You write a blog post. You schedule it to go up at 4:30 AM. It lands in your email subscribers’ in-boxes between 5 and 7 AM …
Then you reluctantly wake up. You make a cup of tea. With milk. And Equal. And click on HGTV. And you park your butt in front of the laptop. Open email. Sip some tea. Read some emails.
And then …
… and that line? That line had me making a beeline to her blog, Wish Simple …
Take it away Ally …
When one is the mother of small children, one develops parental hearing and sight impairment.
With this power, I can navigate shopping malls with my violently river-dancing offspring, blog with deafening song being trumpeted in my ears (like right now), and stare directly at a child as they repeatedly ask for ice cream while never losing my train of thought.
Only when I am physically assaulted can I be resurrected from my bubble of blissful silence, so the minions of the dark lord sweet little darlings have taken to shaking me or pelting me with Lego men as they ask their questions. Clever dears.
I actually enjoyed painting this rocking chair today. I used a little roller which worked much better than the brush I used yesterday, and didn’t leave brush strokes, duh. I turned on my “Opera Greatest Hits” in the garage and drank nearly a whole case of Coke Zero so I was vibrating by the end, but I managed to get the important parts done before the palsy struck.
So, to recap, I got this chair from Goodwill for $15 as I mentioned in great white north, and planned to paint it Polo Blue by Benjamin Moore. And I did just that, making sure to use an exterior primer and paint so I can rock in the sunshine, rain, snow and sleet.
I don’t quite know where to put it yet. I might just try putting it in the middle of the lawn – it’s quieter there.
It’s me again. Linda me. And this is the post that sealed the deal. I immediately signed up to have Wish Simple delivered to my email …

I LOVE Ally! She is hi-lair-eee-us!!
Ah yes, another mom that’s mastered the great Tune Out! My teenagers have resorted to calling me by my first and last name when they want my attention (i.e. when “MOM!” repeated several times with ramped up volume hasn’t worked). 🙂
Hope you find a little P & Q in your rocker, Ally! Linda, stop what you’re doing and reapply sunscreen and refresh your drink. TGIF!
xo Heidi
Is the neighbors house quiet? How’s their lawn look? Would the minions find you there?
Wow! Love this guest post! I am following Ally and Wish Simple now. Too funny!
Linda, I hope you are having a great vacay!
🙂 Great post! From both of you! I think I just found a new blog to follow too – headed there now to sign up by email!
Ally’s posts NEVER fail to make me laugh! The girl is “snort milk out of your nose” funny!
My mom did the tune out too! Her favorite “happy place” was the car. As soon as I was old enough to babysit she would go on 3 hr. grocery trips and I found out later that she would just sit in the car for half the time.
First time I’ve “met” Ally and she is awesome! I have one small person yelling at me at this very moment and I’m successfully ignoring him. Something about a fire burning down our house or a broken leg. If it’s important, he’ll keep yelling.
Funny….if my hubby said that…I would have found those fish and put them under the covers of the bed……Godfather style!!!
Great post!
Hahaha, this was the perfect post-vacation-post. Looks like I missed your week of funny while you sunny while I was on vacay. Hope you enjoyed yours, love the idea for the guest posts.
I am pretty sure Ally and I would get along just fine… And i do like your “fish sticks”
I found Ally’s blog not long ago and wouldn’t miss it, she totally cracks me up!!
So glad you had a sunny little vaca!!!! I am hopping over to Ally’s blog right now! sending hugs!!!