Did you know that some people put up more than one Christmas tree?
And I’m not talking about the White House with their 37 trees. Or celebrities with their celebrity designers decking out their fifty-plus-room-mansion halls. I’m talking about real people. Living real lives. In real homes. Putting up a tree in (almost) every room … all by themselves.
And not those little table top trees. I’m talking about full on floor-to-ceiling trees in (almost) every room.
Now, if you already know of this practice, then it must be me who’s been living under a rock all these years. But where I grew up on the east coast, the policy was one home, one tree. And where I’ve lived and raised my family in the Midwest for the past 19 years, the policy has been one home, one tree.
Yet, I can see appeal. The idea that you can have one family tree where you hang all the ornaments that your kids insist must be on the tree. No matter how unattractive. Which would free up all those other floor-to-ceiling trees to be decorated as your heart – and creativity – desires …
Many years ago there was a store called The Great Ace. At the holidays, they created a forest of Christmas trees. Each with it’s own unique theme. I loved strolling through that forest, imagining how I would recreate each and every one in my home.
But that was just a dream … or so I thought. Who knew real people were putting up their very own themed tree forests in their homes?
Here at casa it all started with paint, we have just one tree. One tree bursting at the seams with ornaments we’ve collected — and been gifted with — over those 19 years.
Considering that it took a full five days from tree purchase to final tree decorating this year, I can’t imagine putting up more than one. Seriously, if we opted to go the one tree in every room route, we’d have to start sometime around Halloween.
P.S. I liked this shot because it captured a perfect bokeh blend of our white vs. colored lights compromise …
Sharing: * Between Naps on the Porch * Thrifty Decor Chick * The DIY Showoff * A Bowl Full of Lemons * Common Ground *
Gorgeous post. I vote for colored lights, no question! Merry Christmas!
We put up two trees. One in our family room which is the tree with all the kids ornaments on it. Then one in the livingroom which is my tree with all my pretties on it. Btw I am in IL and I know other people who also put up more then one tree 🙂
One tree is all you need when it is that pretty!
In our last house, we put up fthree, but it was a huge house and I stayed at home full-time. My husband believed that the best way to keep me out of trouble was to keep me busy. He was right. Now, we have one and even that takes a couple of hours. (fake, pre-lit, in 3 sections. Sorta like me.)
It looks great!
Your tree is beautiful Linda! We’ve had two trees before, but haven’t put the second one up in years. I love just having the one tree now. And it’s not designer by any stretch, just the family ornaments, like yours.
Your tree is lovely! And if I ever have a huge house I am so doing a forest of trees!
I love a stuffed and fluffed tree. Your photos are wonderful. That photography class you took must have been a good one. Have a good week!
I used to have an artificial tree that went in the living room all in white, sort of my tree. No noodle, paperplate, toilet paper roll, clothespin or Popsicle stick decorations on it. Then about 5 years ago my daughter borrowed the tree the year I wasn’t going to set it up. Rumor has it that it’s coming back home for next year. Oh no, I’ll have to decorate it!
I love your tree! It’s beautiful! I wanted to do two trees this year – but who has the time? I wish I did!
Your tree is lovely, and is what every tree should be, a sort of “memory book” of your lives. I saw something the other day where somebody had 20 trees! Yes, TWENTY. How on earth does one have time, room, or money to do that many tree? I would not only have to start at Halloween to get them up and decorated, it would take me until Independence Day to get them down! In which case, I would just leave them up, lol.
Okay, first of all, your pictures are GORGEOUS!! Second of all, The Great Ace is no more? What a shame. I loved that place. And finally, I never knew about the multiple tree thing either until I started reading blogs several years ago. I was shocked!
Merry Christmas, Linda! 🙂
love the soft focus! So fancy!
All my kids have their own trees in their rooms, fake tinsel ones, because they were cramping my style on MY tree. At the time, I thought this was a brilliant solution, but how it worked out in real time is they do their tree and then they pester me until cave an let them “help” me do my tree. Oh well. At least the whole house looks somewhat festive on top of the mess.
The tree is absolutely beautiful, but even better is your photography on this post! Really, really nice job! –Katie
I usually put up four to five but working full time at age 73 has worn me down this year, so we only have 3. One in the living room, one in our bedroom (done in turquoise and purple) and one in the craft/sewing/computer/scrapbooking/grandkids room! Love your tree and Merry Christmas!
We can BAAAAARELY handle our one tree, but I have dreams of this! SOMEday I will have multiple, themed trees and that other precious resource: *time.*
Oh Linda,
I love your traditional tree!! It is just perfect!! You have the perfect tree-why would you need another??
Considering I haven’t been home one minute in December yet (here’s hoping tonight is the night) I hear you about the 1 tree. Our one tree was a 1 foot driftwood this year, but it’s really just whatever captures the joy in your house I say.
And your photography is absolutely stunning Linda!!
Do you happen to remember where you got your B ornament? I am looking to match the ones I already have but I can’t remember where I got it and can’t find it anywhere!