Yep. Taking a much-deserved break today. No photos. Just words. Oh, and I’ll keep it brief …
… oh, and I’ll post before 8 AM so my friend “who will remain unnamed” can enjoy my wit and whimsy with her morning coffee …
… no pressure there.
So I’ve been writing and creating and and painting and photographing … and editing said photographs … like a crazy person since launching on October 29th.
In fact — as my recently retired neighbor across the street can attest to — I started all this crazy in September. (He watched me out of the second floor window … and that sounds like the start of a creepy Stephen King novel … as I attacked my front porch).
But today I take a break. I need to make some costumes for my daughter’s school (how 1950’s does that sound?), take some photos of the ‘hood to share on Christmas day, and get completely distracted and absorbed in this …
My book’s cover claims there is a major motion picture of this story. I have not seen nor heard of that. If it was already released, then shame on that director and producer for not doing this amazing and fascinating and horrifying story its due justice … though I may have missed all the hoopla because I’ve been so busy painting and gluing and creating ….
So for my friend “who will remain unnamed,” I’m publishing this words-only post before 8 AM …
…and I blame any and all typos on you … 😉
Loved reading Sarah’s Key! Watched the movie recently, not bad, book was better!
And it’s taken the “unnamed friend” until noon to finally reply! Thanks for the great morning read…can you do that everyday? I kid, I kid. But it is a much better read than the Trib! And nary a typo in sight!
Good for you Linda! Take some time off (for a day or two) and enjoy the holidays. Blogging is a blast, but man is it a lot of work. Thank goodness for our 12 day countdown “break” that let us do all the other holiday stuff that needs to get done. Merry Christmas to you – we’ll catch you next week!