I’m sitting here cutting up a Dollar Tree book for a holiday project, but my heart just isn’t into it. I’m confident the project will come out well. I’m pretty certain the photos will look good; I’ve already styled it in my mind. And yet, I’m moving like molasses. Questioning. Wavering.
Perhaps it’s that Science Fair board staring me down from across the room? Those three skeins of wool waiting to be turned into 20 hand-made pom poms and then sewn into the greatest pillow in the world? The brings-tears-to-my-eyes-lump-in-my-throat feeling that bursts forth whenever I think of my straight-A son’s struggles with Sophomore Honors English. And trust me, it’s top-of-mind. Right along with the growing and evolving “to do” list of all the things I need to do to fulfill expectations I set forth for a real, live, paying freelance client …
Can you say stress?
So I turn my back on that book page project. For now.
And I pull out the glue gun and help my daughter get that Science Fair board finished once and for all.
I put a conference call agenda together for a client. Make edits on a bylined article. Follow up with a reporter from the Wall Street Journal. Check off a few boxes on my “to do” list.
I get some pom poms made and trimmed while watching last week’s Grey’s Anatomy on-demand.
And I relinquish the laptop to my son so he can work on a big paper with some guidance from – and in-depth discussions with — his English-major father. Followed by a mom-mandated hour of study.
Which leaves me with no project or tutorial to share. No pretty pictures to show.
Oh, and not a single ornament or wreath or stocking hung …
But it will get done. We haven’t missed a Christmas yet. And there have been quite a few crazy busy Christmases in the past …
In the meanwhile, I’m afraid you all will be subject to my miscellaneous rants and raves …
… and a miscellaneous photo. Like this one. My favorite piece of art created by a friend. It’s the first time our son saw his new baby sister. And it fills my heart.
Cue the tears-in-my-eyes-and-lump-in-my-throat …
Motherhood trumps everything, right? =/ Thinking of your son… I have a freshman daughter dealing with school issues of her own… Motherhood trumps everything. True story.
Linda I hear ya! I am trying to play catch up on my blog.Nice to have a break from projects.Although secretly I wish I was on my way to the next one! But no time for that now I need to get caught up……..on my blog……Christmas crafting…….baking……wrapping……and shipping!
What a sweet drawing.I can see why you would treasure it!~~~~~~ Beautiful~~~~~~
What a wonderful rendering by your friend. You will catch up just in time for Christmas….it is a gift God gives all busy Moms! xo Diana
Yep, I agree with Sally!!
And in the end, that’s all that really matters, right? That you love your kids and are there for them, and when you aren’t there…they are there for each other.
Well, you are a great writer, so who needs photos anyway, right 🙂 Hang in there! I think you chose the right priorities 🙂
Take your time and enjoy the season! Sometimes enjoying it means NOT decorating and NOT doing all the festive things you think you have to do. We’ll still be here. I love that art piece!
Yeah Linda, family always comes first! Projects, Christmas decorating, everything can wait! With your wonderful writing I’ll be happy to come and read.
What a beautiful post. Not ever post needs to be filled with pretty pictures and tutorials. Sometimes, the posts from the heart is what makes your readers feel like they are more than readers and actually friends.
Well, I can’t really add anything to what everyone else has already said, except to say ‘ditto.’ And this being my first Christmas as a blogger, I do realize the time commitment it entails. You can’t add one thing without taking away another, because there just aren’t enough hours in the day, right? In any case, sometimes it just comes down to priorities, and it sounds like you have yours in order. So take a deep breath. As long as you have your family, things can’t be all bad. Thanks for sharing with us. Oh, and I really love that sketch. Your friend is very talented. As are you!
Hang in there, Linda — you know we all have times where we have to reprioritize and the blogs just take a back seat. it’s real life we’re living after all!! Enjoy the season with your family — the projects can wait. 🙂
xo Heidi
You are so busy! And those things are important, editing, dealing with clients, etc. But as we all know and agree, the only truly important thing is your precious children! Everything else can wait. It will likely all get done. If it doesn’t, no one will even know what was missed. I have not been working on my projects, either. As for the blog, much as I love seeing everyone’s projects, what I love most is pieces like this one—a glimpse into your life, into what is happening with you and your family. A chat with friends, admitting that sometimes we just can’t do it all, and realizing that none of us can do it all, all the time. And that is ok.
I love that picture, I can see why it is so special to you. What a treasure!!
Ahhhh! The picture is so sweet. We don’t care if you have another picture of a project to show us. Personally, it just makes me feel bad when I go on blog after blog where the author makes one cute thing after another. Makes me feel like a slacker. We like you project or no project!
ahhhh super sweet pic love it and your right it will get done dont stress just do 1 thing at a time 😉
Sounds like you are doing the important things first! And I so understand the feeling of stress – you are handling it well Linda!
That sketch of your kids is to die for! Enjoy all the minutes, whether it’s a science or a Christmas project. And then have a glass of wine to celebrate the season. 🙂
I know just what you mean. (Well, except the part about talking to a Wall Street Journal reporter. :-)) And would make the exact same choices. For me, words always trump pictures, and kids always trump blog. And simple always trumps everything else in December. Hope today is calmer and brighter for you.
I love ‘ya.
“Family first.”
Spend time with your kids. Your blog will still be here after they’re grown. We’ll wait!
That drawing captures so much emotion – beautiful.
And science projects are my downfall.
I feel ya Gal, I feel ya! Now would be the time, if we lived closer, to call you up and say, “Hey, come over and have margaritas tonight!” Science projects STINK, we just went through it over here! Hang in there!!
Beautifully honest post Linda – thanks for sharing!
Oh my…what a wonderful work of art…Such a precious moment in your lives!!…You do not need a project or tutorial..I just love reading your thoughts and wonderful stories from the heart!
Oh I love that drawing. I have a picture of my son and daughter almost just like that! But I don’t have a b/w drawing – and yours makes me a little envious. Maybe I should have my daughter draw one for me! Seems like you’ve got your priorities in order. Congrats on the client!