Board & Batten Entry in Green, Blush for Spring – Pink and Green Decorating for Spring
As I was walking home from the gym yesterday – yes, you read that right; walking and exercise was involved — the podcast I was listening to came to an end. Only a few blocks remained before I would walk through this door.

Which left me with a choice: Do I start a new podcast? Or do I walk in silence. Left alone with my own thoughts.
I chose my thoughts.
And those thoughts immediately wandered to how I’m never left alone with my thoughts anymore. 😉

My phone. My earbuds. My laptop. My television. I’m always distracted with something and by something else.
It’s hard to imagine I grew up with none of these.

Okay, there were tv’s. I’m not that old. 😉 But there were six channels and no remote. So that doesn’t really count as a true distraction!

When I was young, I spent a lot of time in my own thoughts. Walking to school or work or riding my bike to my best friend Stacy’s house.
One time I was so wrapped up in those thoughts — so thoroughly distracted and oblivious to the world around me — that I rode my bike into a parked car.
Okay, that happened twice.

But in this age of constant, easy distraction it does seem like a little thinking and a little daydreaming have become a lost art.

Perhaps I should turn off that podcast every day and spend more time with my thoughts.

Just not so much that I accidentally walk into parked cars. Or traffic. 😉
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I think it’d be a great idea if we ALL unplugged more often……for thoughts, creativity and prayer.
I also think you take gorgeous photos and I enjoyed every single one of them today.
Hope you have a blessed weekend. Keep thinking.
BTW I grew up in a quiet neighborhood with no parked cars…..but TWICE I wasn’t paying attention and marched into parked cars when I was in marching band. Our football field and our high school were very far apart and we marched to every home game. It was so much fun! When I was marching with my sweet piccolo in the second to last row (the fun zone) yep – not once but twice I ran into a parked car. OUCH to us both, right??? Now let me tell you what – when one marches full on into a parked car it makes one’s knees lock up; and it sure wasn’t easy getting back into rhythm to continue to march to that field. BOTH times, haha. You are not alone, Linda!!
Lol and thanks for sharing your embarrassing story with me!!! And thanks so much for all your lovely words about my pics. I always hate them when editing and struggle so much and often just want to throw them in the trash!!! But then in a few weeks, months, years I may look back on them and go, oh they really do look good! 🙂