Just about every day I get an email about the blog …
emails above and beyond comments on posts or questions about projects.
I’m talking about people or companies who want to be on the blog. A concept that still escapes me, but is a huge compliment to all of you. You see, they want to be here so they can talk to you.
I try to respond to all the emails. I do. Truly. But I’m not always successful …
cue the guilt.
Thankfully, there are some companies who persist in reaching out to me. Companies like the Duluth Trading Company who approached me about heir “Kick In The Pants” promotion. Ironically, they had to literally kick me in the pants with a second email when I failed to respond to the first.
And I’m so glad they did!
The timing could not have been more perfect. The master bedroom has stalled. And I’m soooooo close to being finished.
Now, thanks to Duluth Trading Company and their Kick In The Pants promotion, I have the incentive to get it done. An incentive that comes along with a much-needed financial perk …
thanks Duluth!
So I’m bound and determined to get my master bedroom done before month’s end. Pinky swear!
And if you (like me) could use a kick in the pants, Duluth Trading would like to help you out too. That’s what they asked me to tell you in their email …
“Got a stalled or unfinished project around the yard or house? Then you need a Kick in the Pants! Go to the Duluth Trading Facebook page (click here) for official contest rules about your chance to win cash and clothes to help get the undone done.”
So tell me, what undone projects do you need to get done?
While this is a sponsored post on behalf of Duluth Trading Company — and the Kick in the Pants is greatly appreciated — all opinions about the company and their promotion are my own.
The bathroom from He!!….we may have to hire someone.
How much time do you have to listen, or how much space for me to post? I am the Queen of incomplete. This is NO joke.
The Project Police are on their way to my house! Am taking a vaca to finally finish my studio, start the new ceilings, and begin ripping apart the walk-in closet and master bath … and that’s only the beginning. 🙂
we have been trying to re-do some areas in our house since last Fall. We ripped the carpet off the stairs and have halfway finished painting them. We decided to remove the carprt in the hallway upstairs since it was a small area. We have managed to finish that completely. Now there are 2 walls in our downstairs living areas that need to be repainted. All of this would not be too much to do if I hadn’t had surgery on my right hand in March. We have a BBQ Baby Shower coming up for my son and DIL on June 6th and it would be great to have it finished by then. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for the chance.
I know I don’t need to tell you what I don’t have finished around here, but Duluth is in Minnesota, so I’ll go see if they’ve got a kick for my pants too.
how much time do we have here? good luck with the bedroom.