We bought our starter home in and up-and-coming near north neighborhood in 1995 with a 5-to-7-year plan in mind …
and we never left.
We watched from our front porch as our neighborhood exploded with growth [along with property values and taxes]. Houses to the left and the right and right next door were torn down and rebuilt into 4,500-square-foot multi-level million dollar homes. Our neighborhood school went from “I’m never, ever sending my child there” to one of the best and most desirable elementary schools in the city.
After the birth of our first child, our house felt exponentially smaller – what with all the ugly plastic baby paraphernalia overwhelming our modest home. So when child number two was still incubating, I conspired with our friend and contractor neighbor to custom build a first floor family room that made our cozy [read: small] home much more livable.
I hope you’ll join me in my home journey, share your own experiences and advice — and, perhaps, pick up some new ideas along the way …
Feel free to contact me at …
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I love all of your projects! I have big plans for my house… but I have awhile before I can start. Definitely loving your blog for inspiration! I can see lots of pinning…. 🙂
Thank you so much! You just made my day! 🙂
I always love how real your home looks besides being very nice. Loved photo of your kitchen you showed not too long ago. What are you planning to fix up next? Maybe it will inspire me to get back on track to painting kitchen and cabinets, not that they need it or anything.
Since we painted our living room last summer (year ago) haven’t done much more, was so lazy this past summer, had wanted to get our room and some of furniture repainted. We still have that faux wallpaper on walls which I really don’t like. Wanted to repaint our Waterfall chif-a-robe. The old fashioned answer to an armoire,. We bought it in KY and I still love the old fashioned look of it. Wish I Could buy more waterfall pieces I find at Habitat but way beyond our means. Ah well at least we have the chif-a-robe. Wish I’d kept other one I’d bought but at time thought didn’t have room for it. So wish I”d kept my home made Hoosier also. But that’s life and we go along day by day.
You have beautiful children and handsome hubby, you’re pretty lady yourself. Have wonderful week.
Look forward to seeing what you do next.