Chalkboard paint.
Do you love it?
… or do you hate it?
Are you sooooooooooo over all those chalkboard paint projects?
Like you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a chalkboard painted flower pot …
or door …
or awesome chalkboard calendar made from and old window over it?
Because you know what? At the risk of sounding so two-thousand-and-five, I’m not.
In fact, I’m crazy about chalkboard paint. In all it’s forms. Okay, both its forms. Paint and spray paint. Because there’s a place for both in my world …
and my home.
I’m over the moon that I can take a cheap paper stock Christmas gift tag and transform it into a thing of beauty …
… a cool chalkboard tag with just few squirts of chalkboard spray paint.
Amen. The transformative power of chalkboard paint is a thing to behold …
and something this diy’er holds close to her heart.
And I love chalkboard paint so much that I’ve created a gallery featuring all of my very own chalkboard paint projects; you can find it here …
And this throwback, two-thousand-and-five, off-trend chalkboard paint lover will absolutely be adding to this project gallery.
And soon.
Hmmm … I wonder how a mason jar would look spray painted with chalkboard paint.
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LOVE chalkboard paint!!
And despite my teasing, I love Mason jars, too. But I collected mason jars before mason jars were cool. (Sorta like Barbara Mandrell and country music.)
I still like chalkboard stuff (and Mason jars….although I actually used them for canning before the “cool” factor hit) but I sure have seen lots of great DIY trends die off just because everyone was sick of them. I hope we don’t kill this one off too! Love your little tags!
Not so tired if it …. love all the creative uses. Actually
Wondering how hubby and kids would look with a few coats of chalkboard.
I have to say…when I first saw that first tag I could have sworn it said WOO!
I giggled.
Then I realized it was just wool. 🙁 Maybe we all need more cheering. 🙂
I still love chalkboard stuff…have for years, even before it exploded into popularity.
I love it.
I don’t know why we are all such creatures of change change change – if we like something REGARDLESS OF ITS POULARITY we should always remain true to ourselves and just use/love/adore/gift/make it.
That’s my mantra: I am seldom a slave to any fashion trends of any kind, home or clothing, etc.
So bring on the chalkpaint or anything else if ya love it, I say!
Umm… I just embraced the chalkboard paint. PLEASE don’t tell me it’s over… cuz I luvs it.
Great idea! I think I’m the last person living who still hasn’t used it.
Cute chalkboard tags.I am not sick of seeing chalk paint projects.Like you they inspire me so bring in on sista!
I still have never used chalkboard paint. I’m a terrible blogger.
Linda! You’re one of the few people I’ve heard (besides myself) to use the phrase, “Can’t swing a dead cat without…”
This confirms your awesomeness.
Also, chalkboard paint is fantastic. Love it. I greatly love chalkboard vinyl as well – less mess and more instant gratification! 🙂
I first used chalkboard paint 13 years ago. I still love it.
so, I’m behind on my comments, but I just want you to know you’re not alone – I still love chalkboard as well. I was chalkboard when chalkboard wasn’t cool…. I’m really jealous that you have a space big enough for a chalkboard wall in your kitchen – I do not and I hate it.
I love your chalkboard paint projects. The tags are too cute and so are the mason jar lids.