The calendar says Spring …
Nature is certainly saying Spring …
… well, with the exception of the tree in front of our house; I’m convinced it’s been dying a slow death for the past decade …
The temperature has, well, been reading more like Summer than Spring; today’s high is forecast to be an air-conditioning worthy 86 degrees …
I even introduced a bit of Spring on the front door (at 50% off to boot) …
And yet, I can’t fully wrap my head around Spring …
… I’m still bracing myself for the winter that never really came …
That crazy snowstorm. That week of arctic cold that gives us temperatures colder than the poles …
… and double-digit below zero wind chill factors …
I’m certainly not prepared to expose my toes. Bare my arms and legs. Un-layer my waist line …
The first day of Spring should be a gentle reminder that swimsuit season is two months away. A two month buffer of sorts to get prepared for this …
… but this was going on yesterday. In Chicago. March 20th in Chicago …
That’s a real head scratcher …
I’m so behind on getting ready for swimsuit/short season! I need to get my crunches and running on! But I am really enjoying the warm weather and working out in the yard.
i am so with you and loving this now, but wondering…. is it coming…. i am still ready. just in case.
right?! 86 here yesterday so i had to go with a skirt for work but i was not at all ready to show my pale legs. i did manage to shave them first though.
My husband is from Chicago and he was just commenting about how crazy the temps have been there. Here is Seattle the weather keeps jerking us around — cold, warm, rain, warm, cold.
Yeah, it’s interesting…
It’s kinda messing with my work wardrobe.
We can be casual. But, by the time it’s 85, school is usually closed and then I’m crawling under desks and whatever doing tech stuff. I can wear t-shirts from things like the Spam Museum and Mount Rushmore and no one cares.
But, I don’t have 85 degree work clothes.
Sigh. I have to go shopping tonight.
I need more than 2 months for swimsuit readiness. Even shorts are almost taboo for me now. Capri’s, I’ll stick with those.
When I first looked at that calendar I thought you had a gambling habit.
Hi Linda, I am coming over from Thistlewood and looking forward to your It’s a Cinch party next week. I live in Va. but my son and family live outside Chicago (coming up soon for a visit). He and I were just talking on the phone this morning about how he is scared of your warm weather. He keeps waiting for some great snowstorm to hit soon. He is loving the warm temps. but is waiting for the ball to drop even with the calendar saying yesterday was the first day of Spring. They are leaving for their annual “get out of cold Chicago weather” trip to Florida tomorrow and it’s warmer there than in Florida….go figure. Nice to meet you and hope you can on over to The Vintage Nest for a visit. ~ Lynn
Linda, I love your thermometer! I’m moving into a new place called “Hello, Sailor!” and so of course I’m obsessed with all things ‘pin-up’. Super cute! (and I’m totally still hiding my paleness and extra 5lbs under lots of layers. Self tanner, take me away!!!) ~Lori
We hit 90 yesterday. I wish to say that was abnormal. but it’s not. ugh
My legs are such an ungodly shade of white that I’ve embarrassed myself repeatedly in Chicago this week. Great pics!
Same here in KY. I wonder what happened to winter. I’m not complaining but I keep waiting.
seriously…what is going on??!! is the world coming to an end, and everything topsy turvy?? it was darn right HOT today! ah, the lovely lake and the beach…i bet a few of those beach goers called in “sick” that day…
i’m not complaining, but this is just bonkers!!
I hope to one day visit Chicago! I just love the weather you all have there. 🙂
We have had NO winter here in NJ…Unheard of!!!! the beach in March…CRAZY : ) LOL!!! enjoy this weather my friend from the windy city!!! hugs…