Spring Dining Room in Pink and Gray – Decorating Ideas with Blush Pink.

I’ve been watching too many YouTube videos lately.
And I can’t blame it on the pandemic. This YouTube-watching-habit started long before the first case was reported.
And as I watch, I keep finding myself falling down YouTube rabbit holes.

One such hole led to a suggested video from a couple in Wisconsin.
I’m not sure what their claim to fame is/was, but they seemed like a respectable couple from a respectable Midwestern state.
The concept … and content … of the video was the idea of spending 10 minutes each day on various tasks.
No more. No less.

And the idea behind this 10-minutes-each-day concept was if you spend all day on one thing then you’ll get bored?
Or something … ?
The idea-behind aside, I immediately liked the concept (hence, I watched the entire video), but (to me) 10 minutes doesn’t feel like enough time.

Say I portioned up my day to include 10 minutes cleaning, 10 minutes working on a blog project, 10 minutes editing photos, 10 minutes writing …
etc. etc.
I can’t see me getting anything accomplished.

Seriously, I would spend 10 minutes alone just pulling out the cleaning supplies.
And don’t even get me started on the 10 minute block to work on a blog project. I’d spend half the time gathering supplies and setting up the camera angles.

But one good thing I took away is that (for me) I should set aside at least 20 minutes a day to tackle one of those big, looming and (often) hidden projects that nag at me.
Like, for instance, getting the dining room organized.
Sure, it looks fine. On the surface.

But lurking behind those drawers and cabinet doors is a 20-plus-years-in-the-making mess.
And the irony of that 20-plus-years-in-the-making mess is that it started out as a way to better organize my life! Ha!

So starting next week (do you like how I put this off until next week; like the days aren’t just running into each other) I think I’ll spend 20-minutes each day tackling those 20-plus-years-in-the-making messes around my house.

Because trust me, there are more than just those drawers and cabinets in the dining room that are bursting with good-organizing-ideas-gone-bad disasters.

And don’t even get me started on the mess in the basement …

P.S. The lanterns are from Target. You can find them at this link …
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That is beautiful! So welcoming too.
Thank you! 🙂
Lovely! thanks for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!
Always love your linky party!!! 🙂 Linda