I feel like that headline is over-promising. Too big and bold of a statement for what I’m actually showing you in today’s post …
and, dare I say, perhaps a little click bait-ee.
Though, does St. Patrick’s Day count as a click bait-able topic?
I suppose if I called it my St. Patrick’s Day novel Coronovirus mantel fantel that would have been click bait-ee.

But now that I’m actively practicing hashtag StayHome (#StayHome) I thought I’d give the mantel a little St. Patrick’s Day spruce.

Oh who am I kidding with the #StayHome excuse. I’ve been #StayHome for decades and have been working on socially isolating myself for years …

I kid you not.
Especially once the kids moved from our neighborhood elementary school to high school. That’s when the playground interactions with the other parents abruptly stopped …
and the whole social isolation thing began.

Now, granted, I’ve always been a home body. It’s the Cancer in me.
Lazing about on the couch was a much coveted weekend activity of mine.
And ever since I started working from home after the birth of my son, I’ve fully adopted the #StayHome lifestyle.

When I told my husband that this whole #StayHome and socially isolating thing is a total no-brainer for me, he responded with a sad “awe.”
But no. It’s not sad. Truly.
Again, the Cancer in me loves to #StayHome. And a great weekend for me is when I don’t even drive the car!

And as for my so-called St. Patrick’s Day mantel fantel, I simply traced a shamrock cookie cutter shape onto gold, glittery paper and cut it out. Then I just attached to a thin wood dowel with tape.
And not at all click bait-ee
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I’m adapting to the stay-at-home order very well also. I’ve been retired 12 years, so have been practicing a long time. Although I can’t blame it on “the Cancer in me” since I’m a dyed-in-the-wool Taurus.
LOVE your post. I have been working from home for 24 years and I too have been socially isolated. So no biggie.
Have a safe and enjoyable week,
Your post made me giggle, and say ‘awwww’ in a wee bit of sadness. Okay… I’m assuming when you say Cancer, you mean the zodiac kind? I wasn’t sure about that. Your fantel looks great, as always!
Yes, the zodiac kind! And thanks for getting my sarcastic/dry humor. No awww’s needed!