My son has been hard at work looking for a part time job this summer. To earn some cash for college.
And when I say working hard I really mean his mother has been prodding and poking and pestering him to walk the streets handing out resumes, and submitting online applications to the big box retailers and grocery chains that require online submissions.
And he has. Fueled by his mother’s prods and pokes and pesters. 😉
And nada. Nothing. Turns out no one really wants to hire someone who can only work a few weeks before leaving for college in mid-August.
Silly me. I thought a future college student would make an ideal part-time summer job candidate.
So I had no other choice but to call in the “village” to help. Because connections can lead to jobs.
I reached out on a neighborhood Facebook page. And my neighbors reached back. With an opportunity at Wrigley Field in the Facilities department.
So, as I write this, my son is at Wrigley Field. Working. He left bright and early for a 6:45 AM start.
Now, working at Wrigley sounds glamorous. At first glance. And I don’t know for sure what his workday will involve … or even how long it will be … but I have a feeling it’s more custodial than cushy.
I envision mops. And brooms. And cleaning up remnants in the stands from yesterday’s game.
There may even be some bathroom duty.
There’s nothing like some hard work to wake you up!
And while he’s not fully sure about what he wants to do when he grows up, I have a feeling this summer he’ll learn a bit more about what he doesn’t want to do …
P.S. You can find the tutorial for how I made that Cubs baseball uniform mason jar on my other blog, Mason Jar Crafts Love. Just click here …
P.P.S. My husband just called to see if we wanted to go with friends to a Cubs night game tonight. Yes, please! And now that I personally know a member of the grounds crew, I’ll be sure to clean up my cup(s) of beer and hot dog wrapper(s) and mustard packets and peanut shells … 🙂
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You are exactly right…all my boys worked at least one summer for their dad. Nothing like hard hot work to tell you you know a profession you don’t want.
Glad your son got in at Wrigley it will look good one day on his resume too. Hard work will help him decide to do really well in Collage for a profession lol! Love the Mason jar for the cubs. My hubby is a die hard Sox fan you know that whole being brought up on the South Side thing!!! I had to laugh though after reading your post I scrolled down to leave a comment and you are advertising for the Sox right under your post on the cubs. LOVE IT LOL!!!!
Okay, that is too funny!!! And a bit creepy. 🙂
My fall college bound son is also working for his dad outside in the KC heat and humidity. I can definitely say that he is experiencing what he does not want to do when he grows up. I’m a bit jealous that his dad gets to spend all day with him and I only see him at night when he’s too tired to eat dinner and just wants sleep. 🙂 Cindy
Love the Cubs mason jar but I have to say, the Kansas City Royals are the ones to watch this year !!
My (18 this Sunday) daughter took a part time job, while doing a short course in college, at a independent grocery store. She loves it so much she isn’t willing to give it up. I imagine after a while she’ll realise 20 hours of work a week isn’t going to support her financial needs. Her plan is to simply get more hours lol
Sounds like the perfect job for him. I mean even if you are picking up garbage it’s a cool place to work!
Hi Linda Glad to hear your son got job, lots of competition out there everywhere. Whatever kind of work your son gets will be good foundation for future no matter what he does.
My oldest son’s boy got a job helping to demo apartments he’s working on in Palm Springs. His boys went with him to stay at apartment his job got him in P.S. It’s been super hot over there also. He drives back to San Diego every Friday then back to P.S. on Sunday or early Monday a.m. Today son had to drive back to S.D. so the boys can catch plane home to KY early tomorrow a.m. So hard for him to say goodbye to them. Son that worked made over $2000 cash working so he had extra money for college in fall. He’ll be starting his sophomore year at college in Lexington, KY
. He told his Dad working hard as he was made him even more sure he wants to and will do good in school so he doesn’t have to work that hard when he’s out of school. He’s hoping to get good job at Scripps Institute in San Diego with his chemical engineering degree. He’ll go on to get his masters at college in Louisville, KY where he has scholarship also.
Sounds like some fun working for your son, hope he likes it. Happy rest of week. .