I was going to start this blog post with a tap, tap, tap, squealing mic sound followed by the “anyone out there” question. But I realized it’s a bit been there, done that in the blog world.
In fact, I may have been there, done that sometime in the past seven years of this blog. π
Then I thought I’d just jump in and write a blog post like any other blog post. You know, ignore the giant elephant in the room. Just saunter on in all cool, calm and collected.
Who me?
What do you mean I’ve gone missing?
I’ve been here all along …
Hoping no one noticed my absence for like (checks date of last post) six months.
Gulp. Six months!!!

Yeah, that plan wasn’t going to work.
So I scratched my original post (one I wrote months ago, by-the-by) and decided to hop on that big old elephant. π
It really is quite a large elephant. And one that’s hard to ignore. Especially after I received an email from someone looking to buy my site. That’s right. My inactivity got others thinking they might want to take over.
What????? That’s crazy town.

And while I’m being all true confessions here …
I did not know the pinning service I use (basically to pre-schedule pins from the blog onto Pinterest) shut down.
On June 28.
June. Twenty. Eighth!
I discovered this last month … last month! … when I went to update my pinning schedule.
Turns out I’ve been ignoring my emails as well. Because after a little bit of digging sure enough I found an email informing me the pinning service was shuttering their (virtual) doors. Dated sometime in early June.

And I won’t even go into the nasty direct messages sent to my blog’s Facebook page. And my comments thread too.
Oh, who am I kidding? Of course I’ll go into the nasty direct messages and comments! People have posted things about being disappointed in me and the blog and ending comments with “sad!” Exclamation point included.
And it wasn’t “sad” as in they’re sad because they miss me and my sparkling personality. Nope. It was “sad” in the way the Tweeter-in-Chief ends many of his most critical of his tweets.
Let me tell you, being the recipient of a sad-exclamation-point comment cuts deep.

So why, you’re asking yourself. Why, Linda, have you been missing for (gulp) six months?
Sadly (with no exclamation point) I have no big news. No big life changing event preventing me from blogging. Occupying my time. No moves. No weddings. No births. (Thankfully) no deaths.
Just regular-old-boring life.
And where I was once an enthusiastic creator of words, these past few years I’ve been more of a consumer of words. And, between you and me, a lot of what I’ve consumed has been a real creativity crusher.
That’s all I’ll say about that. Read into what you may.
But it’s time. It’s time to consume a little less …
and it’s time to create a lot more.
Because I realized I need joy again in my life.
And optimism.
And hope.
And, most of all, creativity.
So I’ve been busy honoring the namesake of my blog (and for those of you in the back, that means I’ve been painting again!).

And you know the weirdest thing? I was so oddly excited — and terrified — before hitting the publish button on this post. It almost felt like the very first time I posted a blog post back in October 2011. Which is a good sign. A great sign, in fact. Because I can’t remember the last time I felt so excited.
And with that, I’m back.
I’m decorating. I’m painting. I’m sewing. I’m crafting. I’m cooking. And I’m snapping pictures along the way. And I’ll be sharing all that with you.

