I have a guilty pleasure to confess. I’m not proud. And I’m really, really tired …
It all started over the weekend. With Comcast Cable’s annual “Watchathon.” A promotion that is pure genius …
and pure evil.
For one full week us non-premium cable subscribers have access to shows and series that we’ve only heard about at awards shows. Actors and actresses we’ve only seen in the celebrity tabloids …
and before we know it, we’re hooked. We can’t imagine how our lives were complete without Game of Thrones seasons 1-3.
And by ‘we’ I mean ‘me.’
And thus began my week of binge watching Game of Thrones. Into the wee hours of the morning. I liken it to reading a really amazing, compelling book that you just can’t put down even though you have to force yourself to stay awake. Justifying that you can operate just fine on six hours of sleep. Or five. Or four …
yawn …
And by the end of the week, the evil Comcast Cable planned worked. I signed up for premium HBO just so I can watch season 4 …
But enough about me and my $10-a-month cable bill increase, today is about you. And your projects …

Thanks so much for the party Linda, and don’t worry, the promoters of premium channels are professional at sucking you in! It is all a plot! I am dying to watch House of Cards, but I have to subscribe to something else etc. when my DVR is full of shows I don’t have time to watch now!! Ha!
My son (not his real name) LOVES Game of Thrones. I have never watched it because I believe it will lead me down the winding path of addiction. I can see myself getting hooked on it, the way I did “Scandal.” And “Downton.” And Mark Harmon.
Thank you for hosting! BTW – I know EXACTLY what you mean about getting sucked in watching a newly discovered tv show. Now go get some sleep, sweet lady!
Ha! That happened to us with a few shows – we ended up watching an entire season in one night. They really pull you in.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
I just knew you were going to say Game of Thrones. I have wanted to watch it for the longest and decided to see if my library had it and they had the first 3 seasons so I started watching it myself Friday night and try to watch 2 episodes each night or I won’t get anything else done. Like you I love it!