Summer Wreath Idea with Geraniums.
I had this whole blog post planned. I was going to wax poetically about how, as much as I truly adore summer, I’ve stopped wishing seasons away …
How I want to enjoy the moment in the moment. How time is speeding up with each passing year. How I still can’t believe my babies aren’t babies any more. But then … then … I spot the price tag/bar code reflection in glass on the bottom of the vase in the picture above.
My Minnie Pearl moment.
It’s all I can see. And now that I see it I can’t unsee it. I know it’s crazy. Irrational. Makes no sense. But I did share about how I have photo dysmorphia syndrome.
And here I was thinking I was being all art-y and photographer-y and clever-y with my from the bottom up picture angle perspective.
Then the whole price tag/bar code reflection in the glass thing reminded me of this Buzzfeed post about getting caught with reflections in mirrors and glass. Which then reminded me of how very, very happy I am that I didn’t grow up with smart phones and social media to publicly and forever document my most embarrassing lapses-in-judgment moments. 🙂
So now in this world of camera phones and social media, my biggest shame is not removing price tags before taking pictures.
Oh how my sorority sisters and summer beach house roommates would heartily laugh at that turn of events!
But back to my summer wreath idea. If we can even call it that.
It’s some geraniums in a bucket I bought at Michaels. With a coupon. And hung on the front door.
And while it seems silly to share a tutorial, I will anyway ….
Summer Wreath Idea – Geraniums in a Vase How To
Are words even needed? I added picture frame wire to the the basket handles and then hung it from a screw in the front door. I then added three faux geranium stems. Oh, and not pictured here, I added a command strip to the back of the vase to affix it to the door. Turns out some members of our family slam the door so hard that the bucket swings and the flowers tip out.
Maybe on my next post I’ll wax poetically about how quickly the seasons and years are flying by …
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It looks great…and life it too short to worry about price tags. (Unless they’re on your collar or under your arm and then they’re scratchy.)
I totally didn’t notice the price tag until you mentioned it. 🙂
I should have just kept my mouth shut! Ha! 🙂
oh i love this idea girl! looks so pretty…and unique.