I’m no foodie, though I like to think I am when I’m whipping up such exotic dishes as scrambled eggs and pork chops and capellini, though usually not at the same time or at least not in the same pan. But it’s become commonplace for people who think of themselves as foodies to take pictures of their orders when they’re in restaurants. I don’t know why. And it seems to make some restaurateurs angry.
Today, food photography came to roost in our house. Linda made a most traditional dessert in a most unusual fashion – to me, anyway – and we were not allowed to eat it until it was properly posed and fully shot. The lemon meringue pies in Ball® Mason jars (Look – I used a register mark!) were as tempting as the Sirens themselves.
Fast forward to when it was ready for us to eat and it was DELICIOUS! The four of us stood in the kitchen eating it with Ernie T. Beagle sitting amidst the rough circle, wondering which of us would drop a bit, and sure enough, he got a little bit.
Were they delicious? Is the Pope from Buenos Aires?
I was such a good husband that after eating my serving in approximately 15 seconds, I went ahead and started washing out the jar – aren’t you proud of me? – until Linda said STOP! She needed to take yet another photo of the empties to complete the blog post, a before-and-after effort to prove we all loved her dessert.
I can count on less than one hand how many times my grandmother did the same thing after we finished.
So, not to be outdone, I thought you’d enjoy seeing my own food photography from that night’s dinner. Told you my cooking is exotic.
~ Mike
This is funny, My husband…also Mike, really doesn’t like me to take pics of my food…I’m not a foodie although some of my post are about food, and in more than once occasion he had mention “do you have to take pictures of our dinner”? lol…so I’m happy to see that you are joining in and posting yours as well! perhaps you need to have a Mike to Mike talk with mine and help him understand :0)
Thanks for the post! I really enjoyed it!
Lizy @ http://justdipitinchocolate.blogspot.com/
I love your “Sponsored” posts! The lemon merengue pies looked really good too!
I want to come over and eat grilled cheese sandwiches and lemon-meringue-pies-from-a-jar at your house.
AND I want Mike to teach me how to make a register mark.
Hahaha. That sounds like my kinda night – bacon, cheese sandwiches and lemon meringue in mason jars!
Mike, You’ll find that you’re in good company among the men at my house…they always hesitate just a little bit before taking that first bite..and my youngest regularly asks if things are “for the blog” before he helps himself from the ‘fridge. I’ve found that the consumption of whatever it is that I’m blogging about is usually not an issue…well…except maybe the lemon and lavender scones…or the lavender steamed milk…those? Notsomuch. Would you please write a tutorial for how you made the register mark…and the sandwiches? You need to meet my husband who, I’m convinced should write a “6 ingredient cookbook” since most of what he makes involves the same 6 things in different combinations…you could have a chapter all to yourself since he doesn’t know about the grilled cheese with BACON!!!!. xo, Kimberly
P.S. The candle is a nice touch
Those jars look like you used a spatula to get every last bit, so it must of been delish. I love your posts Mike, but let Linda stick to the photography.
Mike you are a patient man! Reminds me of my husband.
He too let’s me take pictures of our food, although that tradition goes back farther than blogging. We’ve been taking pictures of holiday meals on the table for years. Sometimes we have more pictures of the foods than of the people gathered round. Lol!
Mike…you are a diamond in the rough! My hubby can’t make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, And he thinks I’m totally mad when I take pictures of food. Can you come over and give him a few cooking lessons (and clean up, too)!