Where have I been?

It’s a fair question. My blogging over the past few years has been spotty. At best.
It’s also a conundrum because technically I’ve been right here. In the same place I’ve been for close to three decades. But just not here here on the blog.
It’s not to say that things haven’t changed while I’ve been away. But not really away. Just away from the blog.
Did you follow that?

So where to begin.
The most logical place is where a lot of stories about this decade will begin: with an international health crisis and lockdown.
Now, there are many who went into this new “challenge” with a determination to come out on the other side with a new skill. Or language. Or body. Or attitude. Or fill-in-the-blank-positive-outcome.
I, too, was determined to make the most of this time at home by creating blog content. I mean, this “challenge” wasn’t much of a challenge for me. I’ve been a homebody since I decided to stay home with the kids. I’ve been training for this very event for more than a decade.

And at first it worked …
until it didn’t.
Things started to fall apart around the time I had to pick up my daughter from college in mid-March.
So I took a short break. Which turned into a long break. With a few spurts of content here and there.
On a personal note, last spring I found myself spending weeks at a time in Florida trying to help my parents who were dealing with a host of health issues. My brother and sister and I alternated time with them. But eventually both my parents passed within weeks of one another. My mother just shy of 89. My father a few short weeks after turning 91.

Since then, from time to time I would find myself with blogging inspiration. And would pull out the camera. And capture a craft or diy or room decor. And then …
The inspiration would disappear as quickly as it sparked.
I also recently realized I have a very bad habit of being all or nothing. With diet. With exercise. With this house. And with this blog.
And if I get in a groove and miss one day. Or one week. Then I would go for months (and years!) engaging in unhealthy eating. Or no exercise. Or neglecting the house. Or no blogging.
But I’m trying to turn that bad habit around. Starting with my health. I’m trying not to be too hard on myself if I miss a day – or week – at the gym. Or don’t get those 10,000 steps. Or eat a carb (or two or more) …
… and then devolve into weeks and months (and years!) of unhealthy habits.