Like in this week soon. Not in like in six months not-so-soon!
Welcome back, my friends. I’ve missed you! π
Happy! With an exclamation point.
Well, whatever you been up to…It’s great to see you back! Can’t wait to see all your new inspiration!
Thank you! I’m excited to share!!! π
Welcome back and I’m sorry to hear people were mean. I’m glad you are back.
Thank you! Feels good to be back! And that mean thing was really odd …
Wow, people can be so mean! I have missed you and glad you are back!
I know, right? But it’s great to be back!!! π
Sometimes you don’t even know you need a break! I took one and somehow 5 years later I’m back ,so don’t worry!
I know, right? It started as days turning to weeks turning to months! I was really shocked when I realized six months had passed!!! But now that I’m back I realize how much I miss my readers!
Hello Linda, I have followed you since your very first post way back when, I actually closed down my blog, going under another name here, as I too had thousands of notes ” disappointment, how could you, you need to keep blogging, blah blah blah….” I too have fallen into the words that are not as light and airy as your posts were or mine for that matter…But I am deliriously happy, to leave all that behind and quietly live a life for ME now. You so inspired me really you have, and your post today, brought a smile to my heart, so thank you for that. We are building a new home so there is a lot of planning and painting and sewing and life is really what you make it, isn’t it? So sweet thing, be authentic and I am so glad your email came into my inbox today…Merry Christmas dahling!
Thank you so much for this comment! Seriously, I think I might just cry with tears of happiness! It’s comments like yours that lift my spirit and inspire me to keep on blogging! I think this is what I missed the most and I didn’t even realize it until now!!! So thank you so much and Merry, Merry Christmas to you and your family! And how exciting to be building your own home!!! π
What? You’ve been gone?
Welcome back! Nice floor! Nice jars! Nice post. And fun to open a blog post.
Thanks Gwen! It felt great to hit that publish button again! π
haha Just kidding. Very glad you have returned. I’m about to get down from the attic the easy candy cane cupboard-hanger decor for the kitchen. Used it first the Christmas before last, then not last year, but I’m ready for it once again. And ordered cream filled peppermint straws to offer with it. Your photos look just lovely, you seem to be getting whiter, and I like it a lot. Welcome back!!!
LOL! Thanks for your lovely comment and so glad you’re enjoying Christmas again toot his year! And, yes, very observant of you. My house has definitely gotten lighter and brighter during my blogging hiatus! So happy to be back! π
Yay ! Sorry people were mean ! Glad you and yours are ok. Welcome back !
Thank you!!! Feels great to be back, especially with so many lovely comments like yours coming in! A great reminder about the greatest part of blogging – chatting with all my blog friends! π
Glad you are back. It takes a lot of forethought and internal planning to keep up with a blog. It can be stressful since you are trying to keep up the pace and still deliver premium content.
Everyone needs a break every now and then…take a deep breath and jump in!
Thank you Sharon! And, yes, the planning thing it overwhelming! Probably my least favorite part but so less stressful when I at least make an attempt at a calendar! So happy to be back! π
I know exactly what you mean by “just regular-old-boring life” happened. When you think of it- how wonderful that life goes on, you got to renew your passions and enjoy the experience along the way. Don’t have any regrets or feel guilty- besides we’re happy to have you back and sharing this new found inspiration. Thank you.
Thank you! Feels great to be back! And there is a tinge of guilt, but I’m working through it! Hey, something to chat with the therapist about! Ha! π
Happy, too!! So glad you’re back and that all is well.
Thank you!!! Feels great to be back! π
I knew you’d be back. So glad I waited. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Thank you for waiting!!!! Feels awesome to be back! I’m pumped! Ha! π
Oh my gosh! I am so relieved that you just stopped posting. Wait, that sounded terrible. I was just sure I was missing posts because I have been crazy busy for like 2 years. Ok let’s be honest. Since 2013 when I saw you and Karianne at Haven. But it’s nice to see you back in the saddle. And don’t take the “sad” comments too seriously. Life happens. I had to shutter my blog spontaneously for a whole year. Twice! But I am back again. Just once a week, bcuase that fits in most weeks. And just fo the record, your house looks great and your photography looks greater. I see some skills just get honed, not lost.
Smooches and welcome back,
The Other Marian
Thank you The Other Marian! I do remember meeting you at Haven. Such an amazing conference, right? Who knows. Perhaps I’ll go again. And I agree wholeheartedly about finding the right balance for posting. I’m going to aim for twice a week (and perhaps a bit more during the run up to Christmas). And thanks for your comments about the house and my photography! Yes, have been working on those skills! π
Glad you are back and it wasn’t anything major.
I totally get the need to be creative and I’m glad you’re at it again.
Thank you! Crafting and painting and sewing and decorating again has really given me new hope and inspiration! I just needed to step away from the Twitter feed! Ha! π
Linda! I’ve missed you and I’m sooo glad you’re back!!! You are WONDERFUL!!!!!!β€οΈ
Thank you sooooo much!!! These amazing comments have lifted my spirits and are fueling my creativity! π
Welcome back…you’ve been missed!!!
Thank you! And I’ve missed all of my readers too! π
Glad you are back! I tend to not post on my blog as much as I used to, but I plan to get better at it!
Goals!!! I actually just plotted out a few months of post ideas to try and keep me on track! So happy to be back! π
Great to see You. Missed you.
Thank you! And I’ve missed all of you too!!! π
Welcome back Linda!!…great to hear from you!…and LOVE your new “doo” Missed you!
Thanks Shirley! Feels great to be back sporting a new “doo!” π
Welcome back! And lots of love to tide you thru the ups & duldrums of blogging
personally. . When I follow a blog, it’s because I’m interesting in the blog, the learning, as well as the blogger. Otherwise I’d just Internet search for my query. And when a blogger just falls off the page. Nary a word to the audience, yes, I find it sad. Like buying a ticket to see your favorite band. Sit in your seat. 4 hrs later. You waited. Nothing. Not even an announcement. Nada. I do find that disheartening. As a blogger you hope to engage your audience so much do, that they will return, and possibly share with others.
Which is why, in my estimation, so few people follow bloggers anymore. Because bloggers just come and go.
Seeing you back is encouraging. I wish you every success in both the both, and all the other endeavors
I fully understand your sentiments about following bloggers and the disappointments when they disappear! Which makes my unplanned absence even harder for me. I decided that I didn’t want to come back without a plan in hand and a schedule mapped out (which I have and have done!). Nothing worse than popping in and then disappearing again for months!!! So it looks like you’re stuck with me for at lest the next few months since editorial calendars have been planned!!! π
There is no better stuff with — than with a trusted friend. Your blog, has been that to me, and gladly I look forward to all your blog posts. Be aware that you delight, encourage, teach and support by your good and kinds words. Really what else is there in life of blogging that is of any greater value ~ than two friends, you & your audience, sharing smiles, hugs, laughter and hope. Kudos you are back. Huzzah.. long live in happiness! !
Thank you so much for your lovely words of encouragement!!! I forgot how much I missed the connections!!! And sorry for not responding sooner … I’ve been scrambling to get projects done so I don’t disappear again for six months!!! π
Welcome back. I would rather people took a break and came back unannounced than tell me how crappy blogging is and keep doing it. I don’t have a blog but I love reading the ones who like doing it. So thank you.
Yes, I’ll keep those tiny violins tucked away in the closet! Ha! So happy to be back! π
Welcome Back! There are always “those” people out there. Pay them no mind. I’m glad you found your joy again and I look forward to future posts!!
I tried to submit my email to subscribe and it wonβt let meπ€ Your honesty is so refreshing and I will try again!
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner! Got swept away with the holidays. Let me know if you still can’t get the email subscription to work and I can try and add you on my end. Thanks so much for your kind words and Happy New Year! π
So glad you are back and nothing major happened – WELCOME HOME!