Today’s guest poster is all about the funny. She knows it. She shares it. She encourages it. In fact, she seeks it out at her weekly co-hosted “Finding the Funny” link party …
… and the party is raging on now so if you’re looking for more laughs … or want to share your own … I suggest you visit Kelley at Kelley’s Break Room.
Now, before you read today’s post I have a few things to share …
1. Take a bathroom break. Now. Go. And then come back. Reading this post may cause a few accidents … if you know what I mean.
2. Do not drink a beverage while reading this post. Reading this post may cause you to spew said beverage all over your keyboard.
3. I dare you … no, I double dare you … not to laugh while reading this post. Not just a giggle. But true blue laugh out loud laughing. Hurt your sides you are laughing so hard laughing …
This weekend my husband had to stop by his office, so we all went. The boys wanted to see what his desk looked like and wanted to see some of his current projects. In his office, I found no picture of me. Actually, I take that back. There was one, but it was stuck in his desk drawer and it was five years old. What I did find was this slip of paper from a fortune cookie he received a while ago:
Something wonderful was about to happy.
A massage!
Several former co-workers, my MIL and I met up at a Chinese foot massage place on the other side of town later that day. Before I arrived, I expected that we were going to be sitting in pedicure-type chairs while our feet were ripped a new one.
I was wrong.
After passing through the door with this sign on it below, we were led to a room with reclined chair/beds. It was actually a very, very quiet atmosphere, as you might have gathered…
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(I took this picture while the owner and the masseuse were watching me.) |
I was happy to remain “silence”. I was looking forward to this massage. My mother-in-law went with me to meet up with my friends. Remaining silence and having a relaxing hour or so was something I had looked forward to all weekend.
Once I was put in my fully reclined chair and a towel was draped over my eyes, I waited and waited and waited for my Chinese foot massager to appear out of nowhere. Not being one to disappoint, he dropped out of thin air like a ninja and began his magic.
Magic that made me break out in a silent giggle attack over and over again. Sometimes he’d feel my body shake with a silent giggle and ask, “You ah-wigh?”
These were some of my thoughts while he was aggressively massaging my…
- Hmmmm. This is the farthest point away from my feet.
- Thank God I don’t have a soft spot on the top of my head anymore.
- How much tip do I leave if I get decapitated?
- He’s massaging my ears. For the love of an Orange Julius, he’s rolling my ear cartilage around and around and around and around and…
- He’s still rolling around my ear cartilage.
- Ouch, man.
- Dude. Ouch.
- Alright, he’s trying to pull my arm off of my body. There must be a black market for arms. How am I going to high-five without arms?
- Now he’s twirling my arm around like a wind sock. It’s swirling around and around. With all the energy he’s creating, he could power an entire Lilliputian town. I’d be Gulliverette on the far side of the island creating energy for all of their tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny little lights.
- Now he’s pulling both of my arms above my head. This is how it would feel if I were drug somewhere against my will. (Note to self: Quit watching so much “I Survived”.)
- This is awesome. All of this for $20?? I swear I’ve been in this massage chair for at least the better part of a week.
- Okey-dokey, dude. I think you just knicked my scapula.
- Are discounts given if he takes off my scapula?
- Homeboy is getting close to my crotch.
- Homeboy is getting awfully close to my crotch.
- Homeboy, did you just sort of touch my crotch?
- Now Dude is lifting my legs high in the air aaaaaaannnnnnd letting them fall. And letting them fall again onto the chair. Okay, he just did it again. PLOP! And again. PLOP! We’ve got a real Hulk Hoganfootmassager here.
- Okay, now dude’s crossing my legs in the air. Now he’s crossing them the other way. Switching back. I’m synchronized swimming alone in a reclined chair.
- Oh, that feels nice, Mr. Massager Man. Thank you.
- Okay, you’re massaging between my toes now. That’s fine. Just don’t spend too much time doing tha- Whoa there, fella! You’re about to saw of my little toe!
- Hee, hee, hee. That kind of tickl- Okay, ouch.
With a real abrupt slap to the feet, he lets me know he’s done with the massage. I thank him in my best Chinese (“Thank you”) and proceed to put on my shoes and get my purse. That’s when he motions to a section of the room behind a black curtain. The lady masseuse in the room nods towards it and smiles.
I feel like a human pizza crust.
He’s really going after it.
Maybe I should move my hands. His groin is getting awfully close to my han- AWWWW! DANG IT!!! Did his jewels just brush my hands?!?
Ew, ew, ew!!!
Alright…he’s making his way dowwwwwn my back. Okayheisatmybutt.
Whew. He’s returned to my back.
Alright, he’s massaging my back again. This is good. OH, hold on, brother…my shirt is being moved up and…he just unlatched my bra strap.
He unlatched my bra strap.
He unlatched my bra strap.
He unlatched my bra strap.
He knows how to unlatch bra straps really, really fast.
- This skinny Chinese dude with the pencil-thin mustache is getting way too close to the front. He’s getting close.
- And he’s returned to the back.
Where are my friends?
Where are my friends?
Will they hear me if I yell?
Am I about to be assaulted in a Chinese FOOT massage parlor??
I’m memorizing Dude’s shoes in case I have to identify him to police.
He’s re-attached my bra strap.
Still massaging the back like a madman.
The madman is now on the table. Dude is ON the table.
Are you standing on my back? It feels like you’re standing on my back.
Okay, no…just some really, really vigorous pushing.
Thank God. He jumped off the table.
He’s scooting around the side of the table.
Was that something kind of ballsy that just brushed my hands again?
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Next time I’ll just be sure to bring mace.
And I’ll request a woman.

