Preheat oven to 350°
In a medium bowl, mix 1 cup of oats with 1 tbsp maple syrup; sprinkle with salt. Spread out in an even layer on a sheet pan covered with parchment paper. Place in oven and bake for 5 minutes.
Chop 1 cup of walnuts to desired size (I prefer smaller pieces as I use this granola as a topping on oatmeal and smoothie bowls). In same bowl used for oats, mix walnuts with 1 tsp of syrup. Sprinkle with salt. Add to pan with oats in single layer (mix in with oats). Place in oven and bake for 7 minutes.
Chop (optional) 1/3 cup roasted, salted pepitas (again, I prefer smaller pieces but you can use whole pepitas for this step). Add pepitas and 1/4 sunflower seeds to pan, mixing in with oats and walnuts. Place in oven and bake for 7 minutes.
While oats and nuts cool, chop dried cranberries (again, optional; you can use them whole). Mix into the mixture once cooled. Store in mason jars. Makes enough to fill 2 pint size (16 oz) mason jars.