seam, leaving an opening (per the pattern’s instructions).
Before tackling the turn from right sides together to right side out, I clipped along the corners first.
Then I used a combination of my fingers and the closed ends of my scissors to stuff stuffing inside.
I opted to just use the sewing machine to close the opening. If you want a cleaner line, you can always slip stitch it closed.
But a cute ribbon tied into a bow does wonders to hide your imperfections …
Yup. I think it may be true love.
Stuffed candy cane and I will be announcing our engagement any day now …‘m thinking it might be a winter wedding. Maybe a Christmas theme.
And now it’s time to see what my blogging friends have created on this 9th day …
Mini Mason Jar Tea Light Ornament | Thrifty and Chic
Gold Ruffle Ornament | The Happier Homemaker
Scrabble Pieces Jingle Bells Ornament | Mom 4 Real
Bleached Pinecone Woodland Gnome | Serendipity Refined
Wire Christmas Tree Ornaments | Remodelando la Casa
Gold and White Banner Ornament | May Richer Fuller Be
Stuffed Candy Cane | It All Started With Paint
Plaid Christmas Ball Ornament | Cherished Bliss
Snow Globe Ornament | Whats Ur Home Story
Star Cookie Cutters Ornament | All Things G&D
Modern Yarn Wrapped Ornament | Bigger Than The Three of Us
Paper Pennant Ornament | Lovely Etc.
P.S. For even more holiday inspiration, you can find more handmade ornaments by clicking here …
P.P.S. All 12 days – and all 144 ornaments – can be found by clicking here …
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* Some of the materials used in my projects were purchased with a gift card provided by Michaels *
These are super cute. Totally worth the frustration of turning them right side out lol!
Cute fabric and bows! Seriously cute. This would be a great project for little ones to teach them how to sew. I’m definitely going to do it. Thanks for the inspiration!
The link for the pattern doesn’t work, i’d love to try this! Can you fix the link?