That’s right. If you look out your window today you may just see a pig soaring across the sky.
And why, you ask. Why have pigs taken flight today of all days?
I’ll tell you why. It’s because this blog has taken to the air. The air that is Twitter …
I’ve been resisting this move for many months now. A mix of the fear of the unknown and fear no one would want to follow me and a fear of what in the world could I possibly say in just 144 characters …
My first attempt to sign up for Twitter about a month ago left me dejected. You see, my blog name is too long to serve as my Twitter ‘handle’ …
I haven’t counted up all the letters, but I think my exceptionally long blog name almost uses up my allotted 144 character limit …
… which would mean my Tweets would be exceptionally short …
… like a “!” or a “:)” …
So I needed to pick a new name. And I crumbled under the pressure …
… and aborted attempt #1.
So yesterday I took a much-needed break from this …
… and this …
… as I desperately try to finish creating and photographing stock for my soon-to-be opened Etsy shop …
… and opened that Twitter account.
@paintschips on Twitter
And within 15-minutes I had my first follower. Which left me scratching my head until I realized I hooked up my Twitter account to my Facebook account …
And within 30-minutes – during which I was trying to figure out how to connect my Twitter account to the blog — I realized that somehow …
… magically …
… my Twitter account automatically connected itself to my blog.
And within 45-minutes I got my account suspended.
You read that right.
I tried to get all fancy. And retweet a tweet about this new/old link party.
Turns out the tweet I tried to retweet was hacked or spammed or something.
So I had to prove to the folks at Twitter that I wasn’t spam. And that took me three tries because the word verification they use isn’t just a spam blocker …
… It’s a people blocker too.
So, for now, all is good and right with the world.
And the pigs have taken flight once again as I get back to this …
… and this …
… and this …
Love the pillows. I don’t tweet. I don’t know a thing about what I would tweet into, my phone on a text maybe? Facebook? What does one tweet about? Who does one tweet too and where does said tweet arrive, to their phones via a text?
Stop! I’m cracking up! I feel sorry for people who make a living by spamming. How depressing would that be? Trying to find ways to trick people all day long. Not a very uplifting or rewarding way to spend the day.
As always love the post!
I haven’t taken the twitter plunge yet. I think I am resisting like you did. I am a huge fan of Facebook and would like to stay within my comfort zone. But, if it gets where twitter is the booming place to be, then I will get an account. Let me know how you like it. I do not know anything about twitter. 🙁
WOO HOO! Your very newest follower. 🙂
I still don’t understand Twitter. Is there a machine involved?
Haha. I’m still very new to the whole Social Networking bit even though I’ve been on both Twitter and FB for a while. Maybe we can journey together and you can talk me off the ledge if I get “suspended.” Too funny.
Welcome to the Twitterverse! I find it so much easier to interact with people over Twitter rather than Facebook – I am probably on it way too much. Just followed you! 🙂
I am an inconsistent tweeter. It took me awhile to learn the lingo and the shortcuts and now it doesn’t feel as overwhelming. On the other hand, I enjoy commenting on people’s blogs (like your wonderful one!) much more that tweeting — just feels more authentic I guess.
Congrats on taking the plunge! How’s the water, btw? I’m a-scared to take the Twitter plunge. I know I should, but I keep putting it off. You have my admiration!
Ok, let’s talk about those pillows! Oh. my. stars. Are you kidding me with these? Um, they are gorgeous!!!! Get ready for your Etsy shop to sell out! God forbid you tweet about it, you’ll have to rope a friend into some kind of I Love Lucy episode involving you, your friend, (Ethel) and a conveyor belt gone mad! 🙂
I guess I need to get serious about Twitter someday soon. Procrastinator that I am…
I love me some twitter.. although I admit it is mostly my personal tweets not my bloggy ones. I’ll be sure to follow you though!
wow! that is some first experience! glad all is well and the pigs are flying (good for them…no bacon on their agenda ; ) i wish you nothing but the absolute best flight imaginable!!! : ) hugs and your pillows rock and remember…i’m from jersey!!!!
I tweet, but it’s linked to my fb, where I am considered way funny and I’m then re-tweeted. Which sounds vaguely pornographic, but there you have it.
I’ve got to make sure that I’m following you! Love the pillows! Congrats on the etsy shop!
Welcome to Twitter! You’ll become addicted before you know it!
I got a Twitter account a few years ago when it was the “new, cool thing” and haven’t touched it since, haha. Not sure if the pigs will ever be flying in my neighborhood……..
Can’t wait till Etsy shop is opened!
I just went back to using Pinterest. Said I wouldn’t, but it was just too easy for keeping track of things. But Twitter… I’m still sticking to “Never.” I don’t know its advantages and don’t think I want to find out. 😉
Leave it to you to become suspended within minutes! Can’t take the Jersey out of the girl …
Welcome – waiting for some words of wisdom!
So funny! I opened a twitter account weeks ago but never used it. I got back on last week, but haven’t been on there much since. My name didn’t fit either and I had to leave off the E at the end like I don’t know how to spell! Love your pillows!
Congrats on your new Etsy shop, Yay….. I however don’t have a twitter account and don’t know if I will take the plunge. Loving those pillows!
Loving your blog! So Inspirational! Glad you were able to get your Twitter account set up:) I’ve yet to venture there but I am now following your wonderful blog!
Congrats on conquering Twitter. I’m looking forward to the launch of your new Etsy Shop; it looks like you’re making some beautiful things.
Nice to know you’re winning the Twitter battle. I opened an account over a year ago but find it takes way too much time to keep up with (particularly since I haven’t joined the rush to “smart phones” – I’m just a throw-back in a 21st century world!).
Have fun with it! I like the paintschips handle, you had me at paint…
I don’t really tweet.
I mean I have an account – CookingAtCafeD – and I promote.
But, I just don’t “get” twitter.
My friends “get” twitter.
I get Pinterest – LOL!
~ Dana
*Heads off to find you on Twitter*
Me and twitter are still not bffs. 🙁 I just ignore all notifications I get so I don’t have to figure it out. hahaha