Forget about Gray Thursday. Or Black Friday.
In our home, Thanksgiving kicks off the start of the Christmas television special season.
For me, it’s not Christmas with out the classics. The Grinch. Rudolph. And of course Charlie Brown …
and that iconic tree …
I cry like a baby each and every time … even though I know what’s coming.
Consensus-wise, the Charlie Brown Christmas special is our hands-down favorite. So it should come as no surprise that my family took great interest in my Charlie Brown Christmas tree ornament creation.
There was great anticipation … unrealistic expectations — oh, and divisive opinions — on the post photo shoot images.
And now I owe you a how to …
1. I started with a plastic ball found at JoAnn’s. It actually opens down the middle so you have two halves. And I found it near the beads and jewelry crafts area. Not with the holiday ornaments.
2. The “tree” is from our evergreen outside. I simply cut and shaped until I had a size that would fit within the ornament ball.
3. The red “ornament” is a tiny jingle bell I found in a packet at JoAnn’s check out line.
4. For the Christmas tree base I used some thin balsa wood (found at Michaels in the wood crafting area) and cut it with a scissor to make a cross base …
5. I used a nail to make a hole in the top piece of the balsa wood for the stem of the tree to fit into …
6. Then I pulled out the glue gun. The balsa pieces were glued together. Then the stem glued into the hole that I made using the nail. I used a strip of blue fleece for Linus’ blanket and glued that in place. I even glued the red jingle bell to the evergreen stem. And then I glued the tree on it’s base to the bottom of one half of the ball.
7. Salt to represent snow was added to the other half of the ball … and then I carefully put the two halves back together.
And let the tears flow …
Charlie Brown: I guess you were right, Linus. I shouldn’t have picked this little tree. Everything I do turns into a disaster. I guess I really don’t know what Christmas is all about. [shouting in desperation]
Charlie Brown: Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?
Linus Van Pelt: Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about. Lights, please.
Linus Van Pelt: “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, ‘Fear not: for behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.'”
Linus Van Pelt: That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.
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That’s one of my favorites too! And what a sweet, sweet ornament. Very clever Linda!
So sweet, Linda — who knew you were a genius in miniature, too? 😉
xo Heidi
Ornament so cute, CBC – my favvie fav too.
I love Rudolph and we’ve been singing the songs to the Snow Miser for years and year round in my family – love the Isle of Misfit Toys, I used to get SO sad about them, then would go play with my forgotten neglected toys out of pity. Ha, I think I still would had I kept some of them!
Love this post.
Such a perfect ornament! Thanks so much for sharing. I can’t wait to watch the show. A Charlie Brown Christmas is my absolute favorite.
super cute Linda! and my all-time favourite Christmas special (and cd!!) I listen to the CD all through Christmas. I’m one of those annoying people who can listen to the same thing hundreds of times without getting bored – but only if I love it!!
I remember just waiting for the TV schedule that would show when all the holiday specials would air–back in the pre-VCR days! Dang, you know you’re old when you remember what a VCR is, don’t you? I think more than the Charlie Brown story is the soundtrack–my favorite Christmas music. Might have to try my hand at a Charlie Brown tree ornament now…
This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!! I’d love to have you come over and link up with our Christmas Ornament Party. Hope to see you there. Linda (another Linda – hahahha)
So cute! And nothing seems more Christmas to me than watching the classics like Charlie Brown 🙂
It’s our family favorite too! When I was little, my bedroom was decorated with all things Peanuts! I absolutely adore your ornament! I may even make one myself!
I love this post Linda!!….Great ornament…
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family…
How sweet is this!! So cute!
I love Charlie Brown.
We have a Charlie Brown tree every year.
I l.o.v.e. it. The show, the ornament, all of it. Sadly for me, hubs and son don’t share my passion for things Christmas on tv or movies. Well son liked Jim Carey’s Grinch movie, but that’s not clasic. So I have to sneak them in when I can. The Charlie Brown soundtrack has been on my computer since I got one I think. Thanks for the tut.
Ahhh! How cute! Have you seen the schedule of all the Christmas specials someone has posted on pinterest? Sounds like it would be right up your alley!
Wonderfully crisp and always interesting! Blessings xoxo
Awwww, your Charlie Brown Christmas tree ornament is adorable! I don’t know if I would have the patience to work with pieces that tiny, but I’d love to take a shot at making one myself 🙂
As an ornament conossiuer (and I belive bad-speller) I LOVE this ornament. And I thought I was the only one who cried for poor Charlie Brown in this one. Thanks for making me feel less weird.
Charlie Brown is one of our family’s favorites too! Now, I’m impressed of you working with all those little pieces! My daughter is an expert at that, I can’t work that well with miniatures! I love your ornament!
Love it Linda! So cute 🙂
Linda! I absolutely love this ornament. Charlie Brown’s Christmas is a tradition in our family as well (I’ve been kissed by a dog, get some disinfectant, get hot water). This simple ornament is filled with so much heart. It’s perfect. Congratulations on the feature at Craftgawker too.
Oh! It’s so cute! I really loved it.
And your photos are amazing, congratulations!
Besos from Argentina, Silvina
Yep Charlie Brown hands down is the best TV special to kick off the season and your ornament is adorable!
I absolutely love this! Take care, Laura
I’m a big fan of the Charlie Brown Christmas special too! And I love the tree. I stamped something similar on all of my Christmas cards one year. I’m not sure everyone “got it”! Your ornament is sooo cute! Saw it on pinterest. Thanks for the how to.
Oh man, that is so cute! What a neat idea.
I love this. And the fact that you added the best part of the movie below makes me just love it more. Thanks!!!