Free Calendar Page Printable for January 2018 – Craft Room Calendar Page.
Hi there!
Surprised to see me? Here? On a Sunday …
and not just any old Sunday. But the last Sunday of the year?
I wanted to pop in and wish you a Happy New Year!
And I wanted to pop in and say thank you for coming here all year and hanging out with me …
and I wanted to thank you for laughing and joking and (sometimes) crying right along with me. You have become such a dear friend to me!
I don’t know how I could have survived 2017 without you. And looking ahead, I’m not sure how I’ll get through 2018 without you too!
So … again … thank you for your support and friendship!
I’m also popping in to see if you remember that time last December when I decided to create free printable calendar pages for the year.
And do you remember how I made a single month and …
then …
Nada. Nunca. No February calendar page. No March calendar page. And by April I knew it was a lost cause.
So sorry.
In hindsight, I mistakenly thought calendar page printables would kick start my blogging. You know, force me to keep a regular schedule. Because I was lagging behind. And at a loss inspiration.
Um, yeah, that didn’t work out too well.
The calendar pages also didn’t have a real purpose. Or place.
But this year I’m going to try again. This time with craft room (or office) space themed pages …
playing off paint.
You know, because of the blog name and all.
To download & print this free calendar page printable for January 2018, click here
I also made a mason jar calendar page for January 2018 as well that I shared on my other blog, Mason Jar Crafts Love (which, by the by, I’ve been making mason jar calendar page printabless for the past two years; this is year three’s design) …
Click here for the link to download & print the mason jar calendar page printable.
Happy New Year!
OOh shoot, out of ink, will be a long new month without ink, sigh. The prices for printer ink are highway robbery, eat or print. Since I have a few co-pays coming up in new year there won’t be any printing in forseeable new year either ,drat. My SS cola was eaten up with Humana’s lovely rate hike and then some, getting back at me for those knee and shoulder replacements in previous years I guess. Such fun being a senior these days.
If we thought raising kids was tuff and expensive being a senior is no walk in park either. I need to find some way to get hearing aids, no Medicare doesn’t pay for them. Don’t pay for glasses either unless person has cataract surgery and only for single vision, cheapest glasses can find, no frills like bifocals, had cataracts out of both eyes between knee replacements 2 row.
Yeah I remember what it’s like to raise 4 kids. Remember when our boys, 16 months apart started to grow in early teens, new pair of sneakers and jeans every month. Luckily this was before name brands became must haves for teenagers. And that didn’t take into consideration 2 girls clothes,etc.
Oldest girl , 2 1/2 yrs older than oldest boy and youngest girl was 6 yrs. younger than youngest boy.
Sure don’t envy you and other parents having to feed, clothe and pay for school now, scarey. Don’t know how you do it with one in college. Sorry for the rant of sorts.
Do you and your Mr. go out on New Years eve? What do you do if you do. When we lived in /san Diego we used to go to late show then get something to eat. Since then haven’t done much. When we lived in MT was too far to go and usually weather dictated what people did. In KY was too far to go and we lived in a dry county. That’s if Mr. Furry was even home, usually on the road.
Since we’ve been here we stay home also, getting old, lol. Safer staying home and warm.
Whatever you did tonight hope you enjoyed, HAPPY NEW YEAR