I realized, after the fact, that my graphic calls out all diy bloggers.
I didn’t mean to.
And that it seems like I’m introducing some type of multi-blogger confessional.
I’m not.
The only dirty little secrets I’ll be sharing here are my own. Though, I’m not the first diy blogger to make this confession …
and I’m pretty confident I won’t be the last.
Here goes. I’m going to come clean …
an interesting word choice …
my house is a mess.
And it has been since I started blogging in October 2011.
In my quest to create, photograph, edit, write, and publish pieces here for you all, my home has suffered.
Not that I was a good housekeeper in the best of times …
sigh …
but since I hit publish on that very first post, my house has been the messiest it has ever been in its messy history. Even messier than when I had two active toddlers messing with it. And they were the master mess-makers.
Until now.
Turns out I’ve taken over that title. I have become the mix-master of messes.
But things need to change. The mess is messing with my creativity. My motivation. My mojo.
My sanity.
So I came up with a genius idea. I figured since all-things-blog take priority around this here house, I would blog about the messes. And the clean ups.
Brilliant, right?
My house thinks so. It’s been busting at the seams to share with you what’s behind closed doors …
And hidden inside closed benches …
And lurking in seemingly orderly storage bins …
Each week, I’ll take on one room in the house. And spend one hour a day during that week giving it a deep dive clean …
and setting up organizational systems to keep it clean.
And then I’ll report back. I’ll share the messy befores and (fingers crossed) the beautifully organized afters. I’ll also pass along any tips and hints that occur to me along the way. And share a printable check-list of my mess-wrangling plan-of-action for each room.
First up is the first room everyone sees. The entry …
Sure, on the surface it appears fine. But there are dirty little secrets lurking about …
P.S. Yes, that is a Valentine’s heart wreath still hanging in the entry.
P.P.S. Yes, those red pillows are from my Christmas decor …
Hash – just put away my red Christmas pillows on Sunday. I always leave them out for valentines because they are furry and red. Best I can tell valentines was over a month ago. Oops for us. I know that blaming the mess on blogging thing… Good luck over there with the whole cleaning thing. Perhaps I’ll follow your lead. Hmm. Probably not.
LOL! And I kept my red pillows out for that very same reason. That’s how I justified them in February. But in March? Now I’m just sad! 😉
I just took my Valentines stuff down on Monday. LOL!
When I drive around and see people who still have Christmas up outside, it makes me feel better about my Valentine’s wreath still being up! 🙂
Don’t feel bad … Ever since blogs started my house has been a mess. I’m so busy reading how all the bloggers organize that Im too tired to do it myself ;-).
LOL! Too true! Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with ideas that I just end up doing nothing! Paralyzed with inspiration! 🙂 Linda
My first thought when I saw your entry was not “Christmas pillows” or “Valentines wreath” but ” I love the red pops with the black and white! “.
Maybe I shouldn’t have called them out! Ha! 🙂 Linda
hahahahaha, sad but too true! Yes, the house of a blogger can suffer [don’t you dare look at my base boards] I am lucky though, my husband loves to clean and wash dishes so that really helps me out 🙂 I love your organizational approach here, sorta been on my to do list too~ my rooms look neat and tidy, but the closets, yikes! I look forward to your tips and being motivated by your progress Linda! Oh, and as for the Xmas pillows and Valentine heart, I would just go with how GREAT the pop of red is in your fabulous entryway!
Yes, I’ll go with the pops of red are intentional! Not a leftover … And lucky you with the hubby who loves to clean! 🙂
I absolutely love this idea! Most of my neat clean blog pictures stop at the edge of the picture… The mess is just beyond the edge of the lens! Ha! I’ve been working on organizing but it’s a long process… Can’t wait to follow along with you!
I’m with you there Betsy! There’s usually a giant pile of stuff behind me! 🙂 Linda
Ha, I guess we each thought, we were the only ones! 😀 Looking forward to see how you tackle this problem and to learn from you and your organizational systems. 😉
So that “s” on bloggers is apropos! Thanks for the solidarity, my friend! 😉
Love this post!~ I’m not a blogger, but I do like to dabble in diy and decor. Your “paralyzed with inspiration” describes me exactly– I just couldn’t find the words to describe it! thank you for making me feel better about my mess! It can be discouraging to see all of these perfect homes when mine is really lived in and not so tidy! 🙂
And next week I’ll open that door and show you what it looks like inside! Scary stuff! But I’ll be honest, it feels good to purge!!! 🙂
No worries Linda we all have dirty little secret places. Peeps always say how nice and clean my home looks on the blog. Little do they know that behind closed closet and cabinet doors is a chaotic mess lurking. My storage closet you cannot even walk into these days. I keep saying I need a day to get in there and organize. At least get a path in there to get inside lol! So I hear you!
