Welcome to day 3 of Marty at A Stroll Thru Life’s Fall Home Tour series.
So, are you sick of seeing me in your inbox yet?
Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I blogged for four consecutive days in a row. Or three. Or two, for that matter. 😉
There was this one crazy month early in the blog where I was determined to blog daily.
And I think … I can’t be sure (okay, I one-hundred-percent can be sure but I try not to look back at those early blog posts because they are cringe-inducing) … I aimed for at least 6 or maybe even 7-days-a-week of blogging.
As an aside, I’ve toyed with deleting those old cringe-inducing posts. But that would be tantamount to ripping up old cringe-inducing pictures of me from my childhood and beyond. I’m sure in another 10 – okay, more like 20 – years I can look back on those first blog posts and laugh.
Or cry.
And speaking of crying, my blogging-every-day-for-a-month-experiment ended in tears about three-weeks in. So here’s hoping I’m not a broken-down, hysterically-crying, tear-soaked sobbing mess by Friday! Ha!
The big difference this time around is (with the exception of Monday) I don’t have to create the content for all six-days-in-a-row blog posts. I’m in the glorious position of being the sharer of others’ glorious content.
Like the glorious content created by Deb at Seeking Lavender Lane (smooth transition, am-I-right?) kicking off day three …

Now this lovely vignette is just a hint of what’s in store. So let’s use our sleuthing skills to figure out what we might see …
I see some lovely autumnal shades of brown.
I see some lovely autumnal textures.
That brown clay vase – I’m guessing it’s made of clay because we’re sleuthing, remember – is lovely. And that dried flower-dried-eucalyptus-leaves(?)-combo-arrangement is perfectly fall. Not to mention those wheat-looking things in the tall vase.
Wheat-looking things? I’m starting to question my sleuthing skills.
But I can say with 100% sleuthing certainty that the candle smells divine. 🙂
You can see Seeking Lavender Lanes full tour at this link …

Shayna from The Wood Grain Cottage is up next with another glorious vignette.
My Spidey senses tell me we’re going to be seeing a fall kitchen tour.
My sleuthing prowess is improving.
Or perhaps that lovely marble veining on what I’m going to sleuthily guess is a quartz counter top was a dead giveaway.
Or those lovely wood grain (hey, goes with the blog name) floating shelves.
Or (most obviously) the sink basin.
But not matter what fall room — or rooms — Shayna plans to share with us, her home is simply lovely. See for yourself at this link …

Now it’s Laura at Duke Manor Farm‘s time in the spotlight.
Laura and I go way back …
all the way back to my early days of cringe-inducing blog posts.
Luckily she hasn’t held them against me! 🙂
I’m not even going to pretend to sleuth here. I know from Laura’s link that she’s going to be sharing some of her amazing (and I mean amazing!) outdoor spaces dressed up for fall.
If you’re not familiar with Laura’s front porch or back deck or gorgeous pool or ponds or farm animals(!) you need to become familiar. Right now. Here’s the link …

Christy & Amy at 11 Magnolia Lane will be greeting you at their tastefully appointed-for-fall front door.
I love the door color. And the neutral color palette …
and those funky shaped pumpkins!
Not to mention that wreath (I wonder if it’s a diy?)
Now I don’t know if the door will open.
I’m hoping so.
But what I do know is there are some new white couches in Amy’s home that offer a perfect neutral base to add some fall colors and textures.
And I also know that Christy recently moved to Germany, so I’m guessing that is not her front door.
Yup. I’m sleuthing again.
If you (like I) are excited to see more, just click here …

We wrap up today’s tour of fall homes with Andrea at Life on Cedar Lane.
Another fellow Illinoisan!
Andrea and her family built their home from the ground up …
and it’s so light and bright and brilliantly designed!
I’m excited to see how she’s decorated her beautiful open spaces for fall!
And as an aside, I sleuthily traveled back to Andrea’s first blog post and it is in no way shape or form cringe-worthy. Nor is her second. Or third. Or on and on …
You can see Andrea’s fall home tour at this link …
Here’s the full line up of fall home tours so far …
It All Started With Paint / Inspiration for Moms / Modern Glam / Southern State of Mind / Decor to Adore / Clean and Scentsible
Far Above Rubies / Town and Country Living / Thrifty and Chic / StoneGable / Setting for Four / Making it in the Mountains
Seeking Lavender Lane / The Wood Grain Cottage / Duke Manor Farm / 11 Magnolia Lane / Life on Cedar Lane
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Whoo hoo! Day 3!!! You’re doing great, Linda! No tears, haha!!!!
Your sleuthing has mad skillz, girl.
Thanks for hosting this year, and I am heading to see all the awesomeness now!
Hang in there. Friday, she is a comin’!
Smiles and hugs.
Thanks for the lol’s this AM! 🙂
haha you crack me up. I still remember those 12 days of Christmas crafting! 😩 Now I just 😁 at all that great content!
Lol! 🙂