Homemade Vanilla Lip Balm – How To Make Chapstick at Home.

There are certain … um … well …. for lack of a better word givens about my daughter.
Givens that frequently find their way onto the grocery list when their stores are depleted.
Some givens are so ingrained in my mind that I proactively check the cupboards to make sure we’re not running low on said givens before a grocery run.

And what are these so-called givens, you may be asking?
Equal. Equal sugar substitute is a big given. Especially since it’s one of my givens as well. So I don’t want to run out. There’s nothing is worse than making a cup of tea in the morning and discovering there is no Equal to sweeten that cup of tea.
Okay, there are a bazillion million things worse than no Equal in the house.
But morning tea is a big, big given for me.
And speaking of tea … tea is another given. Though the varieties do change over time. Green tea is now out. Black tea is now in.
Extra Classic Bubble Gum is a given that my husband always remembers to pick up … and one that I always seem to forget.

Vanilla extract had a short stint as a given in high school. She used it as perfume. Or maybe she was using it as cover.
Hmmm … 😉
Lip balm. Year round. Another really big given.
And I can’t figure out why, but it feels like I always have to hunt it down at the local drug store. It’s never, ever in the same place. And it’s never, ever near the check out.
So with this little craft project I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone (what a horrible expression!) and combine two givens into one – lip balm and vanilla. The added bonus is: I no longer have to frustratingly hunt down lip balm at the store.
How To Make Homemade Lip Balm
Olive Oil
Vanilla Extract
Syringe Dispensing Tool (I found mine at the supermarket in the kitchen gadgets and tools section)
*includes some affiliate links.

Combine 4 Tablespoons Beeswax Pellets + 3 Tablespoons Mango Butter +3 Tablespoons Olive Oil + 2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract in bowl (or double boiler, if you have one)

Place glass bowl over small saucepan with water. Turn on high so the water boils. Stir occasionally until everything is melted.

I used a plastic syringe to fill the empty lip balm containers with the liquid lip balm.

Be sure to fill all the way to the very top (I did not and wished I had).
They set up pretty quickly, within a 1/2 hour or so. I think. I didn’t time it.

Add labels (optional). I did make a free printable that you can download at the link below ….

Click here to download and print these free vanilla lip balm labels. I printed mine onto full-sheet-size mailing label sticker paper.
I ended up filling about 28 lip balm tubes. Which should give my daughter enough of her given lip balm to last 28 days. 😉
P.S. My husband, who now has a front row view of my crafting-in-progress, thought this was ingenious. And thought I somehow invented this idea (I didn’t).
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