I should’ve been born in the South …
Preferably a Southern state with an Atlantic coastline …
Where the weather is warm and balmy …
Where I could sport a Southern accent that would make my snark sound sweet …
Where I would certainly overuse “bless her heart” …
But that would be okay. Because it would leave me more time to lounge on my porches …
Swinging and rocking out front with a glass of ice team (okay, more realistically, a can of diet Coke) as I ‘Mrs. Kravitz’ my neighbors …
Retiring out back to my screen porch in the evenings with a glass of ice team (okay, more realistically, a glass of Pinot Grigio) and a good book …
But I don’t live in the South. I grew up porch-less in New Jersey. Though we did have a big concrete slab patio …
And when I moved to the Midwest I came to realize that porches take on a whole new meaning …
It’s been attributed to long bouts of cold and few months of warmth. All I knew was that, at long last, I would have a porch of my very own.
When my husband and I purchased our first (and current) home in 1995, it was the porches … as in plural … that sold us.
And when Homes.com posed the question, “What does Spring into the Dream mean to you?” I knew right away it meant getting my porches ready for our few and fleeting months of Chicago warmth …
Now, let me take a moment to set expectations. My “porch love” doesn’t mean I don’t have porch envy.
No, no, no. Porch envy taunts me each and every day when I look across the street at my neighbors’ homes.
It taunts me online when you, my dear readers, pin porches on your Pinterest boards like here …
and here …
So, no, my front porch doesn’t have fans or couches or a swing …
… but that doesn’t stop me from dressing it up for the seasons …
… or painting a porch rug right on the landing …
And my back porch isn’t very large …
It needs some serious TLC after a long winter serving as a dumping ground …
So as I get my porches ready for Memorial Day, I’m going to share with you my front and screen porch inspiration …
And it’s not just any old Pinterest board. It’s a Pinterest contest board.
A contest where you and I could both could win our very own $500 Visa gift cards.
You see, if I win a $500 Visa gift card you, my dear readers, could have a chance to win too. That’s right. If I win I’ll have the opportunity to give one of you a $500 Visa card of your very own …
… just think of all the DIY on the cheap you thrifty ladies and gentlemen can do with a $500 gift card to ensure your very own home Springs into the Dream …
And now you want to know how to get involved, right? Right!
First of all, you don’t have to be a blogger to enter. You just need a Pinterest account …
Now I’m going to pose to you the question Homes.com posed to me:
Got it? Got your ‘Spring into the Dream’ theme? Good. You’ll need it. You see, to be eligible for the potential $500 gift card (remember, I must win first in order to award one to one of you), you need to:
1. Create a “Homes.com Spring into the Dream” Pinterest board; and that’s exactly how you should label your board: “Homes.com Spring Into the Dream” …
… and on this board you need to:
- Include two repins from Homes.com’s “Spring into the Dream” board here …
- Include two pins from articles on the Homes.com blog here …
- And then pin any and all pins that relate to your “Spring into the Dream” Pinterest board theme …
2. Follow Homes.com on Pinterest here … (and trust me, they are worth following. They have some great pins to repin …)
3. Leave your “Spring into the Dream” Pinterest board link in the comments section of this post.
4. Cross your fingers and hope and pray that I win. Because if I win, then you could have a chance to win the $500 Visa gift card from Homes.com. I should know on May 29. And then I’ll pick a winner via Random.org …
Now, if those instructions have you cross-eyed and scratching your head, then click here for super simple Kindergartener-level-for-the-busy-blogger step-by-step instructions. As in “Step One: Create a new Pinterest board; Step Two: Name that board “Homes.com Spring Into the Dream” simple …
And if you’re wondering if Homes.com is legit … trust me, they’re legit.
As one of the nation’s top online real estate destinations, Homes.com has close to 4 million homes for sale and rent. Each month over 10 million consumers visit Homes.com to search for real estate by location or property type. Visitors to Homes.com can also find the value of their current home, learn more about home financing, find a real estate agent and seek answers to real estate questions through the Questions and Answers community.
P.S. My Homes.com Pinterest contest-inspired front and back porch makeovers will be revealed on May 25 …
… and then linked up on May 29 at our multi-blog “The Great Outdoors” link party. Click on the file folder for more details …

Good luck – can’t wait to see your summer porch!
I love my tiny little deck (but I totally understand your porch envy ‘cuz I most definitely have deck envy) But Spring is the time I get to dress up my little deck and put out planters and flowers and such. I’d love for you to win so I could win!
In case you need to follow up (‘cuz you said I was a “no reply”) here’s an email address you could use:
momopics.etsy [at] gmail.com
I, too, have porch envy and I am in the south. Not all of us have the porches of our dreams. I do, however, have a garden house studio, so it’s a trade-off. I am going to your board and do whatever it is I have to do. (And “southern snark?” Doesn’t exist. You’re either snark or your not in any language. What I love are these women in my ‘hood who drip with honey when they talk junk about everyone. Bless their hearts.) Luckily, there are a lot of Yanks down here. It gives me comrades-in-snark.
Ok, I hope I’m doing it right! Here is the link to my pinterest board. Hope you win!!!
I gotta get on this Pinterest thing!
I think I did everything right…lol. Here is my pinterest link..
I’m with the ladies, added a board, pinned a pin and hope you win…and I did it right. http://pinterest.com/kbunde/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/
Woohoo. I just started my flower garden today. Hope to add to it and get some chairs for the front porch.
