This may sound like the ravings of a crazy woman, but I’m going to send you all away. That’s right, I want you to leave here immediately and go here …

These are all amazing blogs written by amazingly talented women whose creativity is beyond inspirational. It’s downright mind-bending.
They have all been so kind and welcoming to me during my first three weeks in this world of blogging.
Each week, they generously open up their blogs and invite fellow diy warriors to show off their stuff. And the blogs linked above – blogs that I’m demanding you visit right away — have all given one or more of my projects a feature post.
… and I’m not sending you to a link that features one of my projects. Nope. I’m putting you right on their home page so that you can get to know them better …
Those feature posts have given my blog a HUGE boost. People from ALL OVER THE WORLD have been stopping by … I’ve had 170 page views from Russia alone!
As I post this, there have been over 6,900 pageviews. Wow. So thank you all for stopping by – and now I insist that you leave …
… and would you please leave a comment on these fellow blogger sites letting them know I sent you because I want to send out a giant ‘thank you’ …
What are you still doing here? Go! Go and find some diy inspiration …
You’re so sweet, Linda. 🙂 You deserve some recognition for your amazing DIY. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!!!