Yesterday I shared my “Spring into the Dream” dreams here …
But today it’s all about your dreams. Like how you can start dreaming about winning $500 in hard, cold Visa gift card cash from
It’s all about pinning because, first and foremost, this is a Pinterest board contest. Which means all you need is a Pinterest account. You don’t need a blog.
(And because my very dear blog friend told me my instructions yesterday were confusing) here’s, hopefully, an easier step-by-step on how to enter to win a $500 Visa gift card from …
Step 1: Create a new Pinterest Board and label it “ Spring Into The Dream”
Step 2: Pin your Spring home dreams onto the board. It could be outside, inside, a specific room, color inspiration, getting organized/Spring cleaning … whatever you’re dreaming about this Spring.
Step 3: Add the hashtag #springintothedream on all pins you pin on your contest board.
Step 4: Follow the Spring Into the Dream Pinterest board (click here)
Step 5: Repin two pins from the Spring Into The Dream Pinterest board (click here)
Step 6: Pin two pins total from either the website (click here) or blog (here) – you can pin one from each if you prefer or two from one …
Step 7: Copy and paste the link to your Spring Into The Dream Pinterest board in the comments thread of my post from yesterday (click here)
And now you’re entered into a random drawing here, on my blog, to win $500. The catch: I have to win the $500 prize first. And if I win, I’ll get a second $500 Visa gift card from to award to one of you.
Step 8: Increase your chances of winning $500 by 21.
You see, there are 22 bloggers participating in this contest. Competing for that $500 for us and the $500 for you. So go here to to the blog to find out who else is competing …
… and then visit each participating blogger and copy and paste your Spring Into The Dream Pinterest board links on their blogs too.
Now keep in mind, while I plan to the winner, not all bloggers involved in the contest will be doing that. Some of them may judge your board based on content and creativity and delivery of messages. Just wanted to give you the heads up …
Step 9: You have until Friday, May 25 at 11:59 PM ET to get your Pinterest board together and linked up in the comments thread here …
Now get out of here and start dreaming and pinning and hashtagging and copying and pasting links to your boards on this post here and at the 21 other participating blogs …
Who knows? Maybe your (and my) dreams really will come true this Spring …
P.S. In all the excitement about the $500 gift card giveaway, don’t forget we also have our multi-blog Mission Possible link party coming up at the end of the month. This time, we’re taking it outside …
… and we’ll be linking up on Tuesday, May 29.

my board so far:
Did I read that right? Linda, you have a 1 in 22 chance of winning? Okay, that’s fun.
Thanks for letting us know about the other bloggers 🙂
I’ll get me ducks in a row before the end of the month. (For the Challenge, too!)