Mason Jar Mixed Drink Mixers Idea: Add Ingredients to Mason Jars, Put on Ice, Shake & Enjoy!
Last weekend we were treated to a hard-earned taste of Spring. The skies were blue and the temperatures demanded shorts and flip flops and short-sleeved tops …
… along with leg shaving and toe nail painting. 😉
But the best part? Flinging the windows open wide and airing out the house.
Ahhhhh …
And as I sat by the front window tap, tap, tapping on my laptop, I could hear the sounds of kids playing outside. Wondrous sounds filled with laughter and cheers, as they ran up and down the city sidewalk. Games were organized and teams were negotiated. Rules were made and changed and challenged. Balls were bounced and scooters were scooted and bicycles with bells ringing a ring of warning wove in and out of impromptu sidewalk baseball games.
And as I sat by the font window tap, tap, tapping on my laptop listening to the wondrous sound of kids playing outside, I found myself reminiscing about days gone by …
Long before Graeme and Sammy and Owen and Charlie ruled the sidewalk out front, there was Sam and Cole and Simon and Jack.
And much like Graeme and Sammy and Owen and Charlie, there was laughter and cheers and running up and down the sidewalk. Games were organized. Rules were made up … and rules were disputed. Balls were bounced and scooters were scooted and bicycles wove in and out of impromptu sidewalk baseballs games.
And when Spring turned to Summer, inflatable pools and hoses and sprinklers were pulled out front. Bathing suits and swim diapers were donned while parents lounged in folding chairs with ice cold beer and glasses of wine.
But had I known back then the many joys … and uses … of mason jars, I would have mixed up some mason jar mixed drink mixers for our Saturday nights out front. Some delicious cocktails concocted in mason jars and put on ice …
… and I would have instructed Cole’s and Simon’s and Jack’s moms and dads to just shake them up.
It’s that easy.
Maybe I should mix up a batch for Graeme’s and Sammy’s and Owen’s and Charlie’s moms and dads. And together we can toast the next generation of city sidewalk kids with some mason jar mixed drink mixers!
Mason Jar Mix Drink Mixers
You can find the recipe for a 115 calorie low-cal Margarita by clicking here …
Low-Cal Margarita Recipe (click here)
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This? Made my day. (What a great teacher gift one of these suckers would make!)
You transported me back to my youth growing up in a city. Thank you!
Great idea with the mixed drinks in Mason Jars! Of course, your great ideas are endless. 🙂
Kirby is right. A great teacher gift! If you didn’t get in trouble… I’m going to check out that low-cal rita!
This is such a great idea. Yum!
Thanks Kris! And if I close my eyes just so I can hear the ocean in the background as I sip my low-cal Margarita! 😉
These look great! Thanks for sharing, wish the weather would warm up a little bit here!
This is a great idea and it would be perfect for the Summer Series I’m doing in June “30 Days of Summer”. I’d love for you to consider joining us for the series! You could submit this post or even write a new one. The rules are simple:
* Select a Date in June
* Select a Topic related to Summer
* Have the post written in html with pictures and emailed to Megin by due date (5 days prior to post date)
* Link back to your own Blog
It’s that simple! Please let me know if you’d like to join us and I’ll let you know what dates I have open.
~ Megin of VMG206
Beautiful! Everything looks better in a jar. I’ve taken to storing leftovers in them :).
I have a link party going on this weekend, I’d love to have you join:
Thanks, Bobi