Kris 🙂
I think we all have a Monica closet, right? 🙂
My back entry hall (that everyone uses) still has Valentines mats in the photo frames! Guess I should change that before the birthday party this weekend! It’s amazing the places I find to “store” (hide) stuff…but it’s caught up.to me. Will be deep cleaning along with you!
Welcome aboard the deep clean wagon! I have to admit, it feels pretty good. Tackled the closet and even went so far as to paint it too! 🙂
I must admit. In order to stay sane and not go off on a kid or onkey, i have to keep things clean and tidy. Sorry To hear of your secret.
I just finally put away the Christmas rug in my foyer Tuesday! I really like your red pillows with your black and white decor–very chic!
Oh Thank Heaven….I am not the only one. Bless you for sharing this. I haven’t had my friends over in months, because the blog and the projects have taken over. It is such a relief to know I am not alone. I will be reading every word and working right along with you. Have a Fabulous Day!
I’m the same way about not letting people in the door! And now that my kids (and their friends) are older, I’m reluctant to let them in too! Nobody needs to be judged by a teen girl … 😉
The closet doors still closes, so too the bench seat and there aren’t any papers overflowing the top of the basket, so I think your house is just normal, not that much of a mess. As for those pillows and heart, just stop calling them Christmas cushions and start calling them colour pop accessories and it’s all good :).
I’m not saying you shouldn’t follow your clean up plan and blog about it, as there’s nothing nicer than having lovely organised and tidy spaces, but we all know it’s normal family cupboard mess and no matter how many times we tidy them up, we’ll need to do it all again given enough time.
I’m doing some de-cluttering and closet tidying my self at the moment but at the same time I’m trying to cut back on the everyday cleaning. I needed to remind myself that nobody but me cares if my floors aren’t swept EVERY day.
Well I know all too well about messes since blogging, but I’m afraid it will take me more than one hour per room to deep clean, and double that to organize. I’ll live vicariously through your cleaning.
Not one hour per room, silly! One hour per day for 7 days per room. If my math is correct, that comes out to 7 hours per room! 🙂
Hey Linda,
Tonight is was checking out craigslist in metro Detroit . Found a listing in Westland using your photos for painted mason jars.
Here’s the ad/
condition: new
make / manufacturer: Mason
Homemade Hand Painted Multi Use Mason Jars Made In Michigan
These jars are painted to look distressed and rustic. Which is all the rage today. We can make these in any color you choose. Or choose from our base colors : Light colors, blended colors, plus much more. We offer custom designs and suggestions. It is $20 even for a basic painted jar you pick 1 color type.
Price List
Custom Painted Mason Jar You Pick 1 Color
For $20 Add Extra Colors For $5
Custom Painted Jars With Decor Or Add Realistic Flowers For $20 + $10 For Flowers Or $10 For Customed Decor
Turn Your Jar Into A Soap Dispenser
Without Paint : $24. With Paint : $30
Any idea you may have we can do. We will give you an estimate on your custom jar and we ask for atleast a day to get your jar ready. If you plan on ordering more than one we will give you a precise day that we will be ready to o meet you. We live in the Westland/Canton area so we try to keep our costs down by meeting somewhere nearby. There is a CVS on Newburgh rd and Joy rd where we have met several of our customers. This is not an original idea, but we put our own spin on it. Let our base pictures speak for themselves. (flowers are not included in regular priced jars for $20)
Any questions or want a jar made that we have not shown above ? Drop us a text or email and we will give you an estimate on your jar.
Thank you
Call or text
Leave a message with your order or questions
Ask for Gabriel
Thanks so much for your honesty and sharing! I have been putting off diving into blogging because I’ve been (very slowly) trying to get myself organised here at home. I’m not sure if sometimes I’m more inspired or intimidated by the beautiful homes of the bloggers I follow. I have nearly finished my decluttering journey and hope that once I finally start focussing on blogging, that I’ll be able to stay on top of things here around the house!
Ah, quite the opposite Tracey!!! I thought that too. But turns out that blogging has become a distraction to the real work that needs to happen here! I’ve been spending the past few months trying to align the blog with the house! 😉 Linda