I was looking through my “draft” posts and came across a Valentine’s Day project that I never published here …
and I got so excited!
I’ll equate my excitement with the feeling you get when you wear your winter coat for the first time in a new season and reach into your pocket and find a 20 dollar bill.
And then you swing open the closet door and start digging your hands through each and every coat pocket in the closet. Looking for even more unexpected riches …
So I may have “swung open” my drafts folder looking for even more fully written and photographed and edited posts that I could simply hit “publish” and be done. But, alas, I did not get so lucky. Much like the hunt through all those coat pockets in the closet typically yields fuzzy mints and crumpled tissues …
my foray into my draft folder yielded fuzzy projects and crumpled stories.
This project was a guest post I created for Made From Pinterest last year. And it started “Dear Made From Pinterest Readers.” Which I’ve so cleverly updated now to simple read “Dear Readers …”
Dear Readers,
Please accept my sincerest apology. You see, my plan was to share with you an easy DIY. Easy. Cheap. And lightening speed fast …
that, my new friends, was the plan.
And when I spotted a clothespin heart wreath online – and pinned it here on my it started with Valentine’s Day Pinterest board – I thought I found the easiest and cheapest Valentine’s Day project idea. Ever.
How to Make a Clothespin Heart Wreath
Wire Hanger
Clothespins (I found mine at the Dollar Store, but you also click the link to buy online)
*affiliate links included.
The clothespins were $1.00 for 36 at the Dollar Store. The hanger was free. The cheap part worked out as planned.
And it would have remained easy if I didn’t insist on fussing with it. In my need to add a bit of color, I ended up tacking on an extra hour-and-a-half of tedious time-consuming work. That whole cutting of Washi strips from a one-dollar-and-change full sheet of pink with white polka dots Washi paper I found at Michaels …
and then affixing the cut strips of Washi to 70+ clothespins.
I started the whole process during the last half hour of Good Morning America, and finished attaching that last piece of Washi when Kelly & Michael were signing off.
If I had skipped the Washi tape step, this project would’ve taken under 15-minutes. All I needed to do was bend a wire hanger into the shape of a heart …
and then clip on the clothespins. One-by-one …
all the way around …
So I’ll leave it up to you, my dear readers. You can take the easy path with the naked clothespin look. Or you can take the more time consuming one and add some Washi.
Pin It!
Oh, and there is a third choice. You could always just add color with some spray paint …
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Can’t really get much easier than that. It’s quick and so cute as well.
Sometime when you have more time, try dying your clothes pins by using Rit dye for maybe other clothes pin projects
Love that dye idea, Colleen! You are so clever!
super cute wreath.!
This is so cute!!! I have the perfect washi tape and a bucket of clothespins already on hand, so I guess I’m feeling a similar excitement. Haven’t found a 20 in a coat pocket in a long time – this winter I found a kid’s tooth!
Well that was cute and simple and I love a good washi tape project!
It’s cute, but lawd…all that cutting of the washi tape? I think I would spray paint or leave them naked. I am lazy that way.
So so cute!! I do projects while watching tv too!
I just bought a couple packages of clothespins (plan on doing a clothes pin sunburst mirror). AND I have red spray paint – and despite Joan Crawford’s hatred of them, I have a wire hanger. This little project is like kismet. It will be done.
Love it, pinned it!
Thanks so much Debbie!!!
Hi there are no instructions for the red hears cascading down the center which add to the overall adorbs of this project. Where do we get the key rings that were used to attach the hearts?
I didn’t make that, but perhaps I should make one myself and share a tutorial! It seems pretty simple to do with some felt hearts (or even paper hearts) a hole punch and some jewelry making rings! Now you have me thinking …