Vanilla Sugar Scrub Recipe – Homemade Sugar Scrub Recipe Idea
I try not to ascribe to (or is it subscribe to? or buy into?) conspiracy theories …
but ….
something has been afoot (or is it underfoot?) when it comes to this vanilla sugar scrub project.
Dare I say there has been some type of conspiracy at play?
You see, someone …
or something …
does not want me to put this vanilla sugar scrub recipe out into the universe.
I’m not sure why it’s so controversial.
None of the ingredients are contraband. Quite the opposite. They’re readily available products typically found in most households.
The methods (or is it methodology?) of combinning said non-contraband ingredients is not classified. A bowl. A mixing cup. A spoon. Mix.
And yet, it’s been an uphill battle trying to get this post up on the blog. A battle that has been raging on for weeks.
Let’s start with conspiracy #1: Way back in early January I made and photographed this Vanilla Sugar Scrub project. Thinking it could be a good homemade Valentine’s Day gift idea. It also falls into my “craft with what you have” mantra for 2018.
I download the photos onto my computer into my photo editing software program (Adobe Lightroom), carefully picked my favorites, and edited them. I did not take the final step – exporting them to my hard drive, figuring I’d get to that later.
Big mistake.
When I went to download those carefully-selected-and-edited pictures, I discovered my photo editing software program got a glitch. Okay, more than a glitch. It wouldn’t open. So I had to purchase new software. And download. And when I opened it up, all the previous photos were gone. Gone. GONE.
So I had to return to step one. This time, though, I exported those edited pictures.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Conspiracy theory #2: Years ago I dropped my laptop (I don’t recommend the dropping of laptops). Ever since, getting the charger wire to fit the charger wire hole has been a balancing act of precision that I perfected. Until …
last week …
when the charger would no longer charge. No matter how many times I tried to get the connection to work.
Unfortunately, I did not notice this until there was only 26 minutes of power left. Panicked, I grabbed my external hard drive and starting moving as many files as I could onto it.
Many photos made the transfer. This Vanilla Sugar Scrub project did not.
Fast forward to today. Here I sit with a brand new laptop. With my Adobe Lightroom photo editing software successfully downloaded. And I start he process all over again. Download photos. Carefully pic faves. Edit and export.
And, finally, get this months-in-the-making blog post up on the blog!
How To Make Vanilla Sugar Scrub
Makes enough to fill 3-to-4 1/2 pint mason jars
2 cups Granulated Sugar
1/2 cup oil (I used Almond Oil, but Coconut or Olive Oil work too)
10-15 drops Vanilla Extract
1/2 pint Mason Jars (I used Ball Elite 8 oz. Pint Jars)
*includes some affiliate links.
1. Mix sugar and oil together. Add vanilla extract a few drops at a time until you reach desired scent.
2. Spoon into mason jars.
3. Add jute tie and free printable gift tag.
4. Share with your loved ones.
I also made some free printable tags to download (luckily these did survive the emergency external hard drive transfer!). Just click here …
Now that I have a new laptop, I’m hoping the rest of 2018 will be conspiracy free. Well, at least until I drop my new laptop …
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Glad it all worked out for you finally!
💜 Lisa
I made a Sugar Scrub a couple of years ago. I loved it, until I discovered that in our Sub-tropical climate it went mouldy very quickly. I decided i needed to make just enough to use at any time, but I just haven’t bothered since.