Christmas Outdoor Decorations with Garland and Red Bows.
It snowed.
It snowed!
Okay, it wasn’t some windfall inches upon inches of snow.
But it snowed!
Now, you may be wondering, “Why, Linda? Why are you so excited about snow? You live in Chicago, after all.”
To which I would respond, “Why, yes. Yes, I do live in Chicago. But you might be surprised to find out that snow on Christmas is pretty rare around here.”
In fact, I can’t remember the last Christmas we had that it snowed. Or even had a dusting of snow on the ground.
Let’s just say Christmas 2016 was a big disappointment. Snow wise.
And it wasn’t even that cold …
I did a little “Googling” and discovered the most frequent amount of snowfall recorded on Christmas is zero.
Yes, you read that right. Zero.
That happens 60% of the time.
We have 27% chance of trace amounts of snow. And another 27% of less than an inch.
The highest amount of snowfall recorded on Christmas occurred in 1950 when 5.1 inches fell.
That was 67 years ago!
And we only have a 2% chance of that happening again.
Sounds like the same kind of odds given to The Cubs winning the World Series. 🙂
So perhaps now you can understand why I get so excited when Chicago gets a little snowfall before Christmas.
Oh, and I’m hoping for that 2% Christmas day chance of snowfall in 2017. 🙂
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It snowed in Houston, Texas too AND we won the World Series!
Love it!