… and I’m not talking about pools here.
Do you sometimes find yourself just skimming a blog post? Checking out the pretty pictures but not really absorbing the words?
It happens to all of us … or so I think.
Sometimes the project is great but the post is really, really long. As in really, really, really long …
… and I’m guilty of writing those really, really, really long posts too. So I understand if you skimmed …
Or maybe it’s the dreaded-to-write but oh so very useful tutorial … but since you have no plans in the near future to make x, y, or z project you find yourself skimming …
… and I’ll leave you drive by “Love it!” comment thread skimmers out of this one because, let’s face it, you’re not reading this. You’ve skimmed right on by and are typing “Love it!” in my comments thread at this very moment …
And then.
Then there are the blogs that you never, ever skim …
Would never dream of skimming …
You wait for their blog posts to land in your email …
… and you read every word. Sometimes you even go back and read it twice. Because you don’t want to miss anything …
… and you even read each and every last word of their very long tutorial not because you’re making what they’re teaching … but because even they can make a long drawn out tutorial a fun read …
And because you read each and every word each and every time they post you know they have regular guest bloggers jumping in … you know, while they care for a newborn at home.
And you don’t just ask but you beg. Beg. To offer a guest post …
And you don’t just recycle some stinky old post. You give her something new. Something fresh. Something never-been-published-before and brand-spanking-new (just like her little newborn Mila) …
So if you want to read something brand-spanking-new from me …
… then go here ..
P.S. If you’d like to win a monogrammed pillow hand made by me, go here …
Proud to be a non-skimmer 98.5% of the time. Oh, and when I leave a comment that just says “Love it”, that’s because I just love it! So file that in your memory banks Miss L.
Ha Ha You are funny!! tThe really long posts, yeah, I am a skimmer and I need pictures!!
I did read your post even without pictures! Enjoy your blog! Off to check out your project.
Sigh, my name is Anne and I am a skimmer… blame it on lack of time, blame it on the fact that I follow over 1000 blogs, blame it on anything but me!!! I do slow down from time to time and actually read a post, like this one. Thanks for the reminder to slow down Linda! xox
I’d say I’m 75% non-skimmer…I have purposed to follow blogs that I “connect with” in someway…There are, in fact, blogs-Like yours-that I read
Thank you but I am really GOOD at growing weeds. Not that I work at it, and not that I want to, but they just show up. In fact, I was out this morning at 7:00 raking weeds just in case the “weed police” drive by again. Please refer to: http://kamsmomusa.blogspot.com/2012/05/city.html And yes Linda, yours is one of the blogs I READ. You’ll always be one of my favs because of your painted rug.
I never, ever, ever skim your blog. seriously, never.
Love it!
Okay seriously. Thanks so much for the fun post today friend!
Love it! j/k 😉 I’m very wordy on my blog posts probably because my “real job” is as an editor. I love your writing style, Linda. It’s very easy to read and I don’t have to skim because it’s like having a conversation with you.
ha ha! When it comes to you my dear I am NOT a skimmer.. same for Miss Karianne, Becki, and a few others but there are those who I do skim… because you know there aren’t always enough hours in the day…. now I’m off to see what you have to say over yonder!
Toodles!! Enjoy your day!!
If I’m not going to read it, I don’t skim it! It’s that simple. But that also leaves me sometimes behind posts as I do work hard to be a faithful reader, and follow a lot of blogs… what I take away from my own experience as a blog reader, is to apply the ‘less is more’ to my own blog writing. I’ve scaled back the text in my blogs, and try to do away with unnecessary extras, because I want my readers to keep coming back for the more! But there is a balance between minimizing text, and making sure I write enough to offer value, too.
Great topic!
I am heading over there and I totally agree with you, I love reading every word that Kelly writes, it’s so fun, and even though I don’t own a sewing machine I still read every word of the drapes tutorial!
Plus, I only try to say “love it” when I actually love it, like your antro knockoff jars, or screened in porch, or your pillow-amazingness…
love it! Lol….Your blog is one of those that I just can’t NOT read every word of it. I think your projects are really cool, and you live in CHicago (oh…it’s been 3 months and how I miss Chicago!!!), but really…you writing is what draws me to your blog. As much as I want to write like you do, it just…well…doesn’t work, because of who I am. Your blog really shows a lot of who you are, and that’s another reason I love your blog. Whereas mine…lame. I am pretty sure 90% of people that do read my blog are skimmers.
Soo with that introduction, I think that maybe you should write a post about how to not have a blog that people just skim though. 🙂
I should not write comments from my phone – way too many typos for one little comment.
Hilarious! Going there now!
I don’t tend to skim much because to me some of those long posts say So much….I love the written word as much as lovely photos.
And I KNOW my posts are way too long. But I am one of those all0or-nothin kinda gals, so if I post it – gotta be explained correctly for those 2% readers lol.
Going to your guest post now.
Love it-hahahaha. I wish I COULD skim-but I feel too guilty! I think if someone that I am following took the time to write a post and I am going to visit them…then I should read it. I am trying to keep my posts shorter though than I did when I first started. xo Diana
Love it!!
Oops, I mean, I am no skimmer of yours! And if you’re at View Along the Way, I’m hopping over right now so I can read each and every word – tingling with anticipation!
I wait until you hit my inbox! That way I know I have a few precious minutes to read your posts and still have time to check out your pretty pictures!
I try so hard not to skim. but you summed up the thinking process petty well…..I try to read everyone’s words because I want them to read mine.
This is a tricky one. As a certified speed reader (I actually took a class in my 20s and am naturally a fast reader anyway), I fear I am automatically a skimmer. And yes, I love pretty pictures. But according to the stats, I’m supposed to be gleaning like 80% of what’s written anyway.
Still, I’m suddenly feeling very ashamed.
I promise to slow down.