Are you ready for more fall decor inspiration from some of the internet’s most talented bloggers?
Because we’re kicking off day two of Marty at A Stroll Thru Life‘s fall home tour with some serious dark and moody design magic from Anita at Far Above Rubies.
Seriously, though, isn’t this image magazine worthy? Stunning!
And aren’t you curious to find out who’s in those vintage black and white photographs?
Yes? You are? Well then head over to Anita’s house ASAP. Just click here …

Next up is my fellow Illinoisan Jennifer at Town and Country Living (who, by the way, experienced the same dark and gloomy weather hassles as I last week).
Isn’t that corner in her home just so inviting? And beautifully photographed? And isn’t that cow painting all that and a bag of chips?
Or should it be ‘all that and a wheel of cheese?’
Or ‘all that and a gallon of milk?‘
And don’t even get me started on that cow lamp!
Check out Jennifer’s fall home tour here …

Alicia at Thrifty and Chic is known for her neutral style, so I’m excited to see how she plans to celebrate fall in her home this year …
oh wait. Do I spy some warm browns in that picture down there?
Those chunky wooden candlesticks really warm up the space, but I’m obsessed with that fall sign. Here’s hoping she shares how she either made it … or where she found it!
You can check out Alicia’s fall home at this link …

Yvonne at StoneGable has a very special treat for us all this fall.
Like really special.
And exciting.
Well, really special and really exciting for those of us who love to look at lovely homes.
And extra special and extra exciting for those of us who really love looking at lovely kitchens. Because …
(drum roll)
Yvonne is giving us all a sneak peek at her brand new kitchen!
Brand. New. Kitchen!
(jumping up and down)
I can hardly contain myself.
And if you are as excited as I, be sure to head over to Yvonne’s. Just click here …

Next up is today is Heather from Setting for Four with another spectacular … kitchen!
Be still my heart.
I don’t know if I can take all this kitchen excitement. Two in one day!!!
I just. I can’t. I look at that picture below and wonder if I’ll ever be so lucky to be blessed with such a stunning space …
to make an absolute mess in! Ha!
But if my kitchen looked like Heather’s, I’m pretty sure it would always be perfectly pristine and clean. 😉
To check out Heather’s stunning kitchen dressed for fall, just click here …

We wrap up today’s fall home tours with Kristi at Making it in the Mountains.
After all that kitchen excitement, aren’t you ready to snuggle up on that cozy couch?
Rest your weary head on that super soft sweater pillow?
And pull that cashmere throw (I have not idea if it’s cashmere, but just stick with me here) over your shoulders?
And I’m hoping there’s a TV across from that couch so I could end my day with a Real Housewives binge. Or maybe Below Deck …
If you want to join me on Kristi’s comfy couch, just click here …

And here’s the fall home tours from yesterday and today. And I’ll be back tomorrow with a preview of day three …
It All Started With Paint / Inspiration for Moms / Modern Glam / Southern State of Mind / Decor to Adore / Clean and Scentsible
Far Above Rubies / Town and Country Living / Thrifty and Chic / StoneGable / Setting for Four / Making it in the Mountains
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Day 2 round-ups are exquisite, Linda! I am so excited!!!
Thanks for all the cheerleading this week!!! 🙂
Thank you again for such a wonderful job hosting these tours. Each day is such a delight to see everyone’s beautiful home. You have outdone yourself with your promos. Thank you.
Thank you Marty!!! Just want to make sure to show off everyone’s amazing content and hard work! 🙂 Linda
what a great way to introduce day 2. I love Below Deck!!
My husband keeps forgetting the name and calls is Under the Boat! Ha! 🙂