And I’m going to give it a try here too. Here here. On the blog. My goal is to get at least one blog post up a week. Some weeks it might be two. And if I happen to skip a week, so be it. I won’t let it steamroll into weeks. Plural. And then months. Plural. And years. Plural …
You get the idea.
So I’ll see you all again here here next week.
Or maybe in a few days … 🙂
P.S. The long faux blue flower stems can be found at this (affiliate) link on Amazon. Just click here …
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Sharing @Between Naps on the Porch
Nice blog, carry on……..
I love your home and love your blog. Always something fun and interesting and you are so talented. You are a gym, so don’t be hard on yourself. Just do what you want to and enjoy the ride. Most of all, don’t be down on yourself. Can’t wait to see your posts.
Thank you so much Marty! You are a blogging inspiration!!! 🙂 Linda
Love seeing your posts. Glad to see you pop up in my email today. Hope all is well. Have a great new week. Hugs. Kris
Thank you so much for the love and hugs!!!! 🙂 Linda
I, too, went through a similar situation with caring for my parents while still working outside the home. My health and home are disasters. My parents have also passed. I do not regret a minute of helping them. They cared for me as a child and it was my turn to care for them. I need to make changes myself. Good luck with your new challenges! By the way, where did you get the beautiful blue flowers in your picture? – Janet
I 100% agree that I have no regrets helping my parents! I only wish I could have done more. And hopefully we can embark on a journey of changes together!!! As for the flowers, they’re faux (yes, I still do that lol) and I got them from Amazon: https://amzn.to/3qyTGGg
Thanks so much for stopping by!
🙂 Linda
Giant hugs! This has definitely been the hardest 4 years of our adult lives too. Family deaths, surgeries, illnesses, and diagnosis. Terrible weather. Difficulty feeling motivated to do most anything.
I’m glad you’re giving yourself grace. Hugs to all of us!
Now I’m off to check out those beautiful blue berry stems you shared!
And a giant hug back to you! Thanks so much for checking in and sharing all those hugs!!! 🙂 Linda
Hi Linda! So sorry to hear about the passing of your parents. I lost my mom this past March. She was in Florida too. Your home has always been an inspiration. I gave up blogging when I was taking care of my mom. Now I’m just on Instagram. Far less time consuming. Happy to “see you” again!!
I’m so, so sorry to hear about your mom. Sending hugs. Thanks for your very kind comment! Perhaps an Instagram existence is in my future too? I’m just terrible at keeping up at it, but really do love all the inspiration over there!!! So happy you “stopped by” for a visit! 🙂 Linda
Just do you! I would rather get one new post every 6 months than get posts from three years ago! I subscribe to several blogs including yours and I sometimes get irritated when a post from several years ago pops back up as “new”. Don’t get me wrong, I could never do what all of you talented folks do, I just seem to have a good memory for the words and pics🤦🏼♀️You are a talented and caring person so keep being you💕
I cannot imagine reposting something from years ago!!! Honestly I cringe at some of my old posts/photos lol!!! Thank you so much for your support and encouragement!!! 🙂 Linda
It is so good to see a post from you! I am very sorry about your parents 🙁
Thank you so much! So great to see you too!!! 🙂 Linda
Welcome back! I went through almost the same parent situation as you. I’m so sorry for your loss. I understand and know that it’s not easy at all! I look forward to seeing your posts more often.
And I am so sorry for your loss too! And thank you for the encouragement! 🙂 Linda
Consistency is key, be it one post per week or every two weeks, or whatever works for you, that’s perfectly fine. I love the pop of blue on your table. Please do tell me where you bought it as its something I have been trying to find for almost a year.
I visited you via FARMHOUSE FRIDAY 314
I linked up this week with = 34+35 This is a friendly reminder and invitation to come and join us at SeniorSalonPitStop. You will find the linkup information under BLOGGING.
Yes, I’m going for baby steps! Here’s the link to the blue faux stems: https://amzn.to/45pGnXM
And I will absolutely come and check out your link party. Thanks for the heads up!!!
🙂 Linda
Thank you so much for the link. It’s currently unavailable, but I will check back again. Hope to see you on Monday at SSPS
That’s worrying! 🙁
I wish you all the best going forward. Take it day by day, week by week and may all your dreams come true.
Thank you for sharing your links with us at #275 SSPS Linky. See you again next week.
Linda, I used to follow your blog and am happy to see your post today. I’m really sorry of your parents’ passing. That’s a huge void, very sad. I hope you feel welcome, stepping back into the blog, even if just occasionally.
Great to see you back my friend! So sorry to hear about your parents… sending my love to you and your family. Sending hugs and love to you always! Looking forward to seeing you and your creations once again! The Mason Jar masterpieces were greatly missed 🙂 Hugs!
Thank you so much my friend and hope you have an amazing weekend! 🙂 Linda
So HAPPY that you are back, looking forward to all your great posts! thanks for sharing on craft schooling sunday!
Thank you and thanks for hosting us!!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend! 🙂 Linda
Welcome back! So sorry for your loss of both parents. This phase of our life and taking care of aging parents is not easy so I too understand the need to just stop doing some things. Looking forward to seeing what you share and just take your time. Your audience will still be here.
Thank you so much Donna! Yes, even though my parents were aging I didn’t quite expect the level of hands-on care that would be needed. Broke my heart to see them struggle to remain independent! I really appreciate you visiting and leaving such a lovely comment! 🙂 Linda
I love your story, and I feel for your issues. I’d like to encourage you to pursue what you want to do, pursue your goals. If you look at my blog (on a PC, not a phone) you will see erratic posting as well. There are stages of your life where people have the time and energy, and then there are other stages. The pandemic changed the equation as well. I have set the goal of a post a month this year, and a secondary goal of posting more posts this year than in any year in the past 10 years. (That goal is surpassed at 15 posts in 2023). My college age children returning home during the pandemic resulted in a decrease in blogging as well. (See https://jeanneselep.blogspot.com/2021/04/reflections-on-year-or-more-of-pandemic.html) I hope you pursue your goals, and if you stumble you get back up and keep going. Love and Encouragement!
Life happens and as such we have to deal with it. Caring for and losing your parents can be hard for some. Prayers for you. At times too, we can get blogging burnout. No inspiration can be be found but if it’s meant for you to blog then it will come back. Best wishes to you Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 127. Pinned.
Thank you so much for your kind words! Blogging brought so much joy and purpose to my life when I first started and I’m hoping to recapture that inspiration! 🙂
Keep up the good work! God bless
Linda, my condolences over the loss of your parents. I’m sure it was a difficult time. I am happy to hear that you are going to try your hand at blogging again. The ebb and flow of inspiration affects us all. I’ve missed your posts and look forward to reading any future thoughts you may share. Many smiles ~ Suzanne.
Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement! 🙂 Linda
I get it, my friend. All to well, I get it! Praying for you, and for grace and strength for both of us! Thanks for sharing!
Sorry for the loss of your parents — you will never regret the time spent with them! Blog ideas and time spent sharing them will ebb and flow, but love of family will always be there.
No shame in taking a break.
Especially after the death of parents. I lost my dad in January, and it hits hard some days.
Do your best. Inspiration will come. Might need to just give yourself grace for awhile.
Thanks for linking up at the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 76
Linda, I am so sorry for the loss of your parents. I too lost my parents within weeks of each other 16 years ago and it is so very hard to cope with. It must have been even harder with the pandemic to cope with. It’s lovely to see you back. Please be kind to yourself as you start fresh.