Thanksgiving Table and Free Place Card Printables – Grateful Thanksgiving Message.

Yes. You read that headline correctly.
A full week after our Thanksgiving feast — a large feast for a small group of four — I’m sharing our Thanksgiving table. And free place card printables.

I’m hoping you’re all part of the better late than never club. 😉
We opted for a small group this year because … well … you know that whole pandemic thing.

Though my daughter did fly in for the week from Colorado. Perhaps not the wisest of things to do. But she wore N95 masks. And scrubbed her hands raw. And once home we all quarantined here together. And now that she’s back in Colorado she’s self-quarantining with her roommates in their apartment.

There was also a facetime portion to the day’s festivities with my sisters-in-laws who are spread out among Rhode Island, Arizona and Washington (state, not D.C.).

And my sister-in-law, who also lives in Chicago, stopped by for a masked-and-socially-distanced drink.
We’ve resigned ourselves to a very similar set-up for Christmas.
But we’re in the home stretch.

And we’re grateful to have each other. And will hold on to that grateful feeling until our country is healthy again.

Now I just need to figure out what to make for our Christmas dinner for four. 🙂
Here’s the link to download and print my free place card holders for Thanksgiving ….

Thanks for the beautiful greatful place cards. I love them. Have a happy holiday