… on my blog.
Stacy and Clinton stopped by the blog last week. The caught wind of my move from the Blogger platform to WordPress. And now that I’m on WordPress, my old blog wardrobe wasn’t going to cut it anymore…
At least that’s what they told me.
And let me tell you: They were harsh. Unforgiving. There may have been a few tears on my part …
“Quatrefoil is so 2011,” snarked Stacey.
“Your blog header says nothing about your paint brand,” remarked Clinton. “I mean quatrefoil is more closely associated with stenciling.”
“Or fabric,” Stacey chimed in. “It would work if your blog name was ‘it all started with stencils’ … or fabric.”
Then they pulled out the giant garbage can and started dumping my header and sidebar elements (and I think they may have thrown in a few posts as well) …
“Paint should be fun and vibrant,” encouraged Clinton as they spelled out the rules.
“Yeah … not one-note, one-color, tired-old-lady,” added Stacy.
… she was getting on my last nerve at this point …
And then they sent me on my way — all alone — to iStockphoto …
… shudder ..
Lucky for me, Kristi from Linauer Designs intervened. Because I couldn’t make heads nor tails of Stacy and Clinton’s crazy rules …
All I knew was when I spotted this …
… hanging on the rack, I was inspired. Invigorated. Seriously. This just SCREAMS paint. Right Stacy? Right Clinton?
No one can accuse it of being ‘one note’ … or (shudder) ‘tired old lady’ …
And thus, thanks to the very talented, diligent … and patient … Kristi, a new colorful blog wardrobe was fashioned. A wardrobe that is fully buttoned up …
… from head to toe.
(scroll all the way to the bottom for a fun footer surprise).
P.S. Stacy and Clinton: I’m still waiting for my $5,000 Visa card. You did trash my blog wardrobe after all.
P.P.S. I’d like to extend a very special thank you to my drop cloth designs co. customers for helping me fund this makeover … a makeover that includes a new header on Etsy too …
LOVE your new header and look.Although I liked it the way it was too.But change is always fun!
Woo Hoo!! So fun and festive!! Makes me feel like I need a margarita and a party hat. 🙂
Love love!! So bright and cheerful…exactly the way you are!! Great job Kristi!
Cute… very perky! Have fun!
Oh my gosh. The minute I opened your blog my mouth dropped open. Pretty fabulous. I have been working on a new Etsy banner myself but I can’t get it right. I’m graphic designer challenged! I paid for my new WP blog with Etsy money too. Made it very sweet. Have a great weekend. How are your kids doing? Hope school starts soon…
LOVE it! What a cute photo. Enjoy the new colourful you!!
just love the new look!!
Oh, I love the new look. You brave soul moved to wordpress. Looks great.
Oh my gosh, Linda, I love it!!
I LOVE it! Such a fun surprise to click over from my email and see your new look! So fits your brand – and I totally totally love the way you did the etsy banner too. And I will be grabbing your button and adding it to my sidebar of ‘finest blogs on the web’!!
Love it! Don’t ever doubt Stacy and Clinton!
LOVE the new clothes!
Super fun. Love the cans at the bottom!
This is such a better fit for your blog! I love lots of colors. Reminds me of those mom-going-back-to-work makeovers I used to see in magazines (back before I could lose hours reading blogs). The old blog wore casual, comfy Mom clothes. This outfit is definitely more polished and it’s telling me you mean business. In the best way. Love it.
I clicked over from my reader just so I could see the whole thing. Beautiful! And fun!
love it. if it’s bright, it’s right!
Love your new look. 🙂 Stacy & Clinton can be harsh…but really…has anyone NOT looked better in the end? Only the ones who refuse to make a change. Love the colors!
Linda, we love the new look! The header, the button, the footer – all of it! Congrats!
And great minds…We moved to WordPress last week with Kristi too! Although you’ve done a lot more than we have on design!
mk & Gwynnie
Looks great….very impressive. 🙂
Oh that Stacey and Clinton – they can be so harsh, can’t they? I just gave my blog a new look, and holy bananas, I think they circled the globe, because I’m pretty sure they dumped a lot of my ‘what not to wear on the blog’ in the trash, too! And I’m pretty sure they have made a few surprise visits since then, because some smaller bits and pieces have made their ‘hit’ list, as in totally snuffed out since the first reveal!
Linda, I LOVE your new header! It’s so bright and cheerful. I think its perfectly savvy with what you do 🙂 Congratulations!!!
It looks awesome, Linda… just brilliant!!!
I love it! Just totally head over heels falling into a paint can – love it! And now that you’ve made the big move, I’m feeling all kinds of pressure to do it too. Are you loving WP?
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this design! It is so totally AWESOME I can’t take it!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!! Talk about a fresh coat of paint — this is like a million of them!!!! I am just totally had my socks knocked off…really … i am now barefoot!!!!! CONGRATS my friend! wear it in good health!!!! Absotively ADORE THIS!!!!!!! sending tons of hugs!!!! : )
Love your new look! Very Snappy!
So fun and colorful – love it! We’re on the same wavelength – I’m doing an overhaul too – getting pics ready and of course the fabulous Kristi will be doing my makeover as well. She’s a rockstar!
Oh- Good luck with your new look and move forward here. It looks great so far- fresh and clean..or freshly painted!;>)xo diana
Well look at you all bright and colorful. Stace & Clint (my nick’s for them and they call me Blah instead of Bliss) would be happy.
Love it! I’d go after them for that VISA card; they can be so mean. 🙂
Your are hilarious!!!! My girls love this show, and I can truly picture them if they got their hands on a blog that needed a makeover! How come you didn’t submit your blog to the three way mirror test???
I love, love, love the new look. So fun and vibrant, and the footer is adorable. Now, when are you having that big coming out party? (or was this it?)
It All Started With Paint is synonymous with bright fun colors. I love your new blog design. It makes me want to have some fun!
I love the paint header! What a great image for readers to see first. Awesome!
I LOVE IT! I loved your old wardrobe, but this is fantastic! Congrats on your new look!
Kerry at HouseTalkN
Its perfect! I love the surprise at the bottom of the page too! Great little makeover.
What a great new look you are sporting! But then again you always have been a trend setter. That cute footer is going to make me want to scroll to the bottom every time I visit your blog!!
It looks fabulous Linda! I absolutely love it and it reflects your brand so well! 🙂
I had to do a doubletake! Great new look!!! I just took the WordPress plunge about a week ago, too, and although I’m still getting used to it, it’s been a good change. I hope it works out fantastically for you, as I’m sure it will! =)
Uh oh… quatrefoil is 2011?? **Hurries away to redesign blog.**
I LOVE the new header and footer. It is perfect! FYI in case you are wondering about the deluge of comments from me, I’m still catching up from being on a semi-break. Looks like I missed out on some big time changes!
Oh,Linda how I love your new header…and footer.
(And, yeah, I’m only 3 weeks behind on my blog post reading…)
~ Dana