I just love Kelley! Midwesterners are awesome.
Love you, too, Kirby! I agree that Midwesterners are awesome, but, girrrrrl, I’m from Texas! You probably weren’t talking about me, though. 🙂
Totally disregarded your warning to not drink a beverage and had a close call involving coffee and my laptop. She is too. too. much. Sending this to my sister who is always in need of a good chuckle!
xo Heidi
PS — and look at Kirby, all commenting at 5:05 AM! Seriously? 😉
Yay! You sent it to your sister! And, yeah, I am too much. 🙂 Thanks for your comment!
wow…I do not enjoy being touched…by strangers. So every time my husband thinks it’s a good idea for me to get a professional massage I nicely turn it down. You are brave for even considering going back 🙂
Well, I haven’t gone back…yet. My friend wants to take me to another similar place. I almost want to go back again for the bizarre experience! Thanks for your comment! 🙂
Now that was no happy ending!
And that’s how I’d like to keep it. Ha! Thanks for your comment!
Oh I howled with laughter, she is amazingly funny – and ALL THAT for only $20? Heck I tip my masseuse twenty…….gotta go visit that place…………..least I am warned, haha.
So hilarious.
Awww! Thank you! Glad you thought it was funny. Besides being scared for my life, it really was quite a good deal. 🙂
I died! And now I am definitely Kelley’s newest follower!
So glad I could make you laugh! So excited to have you following! 😉 I will check out your spot soon!
I got stuck on the fact I was in the room for a foot massage and ended up with jewels being brushed against me and hands massaging by my crotch! But I’m pretty relaxed now. I probably should smoke a cigarette but I don’t smoke.
Yeah, those jewels were awfully close, with the emphasis on “awful”.
Laughing so hard right now! My kids keep asking me if I am okay.
Are you? Are you? So glad I could make you laugh! 🙂
Hahahaha! I was definitely laughing! Adding this girl to my blog roll!
Yahoooo!!! Glad to have been added to your blog roll! I will stop by your place soon. 🙂
This reminds me of an episode of The Amazing Race, where they had to withstand an Asian foot massage. I’d be afraid. Very afraid.
Did they really?? I would love to see that episode! I need to Google it!
I not only laughed out loud, I SNORTED!! With tears running down my cheeks! 😀 wow
For real?? Tears?? I’m doing a split leap because I’m so overjoyed! 🙂
This is hilarious. For $20??? Seriously?????? I had a similar massage, Thai style, and I was torn between hurting and flying high, but yes, they got on top of my back too and twisted things like they were trying to wring water out of my limbs. Yep, a woman next time, but then you will have the awkward moment of her chest brushing against you. Eewwwww!!!
I’m really laughing at the image of water being wrung out of your arms. Ha! Jewels or chest? I have to make this decision, don’t I?
Laughed myself silly. Really – that was too much. What a writer.
That really does make my day. Thank you SO MUCH for your kind words!
Snort! Dishelved hair and a wonky bra strap..oh my what a massage! It’s like when you go the the hairdressers and you have a boob/pit to the face moment! “Um I just wanted a tint not an antomy lesson” .
That made me laugh so hard!! Ha! You’re right about that awkward moment at the salon!
Hilarious! She and I have similar thoughts…I just never thought to write them down! All that for twenty bucks…I need to find a masseuse like that! Now I have ANOTHER blog to read!
After that experience, I knew I had no choice! I look forward to visiting your blog soon, too!
Ok – so I’m the only one in the world who didn’t know Kelley. Thanks for the introduction!!!!
I assure you, you aren’t the only one! There’s probably one or two more… 🙂 I’m glad to have “met” you, too!
AHHHHH! that was the BEST! Sadly, I can relate – I’ve had one or two massages like that. Once while in Porto Rico at a well known resort I signed up for a “FREE” massage (hey, I write a frugal decor blog, can’t pass up a FREE massage!) It was out in the open on the properties beach with people lounging around. I came in my full tankini swimsuit (I wish I could say a bikini but not on this 4 children body)and the dreamy Porto Rician masseuse looks at me and said in his best Spanglish, Noah Clothesa. Right there….WHAT??? HOW???? He held up the white massage covering that was on the table as “privacy” and somehow I managed to get off my swimsuit (the tankini swim wear that I had to pull over my head was the worst!)……getting back onto the table was also tricky and I am SURE I flashed all the passerbuyers. Yep, boobies were shown for sure. At the end, I did pay for my wonderful free massage……just not in money… was worth it though:-)
Ha! You had to strip down right then & there?? I would have DIED! The image of you struggling with that tankini top over your head made me laugh!
You are a “Kelley fan”? I never knew! Yeeeehaaw!! (Thanks for your comment!)
Thank you! That made me smile. 🙂
Ha! Sorry to bring those back!
Ok….I have to say first of all…I learned a great deal about myself from this hilarious episode.
#1: I don’t read directions well
How do I know this?
#1: I now have ice tea all over my monitor
#2: My coworkers are hurriedly searching for a straight jacket
#3: I am pretty sure I hurt myself laughing
This was the funniest thing I think I’ve ever read! And I’ve actually experienced something similar in one way…I had gone to a sports masseur for a couple of months and I loved him and one day the damned San Diego Padres scooped him up and when I went in there was a replacement. But the replacement was this little hairy apey looking guy…(not at all like the blonde hair blue eyed buff surfer guy I was used to…and NO…that didn’t have anything to do with why I went twice a week!). So I thought I’d just go with the flow R-I-G-H-T up to the point he actually jumped on top of me on the table. That made it extremely clear to me where my massage boundaries are! But seriously….hilarious!!