Here’s a link to my board…let’s do this thing!
All right–I’m in!
Ah…yes…I was born in the South, in a state that borders the Atlantic, I have a southern accent, and yes…we say “bless your {or her} heart…sometimes as an excuse to gossip…yes I admit it!! 🙂 What a fabulous contest! Here is our link…
Thanks for hosting Linda!! Bonnie @ uncommon
Fun! Here’s my link:
Meredith @ Wait Til Your Father Gets Home
Thanks for the invitation to share!
And may I invite you to join the Midwest Bloggers FB page??? There’s quite a few Chicago peeps like yourself! Request and invite through this link and join! https://www.facebook.com/groups/366045866763251/
Great giveaway!
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
Hope we win:) Jamie
Oh Linda! my porch envy is even grater! I have none! 🙁 That’s not fun! I’ve been waiting patiently for 10 years to build a deck but I don’t see it coming soon!
I’m going to pinterest to create the board!
I hope you win! 🙂
Good luck … wish I could join you but so much going on here in Minnesota. Hugs,
Great giveaway! My goal for Spring and early summer is getting cleaned and organized. This may be a little push that will help me with that!
I hope you win 🙂
Pinning away.
I love porches too and Pinterest 🙂
Here’s my link,
Thanks so much for doing this! I love the porch you pinned.
Thank you for the opportunity to enter the contest. I hope my board inspires.
I love porches! I’m trying to get mine in shape, but it’s taking everything I have! 🙂
Ok, Here’s the link to my board. I hope I’ve got this right!
PINNING!!! Pin to Win!! Woo-hoo!!
Playing catch up……… can’t even sit long enough to read and absorb the challenge and I know I’m missing out on something fun. I’ll just have to be patient and wait to see your porch.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Good luck, now i want to paint that mat on my back porch, which needs to be repainted 🙂
my board!! http://pinterest.com/sugarbeecrafts/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/
Thank you! http://pinterest.com/brewerlr2/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/
Here is my link;
Lawd, I hope I’ve done this right. My brain is fried.
Thanks for the opportunity! Enjoyed reading your blog!
Good luck!
ccboobooy at gmail dot com
Hi linda, Thanks for the opportunity! http://pinterest.com/nominimalist/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/
Here’s my link Gal, Thanks for Hosting!
Thank you for hosting this amazing opportunity! Her’s my link, http://pinterest.com/betsywh/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/. I’m on my way to pin additional items. What a great giveaway!
Oh cool I can post it here too: http://pinterest.com/aishaholley/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/
Glad you re-posted today, I was busy and just skimming my blog updates the other day! I am all set up now, thanks. http://pinterest.com/stokeswright/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/
Okay I did it! Here’s my board: http://pinterest.com/kellym2/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/
Thanks lady!
I hope I did everything right. This contest is getting me excited to do some projects around my home. Here’s my link- http://pinterest.com/ellenkepas/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/. I so, so, so hope I win!
Okay, your plea for more entries got me going. It was fun once I got started looking at all the cool stuff. Here’s my board: http://pinterest.com/hhwiseman/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/ Thanks for the contest!
Here’s my link: http://pinterest.com/katieyoung/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/ Thank you for hosting this contest!
Momma C’s entry (posted on 500 dollar head scratch-er post) …
Thanks Linda for the opportunity to win $500 smackeroos!!
I followed your directions and it’s much easier than I thought. THANK YOU! I could certainly use the generous prize! http://pinterest.com/Serendipitydsn/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/
I am really, really wanting to repaint my kitchen cabinets, but I am honestly a big fat chicken =) Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
I have no idea what I have done for the contest, but you told me too, so I did. I don’t know what a hashtag is either, but if making a board helps you than I did it!
Here’s my board…
I’m still pretty new to this.
OOps I meant http://pinterest.com/lividrose/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/
good luck! here’s my board: http://pinterest.com/k4a36/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/
I really hope we win…I mean YOU win.
Yeah, That’s the ticket 😉
good luck!
Oooh, i’d so love to win this with you! Here’s my link http://pinterest.com/thepryfamily/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/
wishing you luck… http://pinterest.com/liz_9932/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/
Meredith’s & The New Yorkie’s entry:
I can hardly wait to see you finished porch as I know it is going to be so lovely! Outdoor work has halted here as I am desperately trying to finish all the little projects around the house before the folks get here for our son’s graduation this weekend!!!
Good luck!!
Here’s my link…. http://pinterest.com/wittersgarden/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/
Now I’m off to do a little work outside while the weather is still simply stunning!!
Oh, I sooo hope you and your porch win!!! Here’s the link to my board! Thanks!!
Good luck!
Here is my link: http://pinterest.com/teocris78/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/
From Rebecca at Time to Organize …
Here is the link! http://pinterest.com/beccaw37/spring-into-the-dream/ Good luck to everyone out there! And thanks for the intro to Homes.com. Cool site!
here’s my link, linda:) http://pinterest.com/briarthyme/homes-com-spring-into-the-dream/
good luck!
Ashley@AttemptsAtDomesticationMay 25, 2012 10:29 PM
I made a board! Good luck to both of us! 🙂
Thought this was gonna be harder than it was! haha!
Thanks for the email Linda! Here’s my pinterest board: