Fall Front Porch with Pumpkins and Mums – Chicago Front Porch for Halloween.

It’s the first Saturday of the month and you know what that means …
okay, so you probably don’t know what that means since it’s only the second month I’m participating in this blog hop.
But for future months it means it’s time to for me and some of my blogging friends to get all warm and fuzzy for the upcoming month by sharing … well … things that make us warm and fuzzy about the upcoming month! It’s part of a Cozy Living series organized by the fabulous Jennifer at Town & Country Living. You’ll find the links to my fellow Cozy Living bloggers at the end of the post.

There are some years when October is right up there as one of my favorite months of the year: those years when October delivers the most amazing Indian Summer. Perfect crisp-but-not-too-cold temperatures requiring only a light jacket or sweater or hoodie. A month when you can swing open the windows and let all that fresh (city of Chicago) air inside!

And then there are the years when October does me wrong. When it’s day after day of gray skies and rain. When light coats and sweaters are covered by heavier waterproof jackets and rain boots.
But either way … whichever October decides to show up … my all time favorite part of this month is dressing up the front porch for Halloween!

And I gotta tell you, Chicagoans takes dressing up their front porches for Halloween super seriously.
Olympic level serious.
Some with much bigger displays than any Christmas lights show.

Some go super, duper spooky.
Some go super, duper cutsie.
And some (like me) some try to strike a balance in-between.
I’ve changed things up over the years (though the mums & pumpkins combo on the steps has pretty much remained a staple). Like back in 2012 when I had bats flying across the door.
More recently, at my daughter’s insistence — I’m thinking she’s siding with the super duper spooky folks — we’ve recently added some skeletons to the mix.

Our front yard was pure dirt last October (thankfully there is some nice lush grown-from-seed grass out there now). But last year we placed the bones in the yard, and after a few heavy rainfalls, the skeleton looked like it was just unearthed …

and ready for an episode of Bones! 🙂

Be sure to visit my Cozy Living blogging friends to find out what gives them the warm and fuzzies in October!

Duke Manor Farm / Creative Cain Cabin / Sincerely Marie Designs / Town and Country Living

Vinyet Etc. / Finding Silver Pennies / Hymns and Verses / It All Started with Paint
Love it! I don’t decorate much for Halloween now that my kids are older, but I love seeing what other people do! That skeleton in the ground is great!
Hi Linda! 🙂 We totally used to go way overboard with halloween when we lived in the city, my Hubby loved the fog machine with the creepy music even. Now that we live in the country, old habits died hard the first year… since we don’t get even a single person out our way, it seemed way more work without the payoff of the delight of the little cuties dressed for the evening. We now go into the city and try to keep up with the grands. haha I love the skeleton, totally looks like he’s been unearthed!
No trick-or-treaters? That makes me sad! So glad you get to town to celebrate with the littles. I’m figuring this is the weekend the neighbors get into gear and start stringing those cobwebs! And it creates such pressure for me to get my porch together!!! 🙂
I can totally relate to your musings about October weather! I’ve taken kids trick-or-treating in 70-degree temps and also in snowstorms! Ya never know what you’re gonna get. Your bat porch is still my favorite Halloween porch decor of all time!!
I do like those bats. They may need a revival this year!!! 🙂
I’m in Michigan and we’re having the October with blustery cold winds, no sun, and lots of rain. I agree with you I’d rather have the Indian Summer type but so far it’s not looking that way.
It’s been a bit of a mixed bag here in Chicago too. Sometimes sun. Sometimes none. And the temps have dropped that we had to turn on the heat last night!!!
This is just so adorable and pretty! I’m in love with your terra-cotta jack-o-lantern with the hat, too cute! Seeing your porch all dressed for fall makes me wish I had a larger porch to decorate. Have a lovely fall friend!
Love your fall touches. I just put our cornstalks out with a few pumpkins. I LOVE decorating for Halloween. I love your skeleton. Will put some decorations out maybe next week x
how cute is that skeleton! I will always love your bat entrance from way back. happy october.
I’m toying with if it needs to make a comeback this year! 🙂
That spider is quite creepy! Lovely mix of fall and Halloween.
Your front porch looks very fall festive! I love it! We are having a lot of rain here, but hoping for sun by Wednesday. Enjoy your autumn season. : )
Your mums and pumpkins look great and your skeleton buddy is lookin pretty chill out there lol! Nice touch!